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Meeting his dark, smoldering eyes, she affirmed, "Don't dare stop."

His hands relocated from over her shirt to under her shirt, and the feel of his fingers on bare skin was unlike anything she had ever felt, unlike any of the guys before him. Fingers sliding over sensitive skin, over her ribs, up to the barrier of her bra, then inside it. All the while he was kissing her crazy again, and when his hands moved away from their current local she swallowed a groan of frustration. Her hands were up his shirt, and his hands could now be felt on the skin of her back.

The binding elastic of her bra suddenly loosened and a nano second later, his hands were unencumbered returning to the front. No longer hampered by the bra, his fingers admired, familiarized, teased. Her gasps and groans were against his lips, his neck, his chest, and she barely registered his husky sounds so lost was she in the sensations.

Never had Jules experienced such a surplus of so many blissful sensations.

His jeans against her jeans was becoming unbearable, and her fingers curled unconsciously into his shoulders, as she struggled to stay them from where they wanted to be. The impulse had no sooner been stayed, when he moved one of his own hands to her jeans, and the pressure of fingers over worn denim eased the ache for seconds before it only intensified it.

"Hang on," It was a whispered advisory, just before he curved his hands under her thighs, picking her up and she laughed as they crash landed, onto the sofa. He chuckled also, but only for a second before their lips moved again in a mind twisting kiss.

In the beginning she struggled for control, not wanting him to know of her inexperience, and eventually she gave up, drowning dizzily in a vortex of pleasure.

Surrendering to every spontaneous sigh, moan or movement invoked by his actions, she also gave her own hands and mouth free uninhibited reign. Her fingers combed through his hair just to see what it felt like-again, her lips brushed his jaw just to feel, her tongue to the crook of his neck just to see if it felt as good to him, as it her...

He was stretched, his weight half on her. One of his arms supported his weight, and the other snaked up her shirt once more as they kissed, and she did the same, exploring firm muscles.

One moment went into the next with no real measure of time. Awareness came in disjointed forms. Him rolling completely and possessively onto her, distributing his weight on his forearms, as he slid slow kisses between her lips. Her shirt became bunched up. His weight straddled to his knees. His hands on her torso.

His skin felt so good beneath her hands, and she pulled at his shirt wanting it off, wanting to see. When she got no cooperation from him she suddenly noticed that his eyes, dark with passion and his admiration was focused on her anatomy under his hands.. He met her flustered gaze and with a soft reassuring smile brushed a thumb over her lips, then bent to brush his lips to the exposed skin. The kiss was sublime and the ones that followed more. Never until now had she been kissed below the neck. One of her hands left his chest to close in his hair, holding him to hers.

She lost track of time but at some point she knew she should probably be doing something besides laying helplessly, limply, under his kisses and caresses. He had unfastened her jeans and his fingers slipped inside, sliding over her silky underwear, making her even more delirious. At last she pulled herself together enough to fumble with his fly, and at this, he did finally he stop with her, long enough to help her make short work of this task.

His lips were on hers again, his hand again beneath her waist, and this time both waistbands...jarring her senses with the intensity of the new raw sensation. Nothing had ever felt so good as the emptiness, the achy emptiness , finally being filled. Some sort of sound slipped through her lips. Her knuckles brushed zipper teeth as she reached to reciprocate, and her curious fingers had brought a groan of pleasure from his lips.

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