Sexy - Chapter 12

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Skillfully maneuvering my car into the parking spot next to Mr. Sexy's Raptor, I drop the suggestion in the box outside the office door and hurry to my apartment. Getting a water from the refrigerator, I hydrate as I change into my running clothes. I've decided to wear a pale yellow, low cut sports bra and short, black jogging shorts. The extreme compression accentuates my deep cleavage and keeps my soft tissue from jarring. The jogging shorts ride low and show off my toned abs too.

Walking to the elevator, my eyes fixate on 9G, hoping Moore will walk out now, but he doesn't, and I have a quiet ride down.

Once outside, I stretch, then jog at a good clip not wanting to miss the flyboy. When I return to the sidewalk, sweat runs down my back and pools between my squished tits. My hair is no doubt sticking out in all directions. I know I don't look my best, but that's the point.

Pacing up and down outside the lobby watching for the elevator doors to open, I walk around cooling off. When I see Moore enter the lobby, I casually walk up to open the entrance door and stride in.

Immediately, our eyes lock, and my tummy lurches hard, doing the now familiar backflip. The shock of how fucking hot he is hits me again, and I hope I never get used to that sensation. Watching him walk to me makes me tingle.

He looks good! But he's not in his flight suit. He is wearing gym clothes and converse tennis shoes. The plain, white t-shirt has his name stenciled across the front. The soft fabric molds itself on his muscular pecs. The lightweight navy-blue shorts accentuate his small waist and straight legs. He radiates health and vitality, and he freely gives me a brilliant smile.

There is something special about the way he walks. I can't quite put my finger on it.

Perfect posture. He's confident, but not cocky.

There's something else about his carriage that makes him stand apart from the other guys. He glides gracefully and smoothly, but it is not like a cat. There is an air of something else.

As he draws closer, his smile relaxes, and he's even more handsome than before. A vision of him naked looking at me with that expression becomes a goal.

I whisper to myself. "He walks like a fucking God!"

"Hi." He says when he draws even, stopping to talk.

"Hi. Looks like you are heading out."

"That's affirmative." His phone goes off. "I have a friendly game of basketball with the bros on post." He hits ignore. "I've gotta run. They're waiting on me." But he doesn't move. His eyes take their time, traveling up and down my body. "Looks like you had a good run. You look hot."

That feels more like a compliment than a statement and my tingling gets stronger.

"You are in great shape." His eyes run up and down me again. "And I bet you have great stamina." A sexy half smile slides across his perfect face. "Being both a dancer and an exercise freak." His eyes crinkle, flirting,

"I run at a pretty good clip for a girl. I bet you couldn't run off and leave me." I tease him, punching his arm playfully. My hand bounces off his thick, hard muscles.

His face immediately grows serious. His eyes take and hold mine. He shakes his head, "I would never run off and leave you."

Oh, man!

"If you decide to ... run ... with me, I promise to hang around." His face looks so sincere as his eyes bore into my soul, touching my heart, caressing it.

Just then, two dudes with military haircuts dressed the same as he is, come in.

He gives me a sheepish smile as he nods his head in their direction. "My basketball bros."

I laugh. "Obviously."

He chuckles as one of them calls him. "Moore. Bro! Come on."

He ignores them, giving me his undivided attention. "Would you like to come watch?"

The other dude says, "Oh, hell no! No bitches allowed. It's the only night I can get away from mine. Excuse me, ma'am. Nothing personal."

I look at the dude and smile. "It's all good."

Then I look back at Moore. "I can't tonight." Then turn to walk away.

He reaches out, stopping me. My skin sings from his touch.

The married bro hangs his head. "Shit. She wins. We might as well go wait in the car."

The other dude calls over his shoulder as the married dude leads him out. "Just because you resigned, doesn't mean you aren't obligated anymore! The team still needs you!"

I laugh at them.

Moore strokes my arm with his thumb and goosebumps pop out. I look back at him. His eyes are asking me to come, but I tell him. "I'll take a raincheck."

"That is two, right? The first one is the bottle of wine and now this one."

I grin at him, knowing he wants to be with me as much as I want to be with him. "Yeah. Two rainchecks."

He grins back, lets my arm go, and stands there watching me walk to the elevator.

As I reach out to hit the up button, I hear him.

"Hey, Wright."

I turn back to look at him, grinning. "Yes, Moore?"

"That's an awesome ride you drive."

My eyes twinkle and I'm please he recognized I drive a Ford Shelby GT500. I tease him. "I will take you for a wild ride sometime."

"I bet you will ... Wild Thang."

That makes me laugh out loud. He is fucking funny too. "Your ride is pretty spectacular as well. Raptors are real 'man' trucks."

The elevator doors open and I back in, glance down and hit #9. When I look back up, his eyes grab and hold mine, and he tells me. "I will give you the ride of your life."

Oh, baby! The world shrinks to his piercing eyes as the doors close. In the shrinking span, I assure him. "I'm going to hold you to that."

"Ciao." He gives me a head nod.

"See ya!" I give him a twinkling finger wave, and his big beautiful smile is the last thing I see. 

Mr. Sexy, Book 1, The Hardcore SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now