♥ ♥ RS 07 ♥ ♥

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♥ ♥  There are several hidden scenes in this story. Although not rated R, they are spicy & hidden away for readers who like even more romance! ♥ ♥


"You want to get out of here?"  The eyes that stared from the posters on thousands of girl's walls, stared hopefully into her face.  When she hesitated, seeking out Matt, she found him with a young model, and catching her eyes on him, he sent a wickedly gleeful smile. Jules replied with one of her own.  "A friend has a house just down the road, they have a thing going too, but quieter."

With a last look at Matt, Jules stood up simultaneously making a decision on several levels.  She and Matt were friends only, albeit really, really good friends.  And she wasn't leaving with a stranger, everyone knew his face, and everyone was witnessing her exit with him, so it wasn't dangerous per se.  And as fate would have it, Marc was in charge getting the equipment to the house, although he would probably just leave it in the trailer until the next day.

The model leaned in to Matt and kissed him as Jules approached, and she was swivelling away when he called to her.  Turning back, she stated she had a ride, to which he gave an unsurprised nod, and shot her another grin.

The image of Matt kissing those sexy model lips stayed with her for longer than it should have.  A chauffeur drove her and her famous pick up, true to his word, only a mile or so down the street, before turning into a gated drive.

Also, exactly like he had said, there were others there, all couples.  Mostly they were sitting on a couch and on the floor around a sofa table spread with extracurricular substances.  The teen star dropped to the floor, and when she did likewise, he drew her practically again into his lap.  A few introductions were made, a few bored and a few interested stares her way, and he asked what her pleasure was.

Jules eyed the array and deciding she was going to need something to get her through whatever came next, partook.  Somewhere across the room, a new album dropped, and the needle began its play of a band that sounded like Cream, but she hadn't heard enough of their songs to know for sure.  Since it was an older band, she was just glad the drop hadn't been Bonepart.

He began to fondle her, growing more and more inappropriate she felt for a room of other people, but as she looked around appalled, she saw more of the same and worse.  There was more than one on one going on here.  At least she had jeans on, was one of her thoughts, as she tore her eyes from a girl, only distinguished by the two guys on each side who both had their hands up her skirt.

As if sensing her discomfort, Jules date did have the decency to lead her into another room, that looked to be a formal parlor.  There was a fluffy rug spread in front of a dark fireplace and he sank to it.  Jules was fast losing her nerve, and he looked up at her, and said something about how beautiful she was.  Then he said he bet she was even more so without "all those clothes on," a clear and fervid invitation for her to undress.

Jules gulped, but around the same time, the warmth of the drug she had ingested kicked in strong.  She and Matt were just friends, and she knew she had to get beyond just Matt, for her own sake, for the time when he would move on.  And who better to do it with than a movie star?!  The problem was, it was like being a virgin in a whole different way.  From the other room, the music drifted in, and she forced her mind into it, and it only, the notes, the words to the song, as she took off her shirt.

The hard, harsh guitar chords intrigued her and she concentrated on them trying to memorize, the lyrics were not as easily understood, ‘spoonful full of diamonds...spoonful of gold..everybody's lying...spoonful of coffee...'

When she dropped down to him, she had convinced herself, it was like wearing a bikini around the pool, which she didn't do much, but had enough to trick her mind in this way.

The hard choppy guitar chords continued in the longest song she had ever heard and she suddenly knew she would never want to duplicate them, never want to hear them again.

He fingered her lacy undergarments but did not try to remove them.  His kiss was not the same as Matt's and although she had kissed plenty of other guys, there had been none since Matt, and she stopped herself right before she recoiled.  She did end up turning her head away, after a short time, which was a mistake because he took it as an invitation to move his lips to her neck, then to her bra.

Without unhooking it, he took what he sought, and she closed her eyes pretending it was Matt and immersed herself into the song that had turned into something that was just painful to the ears.  From that point on, it was the only way she got through the rest.  Fortunately he never tried to move lower with his lips, or she would have had to stop him.  As it was, she resisted when he tried to coax hers that direction on him.  She might be with someone else, but her mind and body seemed to have boundaries she would not cross with anyone except Matt.

He did not ride with her when his chauffeur took her home, instead kissing her goodnight at the car.  Once she was home, she soaked in a bath trying to get rid of the feel of him, but the mental image was not as easy.  Luckily he had been sweet and respectful.  But he probably thought she was the worst he had ever had, practically just laying there.

She and Matt never spoke of that night, although from then on, she could never see either the model or the star's face in magazines without it all rushing back to haunt her.


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