♥ ♥RS 17 ♥ ♥

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 ♥ ♥There are several hidden scenes in this story. Although not rated R, they are hidden away for readers who like even more romance! ♥ ♥


Matt was dangerous with ice.  It was a fact she had discovered, what seemed like a lifetime ago, in his car.  That particular night, having finished her drive in drink, she had been crunching on the ice as he swung the car around in their parking spot.  Once the key was switched off, the radio temporarily silent, the crunching sound was loud.  He had stared in amusement even as she could see that he was cringing at what was one of those sounds that got on some peoples nerves.  "So you like ice?"  He had asked, and she had almost swallowed the piece in her mouth whole, the combination of his voice and look dripping with sexual overtones.  She had loved ice with every core of her being by the time they had finished the cup off.  After that, there had been a few more times that ice was involved.  Maybe on a subconscious level tonight, her body was remembering that when she knocked on his door with a bucket full.

Jules watched his face, his expression was both smoldering and mesmerized as he played with the ice, as if it were chalk and her body the canvas.  The feel of it gliding so smooth, so cold on the skin bared by her shirt, was sending her into a sensual spiral.  He made long sweeping strokes, and short specific swipes.  Sometimes he would pause to retrace with his lips. His eyes were so hot, his touch so cold, his tongue so warm. He was making small outlining circles as it melted completely in his hand, and an unintelligible sound slipped yet again from her throat, knowing what was coming next. His fingers were still cold as they pulled and played, then at last his mouth warmed.  With every second, she became less coherent, mindless, lost in these sensations.

Both areas of attention were throbbing pleasantly when he placed a long kiss between, pushing the newly turned out Cawaba logo necklace aside, to do so.  There was nothing to outline but he swirled his tongue anyway coaxing another moan from her.  He worked his way down, stopping at the elastic of the spandex.  Gently he gave her a push, and she straightened up as he sat up enough to delve in the bucket for another piece of ice.  His heated gaze caressed her face and he shot her a sexy smile of intent as he fell back against the chair.

Jules swallowed a gulp.  It was his I'm gonna make you scream look and she loved it because it never lied.  But even as her eyes locked with his, unable to tear away, a different expression combined in their dark depths. She had to take a step back to make room when he stood.

His mouth moved over hers, gently, a chaste kiss.  "Missed this.  The way you were looking just now.  Missed it."  A firm kiss followed, one that made him flinch having obviously forgotten about his lip, and as she was about to answer, he put the ice into her mouth.  It was such a goofy thing to do that she resisted the urge to spit it at him.  Already he was serious again, kissing her neck, and roaming his hands around under the gaping shirt.  His hands traversed to her back and down to the spandex that was a second skin, and he squeezed appreciatively.  "So pretty.  So sexy."

Dropping back to his seat, he continued to hold her and put his lips to her stomach.  A brush of his tongue stoked the fire that he had allowed to bank.  Her fingers tangled in his hair as he moved down, his breath hot even through the stretchy material.  The next touch of his tongue was more than a mere brush.  She gasped, then groaned as he continued, the one that was his alone.


"Nothing?"  He whispered the discovery.  It was true, she had every pair of her underwear drying on the shower rod in her room.  Obviously that was the extent of her doing laundry tonight.

Teasing and torturing through the thin cloth he had her incapable of an answer.  Her grip in his hair was tight, his grip on her legs tight.  The only sound in the room was her, and she was not even trying to hold back.  When she thought she would go utterly insane from the pleasure, he lifted his head long enough to grab a piece of ice.

"Mmmhmatt..."  It wasn't the first time this use of his name had been dual.  A crazed reaction to the moment so many times, and sometimes like now it was also a feeble resistance to the moment because he already had her so crazed..

When he touched it to her, she clutched his shoulders in a grip of support, and a grip to some sort of sanity.  So cold, making her so hot.  The thin fabric probably being the thin thread that stood between her losing complete control...

"Kay, these are sexy but they got to go..."  Matt peeled the last vestige of her control away...

Bared to him, it didn't take long.  The swish, zigzag, circles, swipes of his tongue or ice, both were equally culpable for making the earlier promise in his eyes come true. One leg was on either side of the chair, and he eased her into his lap.

He was ready, really ready, she discovered exquisitely.  At some point he had shed his jeans, enough for her, not like she would have noticed when.  Instinctively her hips moved with a mind of their own and he stayed them quickly.  The logic didn't elude her, he wanted a little more time, but she was so close, again, her body was betraying her.

Summoning all her will power, she stilled, leaned her forehead against his, and stared into his dark eyes.  Eyes that knew her so well.  Eyes that loved her, this she knew.

Carefully she moved enough to drag the ice bucket close enough to take a piece.  Holding it between her teeth, she pulled his shirt off and shrugged out of the shirt she still wore.  She dragged it down his neck before taking it from her mouth and playing with it in the ways she knew he liked.  Sitting this way, she was limited but it was also new this way and his reaction was just as potent.

One of her leg warmers was in arms reach, and he hooked it around the back of her neck, holding her to him for a long kiss.  Her hands ran appreciatively over taunt muscles as they kissed, and his hands were on her again.  When it was over, she fell limply against him, her heart beating against his, her breathing just as ragged.  Slowly her senses that had been so overloaded with sensations, began to take in more.  The soft glow of the light throughout the room, the crazy print of the curtains behind him.  It was the curtains that triggered the memory.  Staring at them, with no focus, everything she was feeling had collided in a euphoric extreme never felt before.

For several minutes they stayed this way with the barest of movement.  Matt brushed the hair from her eyes, and she reciprocated.  That was about the extent of it.  Then quietly he said he was going to shower, and she eased from him.  He brushed her cheek, kissed her on the side of the head as he moved away.  Stopping at the bed, he began to clear it of the notebook and papers, setting them on the table.

Pulling back the covers he looked up sweeping her with dark admiring eyes, sweetly from head to toe.  Until then she had forgotten that she was just standing, watching his every move, in her birthday suit.

"I'm kind of picky about my pillow," He joked, as he unstacked them.  "This one is mine, or wait is it this one?"  Tossing the identical pillows, one to each side of the bed, he made the invitation clear.  His eyes searched hers, then after he had moved to the bathroom, he stopped turning to look her way again.  "Or if you want, the shower, for free..."

A vulnerability was detectable in his eyes before he quickly turned away, as if he sensed she had seen it.  The bathroom door remained cracked, and she heard the cascading water.  Did he really thing she was going to bail on him?

No, not immediately anyway.  She wanted to be held by him a little longer.  But what about later tonight?  Before her thoughts could get confused, she crossed to the bathroom, slipping in the door and stepping into the shower.

It made her feel good when his eyes lit up.  He trailed his fingers down her arm in greeting, then tilted his head back to the shower spray rinsing the shampoo from his hair.  Afterwards he moved aside for her sharing the warmth of the water.

They messed around some, but nothing too intense.  They traded washcloth massages.  A touch here and there.  A few varying kisses.

Later in the bed, after more of the same, casual caresses that eventually ignited, they had tender, sweet, slow sex.

She woke at some point in need of the bathroom, and she sat long after she had relieved herself, staring blankly into the dark room.  To stay or go.  In the end, she padded back to the bed and eased back between the sheets.  When her eyes closed, she slept surprisingly deep.


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