part 2 who's side

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do you know how hard it is to make up these titles and find these chapter I mean damn 

"....."= person speaking

(.....)= persons thoughts

*.....*=persons actions

hello= what they are reacting to


"Right, the Vritra," I affirmed.

*everyone in the room glared at the screen annoyed just after hearing that name*

Caera's eyes tightened into a sharp glare but didn't say anything at my response.

I recalled some of my encounters with the Alacryans back in Dicathen. I couldn't only ask these 'basic' questions. Thinking back to the n.o.ble Alacryan that I had questioned back in the Forest of Els.h.i.+re, I asked, "How influential is...the Vale blood?"

*everyone was shocked*

Grandpa- "now it all makes sense. the hate for the Alacryans and the Vritra. How you claim to know Arthur. That fake mark. How you diddnt know anything about where you where. You are from Dicathen. You where injured during the war, but not from our people but from the Alacrayns. I am also presuming that the fake marking is so you can blend in with the Alacryans and not get caught."

Grey- "I wouldn't expect anything less from your former king of the Elf's." 

Tess- "How do you know Arthur?"

Y/N- "I will give you a hint but most of you wont be able to understand."

"You're powerful—freakishly so—and it's obvious that you haven't revealed all of your abilities," Daria answered. "But there are only one or two zones left until the next exit portal comes up. Let's work together and get back home safely. I've already agreed to team up with Lady Caera's team."

Grandpa- "Just as I thought, you are very strong, how come I a commander, did not know of you."

Alice- "you also said you where injured but I never saw you getting treated either."

Y/N-"ok here is another hint although Alice will be the only one who gets it. Alice when you figure it out please reframe from giving the others the answer."

Alice- "Why?"

Y/N- "because I want more TEA and I love suspense."

*Alice was confused but agreed anyway*

"Wait, you're just going to let him leave?" Daria stood up. "I still have a simulet that you can hold onto. Once we're all out of here, Blood Lihndert can definitely provide you with anything you want. I said this before, but we really are always looking for powerful strikers."

"And you also called him handsome," Regis added.

Daria flushed and shot a glare at him. "Yes, I did. And usually, throwing in a few compliments and exposing some skin works."

Grandpa- " You seem like a real lady killer"

Tess- ( for some reason seeing this girl flirt with him makes me really mad.)

Ellie- "I can see how you and Arthur are friends"

"Thank you for the offer, but I'll have to refuse," I said to Daria. "As for the medallion and dagger. I'll return them."

I exchanged glances with Taegen and Arian. While both seemed a bit reluctant, they gave me a nod.

I made my way toward the end of the sanctuary where a closed door awaited. Opening it showed a s.h.i.+mmering portal that I knew would take me to a different place from the rest.

"Your name," she said over the crackling flames.

Turning back, I could see Caera was standing up as well. "I don't need to know what blood you're from, but at least a name..."

Alice- "now that you mention it, what is your name, it was never mentioned in any of the other texts."

Grandpa- "Yeah, you where probably a famous warrior from the war so mentioning you name might make us remember, is this what you meant Y/N."

just warning but I cut out certain parts of the next clip but tried so it would all still make sense together.

It was a simple question that I found myself having a hard time answering.

Tess- "I am guessing because of your identity."

Kathyln- "If you had to hide your name just so you wouldn't get caught you must have been very famous."

I needed some time under the radar while I got stronger.

No. I wanted my name to be a statement that no one else but my relatives and Agrona and the asuras would know of. And my goal would be, by the time Agrona hears of this name and connects it to who I actually am, that I'd be a foe powerful enough to stand up against him.

Alice- "I am assuming you are going to tell us his alliance instead of his real name, that only me will recognize." 

Jasmine- "Are you saying that this person knew Alice?"

Grey- "yes I do?"

Alice- "I don't remember meeting you."

Grey- "you just don't recognize me."

*Alice could see the sad look the person showed in his eyes as he said that, she realized that she must have known him and he seemed to have cherished her in some way for him to be looking so sad that she diddnt recognize him.*

"My name is Grey," I answered, walking through the portal.

*everyone except Alice where confused, they looked to Alice to see if she knew only to be shocked.*

*Alice leaped out of her chair and ran to Grey, tears flowing down her cheeks. She hugged Grey while sobbing on his shoulder.*

just a notice but every time Alice says Arthur or son and when Arthur says mum the others only hear it as a blur so they don't know its Arthur.

Alice- " Arthur its really you, you are alive. I am sorry I diddnt recognize you. You have gone threw so much, I am so sorry."

Grey- "Its ok mum, I am sorry that I made you worry."

Grandpa- "so you do know him Alice."

Ellie- "How come whenever mum says his name it gets blurred out."

Y/N- "for more content."

Jasmine- "for what?"

Y/N- *cough* "Anyway don't worry, in the next chapter I will tell you about Arthur, where he is now, his connection to Grey and how you all know Grey."

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