Sexy - Chapter 24

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TD is pacing when I walk up. He doesn't recognize me until I say, "I'm ready. Let's go."

"Fuck, Siri! You clean up good! But god-dammit, you're late. Get in. We have to go." He opens the driver's side and gets in.

I walk to the passenger side to open my own door. Knowing Aurei is sitting in the Raptor watching me, I bend over at the waist keeping my legs straight, and flash him a shadow glimpse of what lies between and beneath.

He whistles an old-fashioned catcall, making me laugh.

As I slide in the Porsche, I turn my face to look at Mr. Sexy. He is sitting with his tanned, muscular arm resting on the open window. I give him a twinkling finger wave as I close the door.

The car smells of smoke.

TD starts the car. "Who is he?"

I ignore his question. "I thought we were in a hurry. Let's go."

"We are." As he backs out, he looks at my tits and grins but doesn't say anything.

When we pull past Aurei, he toots the horn a quick tap, then falls in behind us. He rides TD's ass down the drive, flooding the Porsche with the headlights of his badass truck. I look out the window to keep TD from seeing my smirk.

TD keeps checking the rearview mirror, feeling the Alpha Male intimidation. "What the hell does he want?"

I grin, but I don't say anything. It's pretty fucking obvious.

When TD slows down at the end of the drive, he signals to make a right turn. Aurei turns his right blinker on too, and my grin gets bigger.

Checking the traffic, TD stops, and Aurei closes the gap between the vehicles. The interior goes dark as the truck headlights shine over the top of the car.

TD's voice is annoyed. "What the hell is his problem?"

When the traffic clears, he peals out. But Aurei stays on his tail. Giving up, TD backs off the gas, and Aurei cruises past, hitting the horn three quick toots.

TD says, "Fucker, I don't need a ticket for speeding, or I would totally smoke your ass."

I smirk, and take my iPhone out of my purse, open my Facebook app and search 'Aurelius.' Mr. Sexy's profile picture teases me. I hit 'Add Friend,' then I send him a private message.

Here's my digits. 334-###-####.

"Call Me Maybe." ;D

I hit send and hum the tune as I see my smiling reflection in the window.

That smile is SIRIously crazy wild!

TD starts to talk. "I'm a little uptight about tonight. I've been trying since I moved to bum-fuck Alabama to get an invitation to this party. Do you mind if I smoke?"

"Yes, I do. Can you wait?"

"Sure. You look sexy as hell, by the way. I love the dress." He reaches over to touch my cleavage.

I slap his hand away. "No touching. Remember?" I state firmly.

"I thought you were just playing hard to get." He attempts to be charming and sexy.

"I am serious, TD. No touching means no touching. I thought I made it clear. This is not a date. I am only attending this party because you were in a jam and I am a nice person."

"Or what?" He smirks.

I lean up and over so he can see my face clearly in the lights from the dashboard. "Listen, Bubba, I can either make you the toast of the party tonight or I can ruin whatever chance you have of getting in ... ever. Chew on that!" He cuts his eyes at me. "I don't give a shit what these people think of me, but you do. You need me. No touching means no touching."

Mr. Sexy, Book 1, The Hardcore SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now