Sexy - Chapter 15

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At 3:45, I straighten my desk, waiting for 4 o'clock sharp. The plan tonight to see Mr. Sexy is simple. I will listen at my door for him to leave, then I will go down in the elevator with him to my car.

Suddenly, TD comes out of his office in a full-blown panic.

I put my hand to my heart. "TD, what's wrong? Is it Mandy?"

He doesn't hear me. He rants as he paces back and forth. "Goddammit, Rachael. You Bitch! You can't cancel now! There isn't enough time to find someone else! Goddammit!" He puts his fingers in his mouth and chews his manicured nails, then starts pacing again. "I finally get an invitation to the cocktail party tomorrow night, and you dump me the day before? Fuckin' cunt, some friend you are! That's just like you though, leaving me high and dry!" He runs his fingers through his hair. "What am I going to do?"

I listen as he blows off steam ranting about being inducted into the local big money boys exclusive circle, but he can't go alone. He has to have a date. Then he turns on his heel, walks over to my desk, puts both hands on it, and leans toward me. "What are you doing tomorrow night, Siri? Would you consider going with me?"

"No," I answer automatically.

He throws his hands up, spins around, and starts pacing again. He turns to me and begs. "PLEASE! I am desperate here! I have to have a date. I can't go alone, and I don't know anyone else in this fucking hell hole I can ask. Please!"

He gets down on his knees, crawling to me. "Pretty please! With sugar on top and all that shit girls want to hear." When he reaches me, he tries to take my hand.

I pull it away and wave him off, laughing at him. "Get up! Someone will see you and get the wrong idea."

His devious eyes light up. "If you don't say you will go, I am going to run to the back offices and tell everyone we fucked up here on your desk."

Spoiled fucker! You would resort to blackmail.

"TD, I don't give a shit what any of them think of me."

He looks into my eyes and sees the truth, then his bottom lip starts to tremble, and he looks away completely dejected.

Fuck! I hate to see a grown man cry. I hate to see anyone cry. I take a deep breath, and my gut screams NO as I give in. "Okay, I will go, but only as a colleague."

"Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you!" He rushes towards me.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. STOP right there." I throw my hands up to block him.

He stops his advance, then runs his hands under his hair, fluffing it as he regains his composure.

"I will go with one condition. Are you listening?"

He looks at me. "Yes. I'm listening."

"You understand, this is NOT a date. I am only a stand in for the girl who canceled. I am not a friend. I am a colleague, doing another colleague a favor. That is all! This is NOT a date. AND...."

"NOT a date. No problem. Got it! And?"

"I have one rule."

"Ok. I can handle one rule. What is it?"

"Rule #1: No touching!"

He blinks, then laughs. "I thought you were going to say I can't drink and drive."

"You won't be doing that either, but no touching is a hard rule. Deal?"

"Deal." He sticks his hand out for me to shake.

I raise my eyebrows. "Really, TD? No touching means NO touching. None, nix, nada, null, zero on the touching."

He smiles down at me with a crooked smile that looks like Charlie's playboy smile. My eyes want to roll, but I maintain focus. "But I'm Touch Down, Baby. Women can't resist my charms. I always score!"

I smile sweetly up at him and give it to him firmly. "Thomas David, don't be a shit. I can back out."

He puts his hands up covering his chest and backs away playing the charming misunderstood douche. "No foul!"

"TD, don't underestimate me. No touching means no touching, and I will enforce it."

He laughs. "Got it." He spins away on his heel, taking off to his desk.

I shake my head. This is not a good idea. I glance at the clock on the wall. It's 4 o'clock. I am out of here.

Mr. Sexy, Book 1, The Hardcore SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now