Chapter 16: Baby

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Chapter 16: Baby

Jungkook groans when he heard a loud knock on the door, he wore the towel around his waist

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Jungkook groans when he heard a loud knock on the door, he wore the towel around his waist. He was in the bathroom, done taking a quick bath. He left the bathroom, seeing Taehyung sleeping naked on his bed, he smiled covering Taehyung's body with a duvet.

When he opened the door, he saw Eunsuk standing there.

"What do you want?" Jungkook asked as Eunsuk staring at his well-built body, the water on the forehead dripping down to his abs.

Eunsuk looked inside, he saw the maid sleeping.

"You two really did that?! What's wrong with you, huh?!" Eunsuk snarled punching Jungkook's chest.

"Lower down your tone, you might wake him up." Jungkook groans.

"I don't care! Who do you think he is?! He's just a maid who whoring to you!" Eunsuk growled.

Jungkook heard Taehyung whines, he dragged out Eunsuk out of the room, making sure Taehyung won't wake up because Taehyung was tired.

"Why you drag me out?! You did this so I won't wake him, right?! How dare you! How dare you to do this?!" Eunsuk complained, hands balling in a fist.

"Do what? I've never done anything wrong with you." Jungkook retorted controlling himself to kill him.

"You don't know?! You freaking fuck someone right in front of me! You never respect me, I am your boyfriend, you shouldn't do this!" Eunsuk grumbled

"What are you saying? Boyfriend? I never courted you. Besides, that someone you talking about is my husband, you don't care whether I fuck him everywhere. Respect? Do you want me to respect you, you can't even respect my husband. I only love him, only him." Jungkook snapped.

Eunsuk felt his heart shattered once again when he heard it.

"Y-you never care for me, I-I'm your future husband but you didn't even kiss me. E-everyone knows he is dead, y-you should forget him, you should think him as a dead person!" Eunsuk cried.

"But he isn't dead, whether he is, he is still alive in my heart, in my brain. I can't forget him as you want. He's the only person that I will truly love. I don't care if they think he is dead but for me, he's alive and you can't just complain about it." Jungkook retorted, glaring at him.

"I can be him, y-you can love me too. I-I will act like him if you want to, tell him to leave our house. I can be your doll, please, I don't want him here. He's ruining our relationship. You can use me, I can be better than him." Eunsuk cried with a hint of begging in his tone.

"You'll never be him, I can't love you like him. You can't copy him because he is unique, don't call my house 'ours' you'll never be part of my family. You'll never be Jeon. If you want me to respect you, learn to respect yourself first." Jungkook simply uttered, sighing.

Eunsuk cried, feeling hurt about what happened.

"Dada, morning!" Taehee greeted lazily walking to them, their bedroom was few meters away from where Eunsuk was.

"Act like nothing happened, wipe your tears, I don't want her to think I hurt you, I just spilled the truth." Jungkook uttered as he walked past Eunsuk.

Eunsuk wipes his tears, walking away from him.

"Morning my beautiful princess." Jungkook beamed, squatting, opening his arms.

Taehee ran to him, hugging his neck.

"Why are you talking to him? Did you two talk about him being my new mama?" Taehee pouted.

"What? Of course not, why did you ask?" Jungkook inquired confused.

"He told us that he'll be my new mama, I don't like him dada, he lied last night, mama didn't hurt us. I don't want him to be my mama. I don't need a new mama." Taehee whined clutching her hands-on Jungkook's shoulder.

"I know, don't worry, I won't let him be your new mama. Besides, your mama is here, he is with us. Dada wasn't planning to change your mama. Dada only loves mama." Jungkook assured tucking her hair behind her ear.

"That's good, dada, where is mama?" Taehee asked smiling.

"He is sleeping, he is tired." Jungkook replied.

"Tired?" Taehee inquired curiously.

"Yes, maybe because mama has a baby in his tummy." Jungkook chuckled.

"What? Really? Can I see?" Taehee beamed clapping her hand cutely.

"Dada isn't sure yet, we have to wait many days, and let's see if he has a baby." Jungkook giggled.

"Otay, tell mama I want to see the baby!" Taehee giggled too.

"Okay, don't worry dada will make sure to give you a new little sibling, I will tell him, now go and take a bath because the class will start later." Jungkook stated.

Taehee immediately ran to her room. Jungkook stood up, he went back to his room, he smiled slowly hovering on top of Taehyung peppering soft kisses on his face causing Taehyung to woke up.

"Good morning" Jungkook greeted looking at Taehyung.

"Morning, you seem happy, what happened?" Taehyung huskily replied while rubbing his eyes.

"Uhm, I told something to Taehee and she also likes it." Jungkook replied while brushing off the strands on Taehyung's forehead.

"What is it?" Taehyung inquired.

"I told her that we're having a new baby." Jungkook retorted showing his bunny teeth.

Taehyung coughed, slightly pushing Jungkook away as he sat down on the bed.

"You told what?!" Taehyung inquired shocked.

"What's wrong if I told her about that? Why not give what will make her happy." Jungkook snickered crawling on top of Taehyung.

"You giving her false hope, she might be disappointed. Besides, I don't feel strange." Taehyung sighed.

"It's not impossible tho, we can try until we succeed, right?" Jungkook grinned while staring at Taehyung, his chin on his both palms.

"You pervert! You should think before you said something." Taehyung stated, facepalming himself.

"But I already told her about that, you don't want her to be disappointed. So, let's do what she likes." Jungkook winked.

Taehyung sighed, he can't believe he heard it right, maybe he became deaf or something.

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