Sexy - Chapter 9

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His dark eyes bore into mine for several seconds and turns my flirty confidence into something much more primitive that matches his. I feel the door inside my soul unlock. Then he smiles that sexy half smile again and challenges me. "Would you like more?"

We stare at each other with the innuendo heavy between us. I drop my eyes to stare at my milk, not really seeing it. I can feel him watching me, looking for my reaction.

Should I or shouldn't I? Should I play another round, or should I let you off the hook for now. I twist the glass.

Unbeknownst to him, I'm in my element. Not only am I a stripper, but my new business venture is called Fucking Fantasies. I glance at him and he smirks, thinking I'm hesitating. I really want to fuck you, Mr. Moore, so I'll play another round of this game. I'm going to push your buttons. Let's see how much you can take.

Swinging my hair so it is all on one side, I look up at him from under my lashes. His expression changes as I reach for the cookie. Hungry eyes wanting me, watch me.

As I hover it over my milk again, my eyes assure him, you are never again going to dunk a cookie without seeing this replayed.

I wait while his eyes travel to the cookie, then I dunk it in the milk with such force that it sloshes. Pulling the cookie back to the edge, I pause, then I dunk it hard again, sloshing the milk again, then withdraw it to the edge. His breathing changes. Once more, I slam the cookie into the milk and the white liquid sloshes over the rim and slips down the glass.

I lean up, push my tits down onto the counter so they pop out of the neckline of my tank top, and pick the glass up, then lick the milk off it. Letting my tongue tease it before I lick it clean. His breathing gets shallow.

When I pucker my lips and suck the milk from the cookie, his breathing stops completely.

You weren't expecting that, Mr. Sexy.

My tongue darts around my parted lips as I lick the milk off them, then I arch my back, thrusting my tits toward him, until my neck is fully extended and exposed again. Sticking my tongue out, and opening wide, I insert the whole cookie into my abyss. Then I close my mouth around my thumb, and suck it to the rhythm of what we both want, letting it slide in and out. When I swallow the cookie, I swallow the whole fucking thing at once, and drag my hand down my throat to my chest.

I hear a very low, primal groan from him, and I know that image is burned forever in his mind.

Laying my head sidewise as I lick my lips, I smirk. "Like that?"

His hooded eyes and his hungry expression were nothing compared to the dark look on his face now!

My body freezes. I have pushed him too far. He looks battle ready. For all my experiences in Vegas, I have never seen this expression before. I've met alpha males, but I've never met a hunter. His intensity is truly as frightening as it is exciting. I can see and feel the ferocity of his passion. He groans a low moanful sound as he reins his desire in.

Sweet Zeus! That expression. I should be afraid. But I'm not. The electricity sparking between us sends my hand to reach for him and his eyes dart to it, then they look directly into mine. The piercing power touches something deep inside me, and I feel my monster stir.

My tits swell with the pounding of my heart, wanting to escape my bra. My skin flushes. My pussy soaks my pants. My clit jumps and begins to tingle. His look turns me on in a way I never thought possible. He is a fucking beast who would feast on me!

He closes his eyes to gain control, and I pull my hand back.

Then he growls, "Damn straight. Just. Like. That." He hangs his head and leans on the counter for support. I can see his tense bulging muscles under his taut flight suit. I watch his big chest grow large as he breathes in and out, controlling himself.

I stare at him, wondering. How can this intensity between us happen so fast?

Slowly, his expression subsides, and his muscles relax.

He shakes his hanging head and chuckles softly. The sound is gentle, but not vanquished. When he lifts his face to mine again, he is grinning. "Damn, woman." The corners of his eyes crinkle a tiny bit.

My heart starts to sing. He's just too damn cute!

Grinning back at him, mischievously, I reach for another cookie. His eyes flare slightly, and I see a trace of concern flash across his face.

I smile sweetly up at him. Don't worry. I'm not going to push your buttons again. Not yet, anyway.

I hold the cookie out to him. "Yum. Have one. I hear they are delicious. They are to die for!"

He laughs as he takes the cookie. He stares at it for a moment, then dunks it. "Are you from around here?" He opens his mouth and unceremoniously stuffs his gorgeous face as he waits for my answer, relaxed and comfortable again.

"Yes and no. I'm complicated."

"No doubt." He rolls his eyes, making me laugh.

"And you? Are you from around here?"

"Yes and no too. I'm complicated as well." He flirts, mimicking me.

"No doubt." I roll my eyes, right back at him with a teasing tone.

We each take another cookie, grinning at each other. "So, what are you doing this weekend?" He stuffs his mouth.

"Nothing." I nibble mine. "Why?" My eyes dance.

He watches my mouth on my cookie and I know what he's thinking. 

Mr. Sexy, Book 1, The Hardcore SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now