♥ ♥RS 12 ♥ ♥

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 ♥ ♥There are several hidden scenes in this story. Although not rated R, they are hidden away for readers who like even more romance! ♥ ♥

Road Trip Matt's POV After the party

Honey...there it was again, deceptively sweet, or was it truly sweet?  Staring into the shadows ahead, he steeled himself from turning as he wavered.  He had already planned to jump her the next morning before they left, when the house was to themselves.  But that was hours away from what he was feeling now.

Tonight so many emotions had bonded them.  The contentment of watching her here in his house, cook and eat dinner with his mother.  The jealousy he had felt arriving at the party at the thought of Dale or one of his high school buddies getting with her.  And the resulting date they had shared.  The realization that she cared enough in some crazy way about him to help him settle what she considered a score, and the possessive streak she had exhibited when she learned of his ex.  The pride that everyone assumed she was his.  And, just now, the tenderness of helping her to bed.

The bed she was asking him to share.  The bed that she belonged in more than any of the few that had been in it before her.

Sharing the couch down the hall with Loco, without doubt, was not near as inviting as her offer.  Suddenly it did not matter that his maternal parent was on the other side of that wall.

Quietly closing the door, he had his jeans off before he finished the few steps to the bed where she waited happily in the shadows, with luminous eyes.

He lay against her, his senses filling with her softness.  Smooth skin, silky hair.  His hands roamed, could not get enough of that velvet traction.  Her lips tasted of moonshine instead of sunshine and he left them, instead to graze the skin of her neck then lower to the curves she had bribed him with.

She didn't seem to have much of an interest in this foreplay, already had shed her jeans and undies, and was bringing him in for the landing.  And that was fine, just fine, with him, he was so hot for her already.  Had been hard for her so many times already tonight.

After a few seconds of total mind loss, he struggled out of this blissful fog, long enough to shift, angling so that his every move would--

"Cara, shh, honey my mom..."

Her sudden whimper was confirmation that he had angled perfect, and he moved one hand down, to insure he continued to hit that sweet spot.  The other hand he pressed to her lips when she shrieked again.

Her apology came quickly on the end of the outcry, but he was beyond caring who heard.  Hearing those sounds from her suddenly seemed more important than anything ever.  Feeling her response, her body's tight grasp, squeeze, her fingers gentle grasp, squeeze, drove him on.

Dimly he registered her sounds, heard them, felt them against his hand, dimly felt and heard his own rumble in his windpipe, and dimly registered a reoccurring pain on the hand pressed to her lips.

All was secondary to the explosion that blissfully shattered through every cell of his body.  Belatedly he stared down into her face and his fingers as he let that hand fall away, and was only satisfied completely when the relaxed curve of her lips was revealed.  Only then did he let his other hand fall away, feeling that prick of pride and possessive heat wash over him, as his body cooled.

The heat in this house had always been turned low at night to save on bills, and tonight was no different.  The chill felt good for a minute or so as her hands roamed idle beneath his shirt.  The cold became uncomfortable, and regretfully he moved away tucking  her into the covers.  She seemed to be sleeping already, as he dressed and quietly relocated down the hall to the couch.

Loco settled on the part of the blanket at his feet, and Matt pulled the quilt up to his nose.  If his bed had not been twin sized, he would have been tempted to sleep with Jules, despite his mother.

After all there was no way his mom, who was a light sleeper, had slept through them returning.  The only variable was did she fall back asleep or not before...

The memory of Jules out of control made his heart pound.

  Before Jules there had been several others.  Heck he and Dale had been the star players on the hockey team, girls fell on them, for them.  He had tried the girlfriend thing through the better part of his  sophomore year.  But other than that mistake, he had made a move on a different girl every weekend, or at least as different as the small town population allowed.

However, now, looking back, he realized sheer numbers had taught him nothing when it came to sex.  He had thought it was simple back then, kiss really great, some touch and feel, then put that there, and enjoy the ride.

Until Jules.

Quickly they had become comfortable enough with each other to make requests when making out, whether it was with an action, sound or words.

He remembered every detail, of the night in his car the first time that she had voiced her pleasure with more than a nudge or moan.

He still remembered hearing that particular sound that first time, he had opened his eyes into hers, and must have paused.

"Nooo,"  She had protested and her voice had sounded different, urgent, "Doon't stop."  Then when he had resumed, she had requested, "That way...like you were before...do that...please?..."

Then when he had still floundered, unsure, after all he had not been thinking through it all, she had pulled at him in guidance.

"Like this?"  He had asked searching her face, his mind and body attuned to her like never before.


But he knew, better, knew what he had heard a few seconds ago, and it wasn't as simple as umhmm.

"Juules..."  He needed to know, wanted to, so much, and tried again.  That time he knew  when he moved just right, the right combination, she went nuts and somewhere in the syllables, he heard his name.

From that night on , he had held on to enough rationale to learn her, and she must have been doing the same in return, because they became great together.

He soon lost interest in any other girl who offered herself up.  The few since Jules had seemed as inadequate as he knew he himself had once been.

Besides, with Jules, there was something to be said about the deep friendship combined with the sex.  There were times that they had laughed and joked while making out, until they got too hot to.  They had ended serious band discussions suddenly with a lead in to sex.  And they had even stopped things before momentarily to talk band talk or whatever.  That is how easy things were between them.  And he liked that, lately had held out for Jules, for what they had.

Sometimes, and she might be mad if he told her this, he compared her to his guitar.  Playing the familiar riffs for the sounds he knew, sometimes discovering new combinations.  Making it scream.

Tonight they could have played quieter.  He knew he could have taken it down a notch or so with his actions.  But he hadn't.  Had wanted on this night to hear the screams.

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