♥ ♥HM 07 ♥ ♥

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 ♥ ♥There are several hidden scenes in this story. Although not rated R, they are hidden away for readers who like even more romance! ♥ ♥

Mavericks Beach

Matt lay the board on the grass, and for what felt like the hundredth time, held his flare of temper in check as Marc ground a knuckle into Jules scalp.  The sibling arguments were frequent and mostly amusing to watch, but protectively his ire was raised anytime Marc landed a frog on her arm, or a noogie like today.

Abruptly he threw out his hand in a high five, to take Marc's attention, and hand, from Jules.

"Dude ambers in the car!"

And when Marc's reply was predictably positive, they climbed the hill to the car. As the grass smashed under his feet, Matt threw a last confused glance at Jules, wondering why the heck he had been on the receiving end of her fiery glare, and not her noogie giving brother.

Marc surfed again then they had a meal in a local diner, and Matt couldn't help but notice that Jules and Candi did not seem to be speaking to each other. However, that realization was quickly forgotten when the waitress cleared the dishes, and Marc casually mentioned the motel they would spend the night in.

Jules stared blankly at the chrome that rimmed the table top, refusing to meet his eyes.

Matt turned instead to Marc, "I can't stay over, got a practice in a few hours."

"Dude, that was a long freaking drive, I'm surfing tomorrow too."

"Can't stay," Matt insisted.  "Hey I can do the drive back, let you chill and keep the smokes rolled."

"Dude I would but I want to get some more waves in.  You understand right?  I mean how much time would you really have at Dan's by the time we got back?  We can meet here tomorrow if you guys want to sleep late.  I buy us all lunch, and we are home by dark."  Marc reasoned, then finished up with, "I wouldn't argue if you drove a few hours this time though."

Matt's response to Marc's jibe, and referral to his sleeping the entire way, was a semi apologetic lift of his brows.  It hit him then how hungry he had been upon waking, wolfing the down the bag of chips down Candi had passed over the seat to him.  Then after two surfs, they were sitting here, eating at seven.  The clock held his eyes as he calculated time.

Wherever this was, was more than a few hours from home.

Again he appealed to Jules, who continued to evade his eyes.  "Jules, we are going to Dan's tonight..."

"We can go tomorrow night."  Picking at her fingernails, she reasoned with him like he was two or something.

Smiling as he conjured up the memory of Marc's noggie on her head, and restraining his own semi violent tendency, he indicated assent.

Only then was she brave enough to meet his gaze, and finally having tricked those eyes to his, he shot daggers back at her.  Her wary confusion changed to anger, and he scraped back his chair, casually tossing money for their meal onto the table.

She followed him to the car, presumably for the cigarette he had declared,  as well as the discussion he had silently requested.

"How far are we up the coast?"  Waiting until his smoke was fired up, he glared into her face, trying to ignore the sexy way her ponytail was flipping about in the wind.

"Six hours, give or take...look I-"

"Six hours?!  SIX?"  Matt cut her off with no mercy.  SIX HOURS?!  A day trip was not what he had consented to when he had loaded up and foolishly napped in route to this insanity.

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