Chapter 17

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I'll admit, I was a little scared of Lucas now. Seeing what he could do, and would do, for me. He went to my house and just stole my stuff right from them, and beat up my Dad pretty good. But he hasn't hurt me in any way, shape or form, so I thought I was in pretty good shape. But just the description that Trisha said on the news… I didn't know he had it in him. But I let the whole thing slide, just because it was my stuff and he was brave enough to get it for me. But if he beat up Dad, they would've had to get in a fight, right? He was a teacher, how did he know how to fight?


I wanted to press the pause button on life, this was going by so fast. Winter approached us, but there was no snow or anything, because it was Southern California. Bit since moving in together, Lucas and I have gotten a lot closer, but didn't do anything we'd regret later. But I've figured out so much about him. The only thing he wouldn't tell me about was his night job, which was really starting to annoy me. But I didn't bring it up either as we drove to Ridgeton on the last day before Winter Break.

It meant half of my Senior year was already over.

"What exams do you have today?" Lucas asked, pulling up to student parking. We always got here early because other students and stuff started showing up around eight, and it was seven forty-five.

"Sign Language and Choir." I answered stupidly. I know he already had my schedule memorized. "But I bet they're pretty easy."

"Well yeah, the concert was the exam." He stated. I flashed back to the memory with Bethany singing the solo for Hard Candy Christmas by Dolly Parton, and her smiling face and attitude after the concert. "That was one hell of a concert."

"Yeah it was." He stated, leading me inside the building. "But all we have is one more day, and then it's Winter Break."

"Yeah." I smiled, feeling relaxed already. "But we gotta get through the classes." He stated, and I groaned. Even though they were easy classes, I still didn't want to go to them. But as the students started coming around, we waved goodbye and went in separate directions. I had to head down a really long hallway to get to my class, but it didn't matter. I was just looking forward to Choir later.


"Cindy! There you are!" Bethany exclaimed as I got to my lunch table after a two-hour long Sign Language test. "Where've you been?"

"Sign Language." I answered, and she nodded in understanding.

"That sucks, I was in math." She shuddered, shaking her head. "Worst class ever."

"Tell me about it." I muttered, biting into my sandwich. "What do you think we're doing in Choir?"

"Not much, I thought it was games or something." She told me, and I shrugged. Nobody knew, and I was scared of what they had planned for us.

"Come on, let's go before the other people show up." I told her as we headed to the Choir room, our last class before Winter Break.

"What are you two doing here? Lunch isn't over yet." Mr. Smith asked as we strolled in, acting like we owned the place.

"I thought we'd get here early since it's such a fun class." I replied, adding a hint of sarcasm. He just shrugged with the papers in his hand to go make more copies, so it was only Bethany, Lucas and I.

"So…" Bethany started as soon as Lucas approached us. "How are you guys?"

"What do you mean?" I replied quickly, and also trying to silence her.

"Like, you two moved in together. How is that?" She asked, a little louder than my liking.

"We're fine." Lucas stated, also trying to be quiet. "Now please, I don't want the whole school to know."

"They're going to figure out eventually." She replied, crossing her arms offensively. "Not everyone is as stupid as you might think."

"I know, but they can't know until I'm out of high school." I shot at her.

"Okay!" She whined, throwing her arms up in surrender. "Jeez, you guys freak out way too much."

"Yeah, wouldn't you?" I asked, my voice dying away as some students walked in. I quickly walked away from both of them, putting my backpack down by my chair. I stayed silent until Mr. Smith came back in, and the other girls did from lunch.

"Okay girls, I don't care if it's after the concert or not, we sing." Mr. Smith called, and most of the girls groaned as they migrated to their seats. "Aw ladies, it's not that bad!" He exclaimed, gesturing to Lucas who took attendance and sat down at the piano. "Play something, Trenton."

"Sure." He replied, and started playing the tune to Jingle Bells, and we all jumped in and sang with the tune. He then went to Rudolph, and we did the same. The whole period went like that, because it was either that or sight-reading, and nobody wanted to do that. So we sang our hearts out to the holiday songs we all knew and love. And whenever a love song hit, I sang especially louder so Lucas could hear me. What? I'm just happy he's mine.

So when the bell rang and all the girls cheered that it was over, they all left, just like that. The pack of girls all swarmed to the door, and were gone, leaving me and my teachers left.

"I'll see you in two weeks, Mr. Smith!" I called as Lucas followed me out into student parking, where everyone was already gone.

"Everyone seemed anxious to get out of here." Lucas muttered as I nodded.

"Yeah, it's school. Nobody likes it, not even the teachers." I replied, and it was the truth, no matter who or how many people tried to deny it.

"Fine." He said, defeated, making me smile. "At least you get to celebrate Christmas with me."

"I do?" I asked, and he nodded.

"Yeah, I need to go up to my parents for it. I don't know if you wanna crash at Mark's while I'm gone or something, but-"

"No, I wanna meet your parents." I replied, getting in the car once I heard it unlock. "I haven't met them, have I?"

"No." He answered, getting in right after me. "But just to warn, they're kinda… crazy."

"Oh, I don't care." I stated, buckling my seatbelt and throwing my stuff in the back. "I probably have to meet them at some point anyway, right?"

"Yeah, but-"

"Lucas." I stopped him, placing a finger on his lips. "There not in some crazy country like France, are they?"

"No, they live around here." He told me as I removed my finger. "But I've lived with them, and they're not very social people."

"Whatever." I muttered, looking out the window. "They can't be that bad, can they?"

"Okay, hold that thought." He told me, and I felt like I just jinxed myself. But they couldn't be that bad… could they?

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