Sexy - Chapter 6

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I wake to the sound of birds chirping and my coffee perking. Rolling over, I bury my head under my pillow.

Ugh! I've learned to hate Mondays! My body clock refuses to adjust to normal people's time. I've been on Vegas night owl hours for too many years. It is not natural to rise this early!

I take a deep breath, come out from under the pillow, and roll on my back to do my stretches.

Why did I take this temp job again?

Because Mama needed you here but didn't actually need you, and you got bored in this fucked up, hellhole you called home growing up.

Stop whining! This is your last week at a "normal" job. The temporary work served its purpose. You didn't die of boredom here while Mama healed.

As I stretch my legs wide, lean my body over each one, and touch my face to the bed, I'm thankful once again to be able to make a living as a dancer.

Turning my body into a front split, I arch back, grab my foot, and stretch it until I can plant a loud smack on the bottom. Transitioning to a straddle split, I touch my face again, then arch my back and look across the room. Then I repeat the process with the other leg.

Next, I crawl to the edge of the bed, put my hands on the floor, and lift my legs up until I'm in a handstand. Carefully maintaining my balance, I walk to the opposite wall, lean my legs against it, and knock out fifteen push-ups.

The coffee pot finishes perking on the last one.

Grabbing my iPhone off the nightstand, I go into the kitchen to pour myself a cup of joe. It dings a text from Mama.

Arrived safe. Excited.

Boarding the boat.

Will check in when I can.

Don't worry. Be safe.

Daddy and I love you, Pumpkin!

I love my independent parents! They have so much fun together. I smile and set my phone down. I've always expected to have a love like they have, and I've refused to compromise.

I laugh remembering the first time I explained my philosophy to Piper when she was concerned about my lack of 'love' life.

I snorted, "Love life? The irony of that statement."

She tilted her head, confused, so I was blunt.

"I'm not going to fuck for the sake of fucking."

"Bloody hell! Are you serious?" She was stunned.

"Yeppers," is all I said. There was nothing more to say.

Walking out onto the balcony, I hover over the rim of my mug, sipping the black liquid, and my thoughts drift to Mr. Sexy Moore. The chemical connection is surprising. I've never felt anything so intense before.

I lean on the rail, not really hearing the sounds of the morning.

Maybe my hiatus from all the sex in Vegas has made me more tuned in to myself. Maybe there could be more with Moore. I like that thought.

Walking back in, I stop at my stripper pole. "I need to work you this evening."

At my temp job, the six phone lines are busy and leave very little time for daydreaming and further contemplation of Mr. Moore.

The two men in the front office who work with me, Charlie and TD, are away on business. Which is a relief. I can concentrate on my job without having to fend off their flirtatious innuendos and ignore their developing sex triangle.

If they only knew what I really do. I laugh and shake my head. I'm glad they don't! But if they did, I could make that threesome awesome. There is a lot to work with. Maybe I will write them a note when I leave and slip it under Charlie's door. A goodbye gift.... Maybe not.

During lunch, I eat my peanut butter and let my thoughts caress Moore and how he made me feel. He has very refined seduction skills. His facial expressions made me feel like I was the one woman he wanted. His touch when he took my hand, light and gentle, letting me know he is a considerate lover. The strokes of his thumbs were cherishing, then thrilling. All well-developed skills.

But it is more than that. He has the IT factor, and that's something you either have or you don't. You can't fake it till you make it.

Damn, I am getting hot just thinking about him again. I pick up my apple and bite into it.

In my line of work, I study people's sexuality. Knowing the little things makes me a better erotic performer and entertainer. It's what sets me apart. It's how I became a fan favorite.

The only other man who displayed seductive skills like his was an Italian tennis star who came to Vegas before I gave up dating. After an enjoyable evening out, in which he exhibited excellent, highly skilled seduction techniques with just the right amount of flirting and flattery, he still didn't make it to second base with me. He was very hurt and upset. He, of course, expected a good fuck for his time and money, so my name was trashed. I salvaged the situation by sending Lei to console him. Unbeknownst to him, of course. She's a real pro, and he soon forgot all about me.

I pop a few blueberries in my mouth and chew them.

But the way Moore's gaze pierces my core, that isn't chemistry. That is something else. Something deeper. Something I've never experienced before. It feels like he is touching a part of my soul.

I sip my carrot juice, then throw my lunch away and wipe down the break-room table. Back at my desk, I resume my secretary duties. The afternoon workflow is slow.

Staring out the window, I see a bird flittering around on the sidewalk, then another one joins it. They flirt, then fly off to fuck.

I put my face in my hands. How did my life get so complicated? I am so lonely.

I get up and pace the floor. I need to learn more about Mr. Moore. I need a plan to see Mr. Sexy ... today.

Mr. Sexy, Book 1, The Hardcore SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now