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That morning, Tooru had the surprise of his life as he saw Iwaizumi casually leaning in front of his gate sipping his drink, "Yo,"

"Geh! Iwa-chan,"

Iwaizumi click his tongue, "What do you mean by 'geh', huh?"


This is the first time they've talked casually after their argument. They stood together silently as Tooru fidgets with the strap of his bag until Iwaizumi sighs and stuffed the empty carton in his bag, "Let's get going,"


"You're going to Kageyama's house, right? Let's get going already,"


Iwaizumi gives him an unimpressed look, "So did Kindaichi hit you?"

Tooru splutters as he walks beside Iwaizumi, "Of course not! He's not a brute like you. Don't you dare corrupt our precious kouhai!"

"You're the one most likely corrupting them!"

They glare at each other a bit before Iwaizumi broke into laughter. Tooru smiles as he joins in the laugh. He misses just talking and laughing casually with his best friend.

"I'm glad to see that you're back to normal,"

"Yeah..." Tooru shyly tugged on Iwaizumi's gakuran, halting his movement and mumbles, "Thanks, Hajime..."

Iwaizumi made an innocent face as he cups his ear and moves closer to Tooru, "What's that? I can't hear you?"

"I said thank you, you brute!"

"Ahh the sweet sound of 'me being right',"

Tooru groans in annoyance while Iwaizumi only grins cheekily as they arrived in front of Tobio's house. Iwaizumi rings the bell and smiles softly at Tooru.

"I never really worried though. I trust you, Tooru,"


The door opened before Tooru could say anymore and Tobio's happy face appears from the door. He looked at Iwaizumi in surprise but he smiles happily, "Iwaizumi-san! What are you doing here?"

Iwaizumi seems taken aback at Tobio's cheerful attitude but he smiles as he ruffles Tobio's hair affectionately, "Oikawa has been hogging you a lot lately so I thought of coming along today,"

Tooru pouts as Tobio's attention are focused on Iwaizumi, "Tobio-chan, what about me? Now that Iwa-chan is here you're just going to throw me away?"

Tobio giggles and Tooru was tempted to just squishes those adorable cheeks of his. An elderly man's voice from behind Tobio instantly put a smile on Tooru's face as he bows slightly.

"Good morning, Kazuyo-san,"

Kazuyo is smiling happily as he is wiping his hand with a rag, "Good morning, Tooru-kun. You're here for Tobio, right?" He turns to Iwaizumi, still smiling, "And this is...?"

"Ah—I'm Iwaizumi Hajime; Kage—Tobio-kun's upperclassman. Nice to meet you, sir,"

Kazuyo smiles as he hands Tobio a boxed lunch, "Nice to see Tobio have such a caring upperclassman," He gently combed Tobio's hair down after Iwaizumi's ruffling, "Have a good day, Tobio,"

Tobio nods enthusiastically, "See you later, Kazuyo-san!"

Kazuyo nods and his smile turns into a teasing grin as Tooru holds Tobio's hands. He nods at the elderly man and began walking with Tobio between Iwaizumi and him.

"Who was that just now, Kageyama?"

Tobio smiles happily, "That's my grandpa, Kazuyo-san,"

Iwaizumi nods, "Oh, I see. Where's your mother?"

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