highschoolers (derogatory)

533 16 38

I woke up swaddled in a blanket like a little baby on a couch in someone's house.

I sat up, and saw the hero from the night before standing over me.

"Good morning."

"Huh? Oh. Good morning!"

He smiled at me.

"So....about school...."

"Oh well, school already started! So sadly it looks like I'll have to wait until next semester."

He dropped a uniform in front of me, and a backpack full of school supplies.

"You're just in luck, I'm the 1A teacher at UA high, and was able to secure you a spot in my class! You've only missed one day of class! Now get dressed."

"I- What?"

"We leave in 10 minutes. Be ready."

I grumbled walking up to the school.

I was greeted by a bubbly....dog? Bear? No clue what this dude is but he is the cutest thing I've seen in my life.

"Welcome! I'm the beloved Principal Nezu! Welcome to our school Ms......"


"What's your last name?"

"Ummm.....I actually don't have one! I haven't had parents for 10 years and I don't remember what my last name was back then."

Nezu smiled, "No worries! We will simply call you AJ! Enjoy your class. Mr. Aizawa is one of our finest teachers, and I'm sure you'll find your classmates wonderful!"

I smiled, "Thank you!"

Aizawa lead me to a classroom and walked inside, motioning for me to wait.

"You should be in your seats."

He sighed at the students in his class.

"Before we get started today, we have a new student to introduce to you. She'll be joining us for the rest of the school year."

He motioned for me to come in and I shook my head.

He gave me a death glare and I shook my head violently once again.

Two large hands landed on my shoulders and I heard a shout.


All Might you fucking suck.

I was pushed into the classroom and stood in front of the class and awkwardly waved.

"Uh....hey....how y'all doin?"

I scanned the classroom and just saw tons of eyes glaring and judging me.

High school fucking sucks.

"Students, this is AJ."

I waved.

"AJ, would you like to introduce yourself to the class?"


I tried to rush to a seat, but a certain angel bitch took over my body.

"Hi class! I'm Serena! I'm a part of AJ, and it's so nice to meet all of you!"

I took my body back over, and shook my head.

"I am so sorry. I hate her. She always takes over without asking when stuff like this happens."

"Her? Who is her?" A blonde haired boy asked, his golden eyes gleaming in confusion.

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