part 2 the mysterious person

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"....."= person speaking

(.....)= persons thoughts

*.....*=persons actions

hello= what they are reacting to


I shut my eyes, afraid that they'd see me awake.

Grandpa- "I cant see what level your mana core is which could mean you are very weak but you give of a strong vibe so I presume you are very strong, which is why I am wondering why you seem so scared."

Grey- "everyone was weak at one stage and at the time I was very injured."

Alice- "How long ago was this?"

Grey- "A few months ago"

Tess- "wait, wasn't that around the time of the war, did you get hurt in the war. I knew you where an enemy, you probably killed many of our side."

"As I said you seem very strong, so how come we never heard of you."

Y/N- " All your questions will be answered soon."

shit, what do we do, Regis?

'Stay down! You're no match for any one of these three right now.'

Jasmine- "Who is Regis and how come you can hear his voice."

Grey- "He is like my familiar."

Everyone- (Him and this Regis are just like Arthur and Sylvie)

He's going to kill me!

'Wait! Don't move until I tell you!'

I peeked open an eye to see the crimson-haired man towering over me.

Ellie- "Isn't that another alacryan why would he kill you?"

Alice- "Don't forget that how brutal they are, I am honestly not surprised that they would kill their own kind."

'Not yet!' Regis hissed in my head.

"Leave her," the girl stated.

'Pfft! She thinks you're a girl!' Regis snickered.

*Everyone started laughing expect Jasmine*

Jasmine- "wait your not a girl, I thought you where"

*everyone started laughing even more*

Shut up.

"She might be a threat to us in the lower levels, Lady Caera," the large man warned. "There are those who feign weakness to make us lower our guards."

"Have some pity on her, Taegen. The fact that neither of you were able to sense her immediately means that her mana core is broken," the girl said. "She won't be a threat. Now, let's move. We'll rest in the next sanctuary room."

Taegen let out a dissatisfied grunt before turning around, following after the other two.

I let out a mental breath of relief as I began to relax when I saw it. All three of their outfits had purposely left their spines revealed, covered either by chainmail or a thin mesh that I could clearly see through. And running down all three backs, along their spines, were the same kind of runes I had seen on so many Alacryan mages.

everyone- (why does he refer to Alacryans as if he wasn't one)

Anger flared within my chest, and immediately, the man named Taegen whirled around to face me.

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