ʚShortɞ ˗ˏ ➺ ˎ˗‍‍‍‍ Christmas!ˊˎ-

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⠀⠀⠀ Everyones gathered in a party room. Chatting, gift openings, and hot chocolate consumption. Everyone has smiles. Everyone is giving and getting, trades of presents and hugs and even some tears. A big feast is met with the tables. Fruits, veggies, pastas, pizzas, casseroles, waffles, and many assortments of food that Bonnie and Chica have helped made with Freddy. Along with the small help of JJ.
⠀⠀⠀ The smell of peppermint fills the room as everyone is dressed up in cute coats, ugly sweaters, and onesies. The inside is warm, but some are gathered against the frosted windows. Watching the snow fall.
⠀⠀⠀ The balloon kids beg to play outside, chica and a few of the toys wanting to go out too.
⠀⠀⠀ The groups make their way to the outside, the balloon kids making angels while Chi and Blu throw snow balls at each other. Chica rambles at how she missed the snow to Bonnie, taking them both back to their young past.
⠀⠀⠀ Freddy watches everyone, making sure no one fuckin' dies.
⠀⠀⠀ Pan to Cherry attempting to make a snow man, mangle attempting to help them, but honestly unsure how other than collecting snow.

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