Facing the wall "A Tribute to Our Fallen"

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When Gibbs returned to his office, he listened to what his agents had discovered. Then they each worked at their desks for another hour or so. The religious silence that had settled in was only broken a few times when one of them asked the others a question, shared an info with them or answered the phone. Finally, after an hour, Gibbs sent Torres to see Kasie and asked Bishop to come down to Jimmy and take Predash away. When the three agents were gone, McGee went back to her job after seeing Gibbs disappear down a hallway. However, a few minutes later, McGee realized that there was nothing that could justify Gibbs going down that hall: he was not driving to an interrogation room or to the conference room or the office of the Director, of Ducky, of Jack, not to Kasie's lab, autopsy room or even to a machine or toilet. Curiosity gained Tim who ended up getting up and in turn entering this famous corridor. The latter was straight for a few meters before separating into two new corridors: one going to the right, the other to the left. McGee saw her boss standing still at the end of the right hallway, facing the wall where the "A Tribute to Our Fallen" painting had been installed. McGee crossed the hall and came to a stop next to Gibbs. They were silent for almost two minutes before McGee attempted to strike up a conversation.

"Are you okay boss?" "

Gibbs only sighed without saying a word. McGee then took his courage in both hands.

"You're here because of Agent Predash, aren't you? ... She reminds you of someone ..." he said, directing his gaze to the plaque intended for Jenny.

Gibbs was also looking at Jenny's plaque but was silent.

"- Is she part of her family?

- What makes you think that McGee? Gibbs finally asked

- If it was not the case or if you had a doubt you would not be here. The only reason you're standing in front of this wall is that you're sure... " McGee replied.

He paused briefly before resuming.

"- Is that her daughter?

- Life has surprises in store for us Tim ... many more than one can imagine ... but rule 39 is still there ...

- Agent Predash was born in Paris 20 years ago ... in 2000 ... shortly after your undercover mission with the Director ended ... McGee began. And to be honest with you, it's clear that she looks a lot like Director Shepard but ... there are things about her that make me think of a different person when I look at her ...

- You're a good investigator McGee ..." Gibbs replied, laughing.

Then he walked back to his office leaving McGee in front of the photos of the deceased agents on duty. However, after a few steps Gibbs turned around and hit McGee on the back of the head. The latter jumped "Ouch!" Under the laughter of Gibbs who this time is gone for good. McGee followed him a few moments later.

This chapter is not necessarily very interesting and again, I'm not sure McGee would have discussed this with Gibbs when Rose had only been there the day before or even understood all of the connections parentages of Rose from the second day. But I still find the scenes between Gibbs and McGee to be really good yet there aren't many. Also, I love the few scenes happening in front of "A Tribute to Our Fallen" so I combined all of that to make this scene.

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