Sexy - Chapter 23

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The security lights are bright, illuminating the area as if it were a cloudy day. We stroll to the parking lot together, chatting. He walks close enough to me that his sleeve brushes my arm. I bump him, wanting to touch him any way I can.

"So, Aurelius, you have resigned from the Army?"

"Yes, I gave them six good years, but I'm not a lifer."

"Do you think you will miss it?"

He gives me a super sexy smile. "Not now. Now ... La vita è bella." He translates immediately for me. "Life is beautiful."

I receive the implied compliment with a sweet smile. "I know how you feel!" I casually bump him again. "Life feels pretty fucking fantastic, right now."

He chuckles. "Yes, it does."

"Do you think you will miss flying?"

"No, I have my private pilot's license."

"Oh, that's dope! Maybe you can take me for a flight sometime?"

At the curb, I step off, but he pauses, waiting until I look back at him. "I think that soaring with you is definitely going to happen."

I squeeze my pussy and bite my bottom lip. DEF! That is definitely going to happen.

His blatant grin, as he comes alongside me, pulls a matching one from my face, as the innuendo teases the air.

When we step past the car in the visitor's spot, Aurei looks down the row and sees something that makes him stiffen. I lay my hand on his arm as I peek behind his back to see what caused his reaction.

TD is parked seven cars away, casually smoking a cigarette, sitting on the trunk of his Porsche. He is wearing a blue sport coat, medium grey trousers with a light pink shirt, burgundy tie, and dark brown loafers. His long, white-blonde hair sports a French braided ponytail.

He glances at us, thumps the cigarette into the parking lot, and mouths, "Sup" with a head nod. But he dismisses us as he pulls another cigarette out of his pocket.

I roll my eyes. "French braided hair? Really?"

Aurei asks, "Who is that?"

I nod, clarifying. "My colleague."


"Connors Chemical Corporation. His date canceled yesterday. I'm doing this as a favor."

"You're going with him to the cocktail party?" Aurei ask frowning.

"Yeah, I agreed to go with him so he wouldn't have to back out. He was so pitiful. He was ranting about having to miss being inducted into the local big money boys exclusive circle because he couldn't go alone, and he doesn't know anyone."

Aurei's frown deepens.

"Listen, I know what it's like to be alone. I'm just going so he can get in. It's not a date, I made that crystal clear to him."

He nods. "I believe it's not a date to you."

He looks over my head to watch TD, and I can see his wheels spinning. I don't want to lose the ground I've gained with Aurei because of this.

"Hey," I reach up and touch his face. He looks down. "I can handle myself. I got this."

He stares at me, and it feels like he wants to say something. He looks back toward TD, and says, "Just be careful tonight, Siri. Don't trust him."

Then he walks to the back of the truck, leans over the side, and sets the cooler down.

My eyes fall to the view of his perfect fucking muscle displayed before me, and thoughts of it in action make me wish I wouldn't have agreed to go with TD. The need for Aurei to know he is more to me than anyone else has ever been, overwhelms me. I lift my eyes from his ass as he turns back to face me.

Mr. Sexy, Book 1, The Hardcore SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now