Ducky's intuition

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Back at their desks, McGee and Gibbs ran into Torres, Bishop and Predash also back. Torres explained what Kasie had found and the girls detailed Jimmy's initial findings. They also passed a message to Gibbs.

" - Uh, there was also your former forensic scientist who was there and ... started Rose.

- Ducky asked if you could come by his office when you have time." Bishop finished.

Gibbs gave orders again before leaving for his friend's office.

"-Ducky ... are you there?"

- Yes Jethro come in.

- You wanted to see me ?

- Yes ... let's sit down will you? "

The two men sat down across from each other and Gibbs waited for Ducky to spit the morsel.

"- I met your new agent earlier ... Rose Predash is that it?

- Yes ... and what do you think?

- Agent Predash looks to be very promising. She is young but she already has a very good capacity for reasoning and she seems more than motivated ... To be completely honest, she reminds me of another agent who had started with us and who was just as motivated ... And in truth, I find that Agent Predash looks like her, mostly physically ... They have the same hair, the same eyes and the same sparkling gaze ... You know who I mean ... don't you, Jethro? "

Gibbs smiled silently which encouraged Ducky to continue.

"- It is obvious that Jenny managed to preserve her secret brilliantly ...

- How did you know it was her daughter?

- Oh ... in reality I was only partially convinced until now when you have just removed all doubts ... but the resemblance between them is obvious ... not to mention the anagram of the name. .. And you, how did you understand it?

- It's his spitting image and ... I did some research with Jack ...

- So Jack is also in the know ... Who else?

- The director, McGee, you, me and Jimmy who must have wondered, right?

- It is true that we discussed this after Eleanor and Agent Predash left and we came to the same conclusion as now ... However, I also have another question ... I discussed with Jack last week and she told me Agent Predash was from Paris. To be hired for this job she has to be at least 20 years old and she looks very young so I wouldn't give her more than 22 or 23. Now, almost 21 years ago, Jenny was still undercover with you and Agent Decker so I was wondering if ... it was possible that we knew the father ... "

Gibbs didn't answer and just stood up intending to leave. Ducky got up too, determined to have some answers.

"Who does not say a word, agrees, Jethro ... so I take it that we both know Agent Predash's father ... So, ... who is this Jethro?" "

Gibbs had turned around as soon as Ducky started talking again. The two men stood facing each other and looked into each other's eyes.

"- I think you guessed it Ducky ...

- Are you sure?

- Jenny left some clues ...

- Jenny ... True to herself! And she ... does she know?

- Yes.

- And what do you plan to do now?

- I don't know Ducky ... she doesn't even know I know ... what do you want me to do ...

- I think you should tell her Jethro ... She's going to find out that you know that anyway ... Maybe this is your chance to have a new family.

- You are probably right but you know ... NCIS is also my family. Gibbs said with a knowing smile.

- I know Jethro... I know." Ducky replied, smiling back as Gibbs disappeared into the hallway.

I love the scenes between Gibbs and Ducky that's why I put this one in my story. Additionally, Ducky always has a tendency to figure things out very quickly or at least know when there is something wrong. That's why I decided he finds out the truth very quickly, just like McGee and Gibbs. Especially since he had known Jenny for almost as long as Gibbs.I am not sure that the proverb "Who does not say a word, agrees" exists in English but it is the translation of a French proberve "Qui ne dit mot, consent".

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