Nathalie x reader. Sickflic

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3rd person POV

You had recently move in with your lover Nathalie Sancoeur Gabriel Agrest's assistant, and you worked from home doing art and animation.


It was about 11pm so I'm listening for the door to open while I kept sketching and thumb nailing my ideas in my sketch book. I looked to the clock again 11:10 ok she'll be home any minute now, and like as I said she was home a minute later. "Hay hon." "Hi." Her voice was quiet and shaky. "Are you ok?" "Y-yeah." I went and hugged her picking her up after. "Do you want your bed?" She nodded smiling softly so I took her up putting her on the bed. "I'll be in my office doing something's ok?" "Right." I then left back to my office.

The clock had gone on 12 and that's when there was the quiet sound of feet before a knock on my office door so I got up and opened it only to be greeted by a pale washed out Nathalie with bright red cheeks. "Hon what's the matter???" Worry covered my voice. "I don't fell good." I hugged her before scoping her up in my arms. "What's the matter?" "My stomach hurts a-and I might of thrown up in the hallway." She looked down saying the last part. "Oh hon ok let's get you back to bed and I'll set you up ok and clean the hallway." I walk up the stairs and was just in the hall and saw the sick when I heard a gagging and looked to my girl only for her to throw up on me, I sighed rubbing her back. "It ok love." Once she stopped she started sobbing. "I-I'm sorry." "Hay it's ok your not well ok. I'm going to take you to the bathroom and clean you and me up since some is on you alright?" She nodded so I went into the bathroom putting onto the toilet lid taking off my hoodie and throwing it into the washing basket, before I ran the water and left it running going over to my girlfriends side. "Hay I love you don't worry about it I know your not well." I let the sink fill then put the cloth in the water before ringing it and gently rubbing the sick off of her cheek and lips with the warm cloth, she shuddered so I took her hand putting on a soft smile. I then washed the the cloth before ringing it out. "Ok let's get you in bed and I'll set you up and get in next to you alright?" She nodded so I scooped her up taking her to bed tucking her in kissing her forehead before get a basin glass of water and a cold cloth.  I returned placing the basin and water on her nightstand and the cloth over her head before getting changed and clambering in beside her, wrapping my arms around her gently keeping her close to me. She soon drifted off with her head berried in my chest and her hands up against me, I rested my head a top her's soon succumbing to sleep myself.

I was being shaken so woke up only to see my girlfriend with the basin in hand under her chin her knees to her chest tears in her eyes shivering, worry instantly came over me as I sat up seeing inside the basin where there was already some sick. "Hay hon what's the matter do you want to the bathroom or do you rather stay here with the basin." "H-here." "Right." I put my arm around her instead of rubbing her back only to fell her body temperature. "Hon can I leave for a minute to redo the cloth?" "No." She leaned into me clinging to me with one arm. "Ok I'll be right here." I started rubbing her back noticing her lean over the basin more. "Hay Nath you don't need to hold it back." She nodded slowly before gagging harshly and the bringing up her insides once again. "It's ok my love." My voice was quiet as she curled up to me and I put the basin aside. "Get some sleep ok I'll be here ." She nodded before wrapping her legs and arms around me and started to fall asleep in my arms and I soon joined her.

A/N leave requests in the comments please and they can be either miraculous or black butler and it can be an xreader like this one or an actual ship like Adrinet. Hope you like this one.

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