Chapter 23: Fight

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3rd person pov:
Chris was making his way though the waves of zombie vampires and giant wolves. He gunned them down while getting from Heisenberg's lycans. He saw his target in the distance.
A giant sphere of mold. The same mold that was at the Baker's house.
He made advances towards the mold hoping the other 3 were doing ok.

Ethan, Heisenberg, and (y/n) moved though the village to get to Mother Miranda. They searched for a bit but finally stumbled across her.

(Y/n) POV:
'Fuckin finally'
It took what felt like forever to get here but we finally did it.
We stood in what looked like an arena. There were trees surrounding us and Miranda was standing in the middle.
I could feel Heisenberg tense when we saw her.
"Well, well look who finally showed up" she spoke to us with he back to us.
"And I noticed you turned my son against me"
"I'm not you son" Heisenberg said with venom dripping of his words.
"Oh....and what makes you say that dear?"
"Do you honestly think I would call you family let alone my mother? You turned me into a monster! You took my life away! I shouldn't be here if anything I should be dead!"
I moved my hand to his arm in an attempt to calm him down. I could feel his muscles relax a bit under my touch.
Miranda just laughed before turning around.
She was beautiful to say the least. She had long blonde hair and had many jewels scattered across her. Her mask was weird though....she was weird.
"You want to be dead?" She shouts.
"Then death is what you'll get"
In a matter of seconds she's standing in front of Heisenberg. She pulls her arm back like she's about to plunge it into his chest.
Before she could do anything I pulled out my shot gun and shot her hand.
She screamed in agony before whipping her head in my direction with rage in her eyes.
"You little-UGHHH! Do you KNOW what I'm capable of!?"
"No but I'm sure you'll show me"
She walks away and shifts into Mai.
She starts to talk but I don't listen. She walks behind a tree and turns into the old lady that we've seen and still talks.
"Hold on- if you were the old lady why didn't you take the chance to kill us hmm? You lead us to everything we needed."
"It was a test. I needed to know your strengths and needed you to take care of my children so all my focus could be on Eveline "
"....what? Eveline....we killed her?"
"I KNOW! She was my daughter and you KILLED HER"
"Uhhh wasn't she mold?"
I turned to Ethan asking.
"Yeah I thought she was"
"No! She was my daughter and you killed her!"
"I'm self defence! She was crazy! And was also very old"
"Well it doesn't matter now I'm going to kill you three and I'm going to get my daughter back"
I laughed before stepping forward.
"That's funny cause I was about to say 'I'm going to kill you and get my daughter back'"
She glared at me before rushing me.
Ethan shot her before she could reach me though.
She let out a groan before lifting her arms.
Wings flew out from behind her back and a giant wolf jumped in front of her.
"Kill them"
The wolf growled before coming towards Ethan and I.
I looked around and saw some of the zombie vampires advance Heisenberg but he took them down effortlessly.
I looked to Ethan and he nodded his head with a determined look.
I read his mind and nodded mine as well.
I pulled out a grenade as he did the same.
"3" I started.
"2" he continued as the wolf moved towards us.
"1" we threw the grenades.
They went off and I heard the wolf let out a loud yelp.
I looked at it and saw it start to limp a bit. I raised my shot gun and shot twice before it dropped dead leaving a crystallised skull.
Miranda turned to see the three of us standing there unharmed.
"You three are just going to be a pain in my neck"
She started to attack us the time.
She used various different types of attacks, all unique in their own way.
We attacked her with just as much force but also got hit a few times.
"You will be dead! That I can promise!"
"Yeah nice try Miranda"
I laugh at how Heisenberg speaks to her.
'Someone's salty'
We continue attacking her while she shouts profanities at us.
I pull out my sniper being done with her shit.
She focused on Ethan as I scoped in.
"Stay away from my husband bitch" and with that I pulled the trigger.
The bullet went flying through the air before it went straight through her skull.
She stopped moving and turned to me.
She looked like she was trying to say something but couldn't. Instead she fell to her knees while black tears ran down her face.
Heisenberg pushed her over and she turned to dust.
"Well that's the end of that bitch"
"Thanks Heisenberg for the obvious statement..." I look up at him with a serious face before I start to laugh.
He chuckles with me and then Ethan joins in.
"We did it!!!" I shout.
"Yes we certainly did" Ethan comes over to me and picks me up in a hug. He spins me around before planting me on the floor and kissing me softly. When we part he turns to Heisenberg.
"Thank you for all the help Heisenberg...really" he smiles over to him. Heisenberg returns the smile before pulling out a cigar and lighting it.
"Alright love birds let's go"
"Wait" I looked over and saw Rose sitting on a pedestal.
"Oh my baby" I ran to her and picked her up. Tears started to form in my eyes as I looked down at her.
She opened her eyes and smiled up to me and made some baby noises.
I smiled back and carried her over to Ethan who took her in his arms.
"Now let's go"
I cock my shotgun as we walk out of the area.

Book 2: The Village (Ethan Winters x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now