Sexy - Chapter 19

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My stomach growls. Time to eat. I grab a chicken salad and a water then go back out on the balcony. I pig out as I listen to the Friday parking lot traffic. When I'm finished, I drink my water as I try to guess Moore's first name. Nothing suits him. He doesn't look like a Michael, or a Richard, or even a Lee. I shake my head. Nothing fits Mr. Sexy.

Back in the kitchen, I throw my meal away, grab another water then return to the balcony. I have to find out what his damn name is! When I step out, I hear the purring sound of his truck. I walk to the edge of the railing.

I watch the Golden God park his truck. The spot next to my car is taken. He has to find another, but he finds one closer. When he gets out, he leans over the side of the truck bed. He is wearing a big-armed, black tank top over a pair of plaid shorts and flip-flops. The view even from this distance of his golden hair, broad shoulders, perfect skin, and perfect ass causes that sweet lurching feeling as my pussy tightens involuntarily. He stands up with two bags of groceries and a case of beer.

Ah! He's been to the grocery store. He cooks? This guy just keeps getting better and better.

As he walks toward our building, he looks up to my balcony smiling. You know I watch for you. I wave then twirl around humming "Halo" again ready to find out what his name is.

Going to my closet for my shoes, I slip into my wedge sandals then check my reflection in the mirror. My nipples are standing out happy at the thought of seeing him.

Sweet Zeus! I don't have a bra on. For the sake of time, I throw a baggy t-shirt over the tank. It doesn't hide them completely, but they don't lead the way either.

My plan is simple. I will be standing at the elevator door when it opens. I will say ... something! He will say something. I will tell him my name, and he will tell me his.

There you go, perfect.

When I step out into the hall, I see Lucy walking toward me. Shit! Not now!

She throws her hand up in a wave to me. "I speak with you."

The elevator dings and I hear the doors slide open.

Shit! Shit! Shit!

Moore exits looking so fucking fine in that tank top. He completely fills out the large armholes with his immense chest and bulging back.

He pauses to look down the hall to my apartment, but when he sees me standing outside with Lucy, he turns to his place with his groceries. I watch his retreating figure over the top of Lucy's head.

She turns to see who I am gawking at, then turns back frowning.

"Now? Lucy, it's Friday afternoon. Can't we do it another day, another time?"

"No. Now."

I open my door and invite her in. Maybe he has to make another trip. Don't panic. But hurry!

"When you go, we fix dis." She walks into the living room and stands by the stripper pole.

"Yes, I already paid to have the apartment returned to its original state." I head back to my door and wait for her. "We're good, aren't we?" I open the door for her.

"No. Not good. You pay rent too.

"Rent?" I hear the elevator ding. I stick my head out the door in time to see Moore walk in. I've only got a couple of minutes to ditch Lucy. I look back to see that she has crossed the apartment and is standing next to me at the door.

"Rent at repair."

"Oh! I understand. I have to pay rent the month they are restoring it."

"Yes." She nods and looks stern at me.

"Ok, I will pay it too."

"Ok den." She smiles and follows me into the hallway.

As I start to walk to the elevator I see that she is still standing at my door. "Is there something else?"

"When you pay?"

"I will pay it with this month's rent if that's good." I am walking backwards towards the elevator.

She nods. "Yes. Good." She points to my doorknob. "We change dis too. No keys."

"Ok. Great."

"You in big hurry?"

"Yes, actually I am."

"Ok din." She walks away from my apartment. "We like parking idea too."

"Good." I slow down and wait for her to catch up.

"You get two free." She smiles at me.

"That's fantastic. Thanks."


At the elevator, I ask. "Are you going down or up?"


I push the down button.

We stand there in silence waiting for the elevator to arrive. When it dings and the door opens, Moore steps out holding four bags of groceries.

His face lights up when he sees me. "Miss Wright."

He speaks to Lucy too. "Good afternoon, Lucy. How are you today?"

"Fine, Fly Boy." She barks. There is clear animosity in her tone. She brushes him aside, knocking his bags out of the way, and enters the elevator.

He starts to say something else but closes his mouth, stunned. The look on his face is priceless. I can't help but giggle. He winks at me, then heads down to his place. I stare after him, watching as he walks to his apartment.

Lucy holds the doors open for me. "You. Come." She commands me.

But what I hear is, 'you cum.' I whisper to myself. "I intend to." I rub my twitching palms down the fronts of my thighs, bending over slightly. Pushing my tits together, I smile at the motion of his perfect physique moving with perfect posture.

His teres major and deltoid muscles are shown off by his tank top, but it is his ass that holds my eye. His gluteus is maximus! The whole package walking away makes me whisper. "The man truly walks like a fucking God!"

Lucy asks, "What you say?"

When he reaches his door, he shifts the bags to one hand, pulls out his key, and looks back at me as he unlocks it.


He grins and waits.

I grin and turn to Lucy. "Oh, I said, 'I've left my car keys, Oh my God.' You go on down without me."

"Mmmhmm." She shakes her head as the elevator doors close. "Fly Boys, day no good."

When I turn back to Moore, he has gone inside. I sigh as I start walking backward to my apartment. What if I walked down there, knocked, and said, 'How about that bottle of wine now?'

If I did that, I wouldn't be going to the cocktail party. Poor TD would cry for sure!

Be patient. You didn't get Moore's first name, but you got a killer wink.

One last obligation, then you can devote yourself totally to him. Finding out his name will pale in comparison to finding out what delights we will explore until May 1st.

Mr. Sexy, Book 1, The Hardcore SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now