In Hiding

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~Erasurehead POV~

Shinsou carried the limp body of Izuku into the room, trembling as he set him down on the sofa. I hurried over taking in the multiple deep wounds on the frail body in front of me. 'We need Recovery Girl' I thought reaching for my phone before I remembered that we couldn't have her come because these kids were "villains". I groaned out loud and Shinsou looked at me worriedly.

"Will he be ok?-" Shinsou asked hesitantly, watching Izuku carefully for any differences, seemingly hoping that he would instantly be healed

"... I don't know Shinsou..." I sighed honestly. If he was one of my students I'd call in Recovery Girl but because he's a vigilante I can't really call her in... If it's ok with you, I could take him to my house to watch him. You and Eri can come as well, it's not safe to be here because whoever did this to Izuku is still out there and knows where the tree house is."

A sudden thud sounded, as something hit the door, shaking the entire tree house. Worriedly I rushed over to the door looking out the window next to it. "Shoot, he's back" I said trying not to let my fear show in front of Shinsou. "Is there a back entrance?" I asked

"No, there isn't but there is a secret area where we can hide. When Izuku built the tree house, he added a small hiding place under the roots with a staircase that leads down the trunk. Follow me!" Shinsou whispered, quickly leading the way to a hidden trap door.

Picking up the limp form of Izuku, I followed Shinsou, only stopping to motion to Eri that she needed to follow us. After making sure the problem children were safely in the hiding place, I crawled in, closing the trap door not a minute too late, because we heard the door splinter inward not even a minute afterward.

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⏰ Última actualización: Dec 01, 2021 ⏰

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