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"What do you think about the first years, Iwa-chan?"

Tooru was spinning the volleyball in his hands without looking at Iwaizumi, "It's just the same as usual. Although that kid, Kageyama, was it? He was pretty good,"

Tooru hummed and grins at Iwaizumi, "Right? I thought so too. And he looks so cute too with those chubby cheeks and big eyes of his,"

Iwaizumi groans, "Are you developing a crush on him? Isn't he too young for you?"

Tooru splutters, "I'm just speaking the truth! And we're only two years apart!"

"Nah, I heard from Kindaichi that he was born pretty late so that's like three years apart,"

"Well, that's still isn't much large of an age gap. And I'm only saying that he's pretty interesting,"

Iwaizumi rolled his eyes, "Which is a code word for 'I have a massive crush on you!'. Remember Akita from elementary?"

Tooru groans as he put the ball in his hand back to the trolley, "Don't remind me... that was embarrassing,"

Tooru is the type to easily attracts attention and yet he himself would rarely pay attention to someone unless for specific reasons. Iwaizumi for being his childhood friend as well as the only one who could handle him, Ushijima for being his irritating annoying self and Akita Makoto; someone who would always watch and read silently as the others had fun playing in the field.

He didn't what causes his attraction towards Akita. They were the kind of people who didn't stand up but neither are they isolated from the others. And yet Tooru was attracted by the calming presence they have. It feels like Tooru could drop his façade and just be calm when he's with Akita. They would just sit side by side silently and yet it was some of the moments Tooru treasures.

"I like you, Akita,"

The words just happen to come out without him expecting it and neither is Akita expecting it as Akita blushes and storms out of the library, leaving a flabbergasted Tooru,

As well as half of his classmates who just happens to be there.

It was months of teasing and humiliation for Tooru. Akita on the other hand avoided him like a storm until the 'crush', as Iwaizumi called it slowly dissipates.

It is much easier to be crushed on rather than having a crush.

"Ahh, now I'm having flashbacks. This is all your fault, Iwa-chan,"

"It's your own fault for being a dumbass!"

"How am I being a dumbass here!?"

But ever since Tooru laid his eyes on Kageyama Tobio, his eyes would instantly find the boy in any room. During the assembly, during lunch and especially during practice. Something about the quiet, passionate Kageyama Tobio attracted him.

Kageyama Tobio though doesn't stand out much outside of the court, shines brightly when he plays volleyball. His form, his precision and his obvious love for the sport only serve to make Tooru even more attracted towards Kageyama Tobio.

But unlike with Akita, Kageyama Tobio invoke more feelings than attraction.

"Um, Oikawa-san! Will you teach me how to serve?"


Tooru looked at the boy that's been in his peripheral vision a lot in confusion, "Why me?"

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