Chapter 21: Finding Mia...again

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"Yes love?"
'God that accent...NO. MARRIED. STOP'
I clear my throat.
"So what do you plan on doing once Miranda is killed?"
"I plan on trying to get out of this shit seems like it has a hold on us but none of us have ever tried to leave before...I'm not sure how I'll live in the "real world"". He says while putting air quotes around 'real world'.
"Sayyy...what is the real world like?"
"Boring" Ethan cuts in.
I laugh a little and nod in agreement.
"He's not wrong...mmm but there are some cool things! Like cars...big, comfortable" I smile when I say food.
"I know what food is...I've eaten before"
"Ahhh but you've never eaten (Y/n)'s cooking"
Heisenberg pondered for a second.
"Maybe I'll have to try it then?"
"Maybe you will" I smiled to him.
I could tell he would be a great friend to Ethan and I and maybe a great uncle figure to Rose when she got older.
"Does that mean we could be friends outside of this hell?" Heisenberg's voice got a little lighter as he asked this. He seemed like he would genuinely be happy to have us in his life.
I look at him and notice the pain in his eyes that he so desperately tries to hide behind those glasses.
"Of course" I quietly state back to him.
I see a smile ghost his lips for a second before he continues to lead us out of the factory.
Ethan walks up to me and talks in a whisper.
"You know...besides the flirting with you, I actually think he would be a great friend."
"Yeah" I look ahead staring at Heisenberg's back.
"Yeah is agree. He's been through so much and I think him having someone who has seen what he's been through would be good for him."
"Me too"
We walked around for a little until Chris jumped down from somewhere.
He pointed his gun at Heisenberg and started to yell at him.
I instantly ran in front of Heisenberg, not that it would do much since he's a lot taller than me.
I put my hands up and stared Chris down.
"(Y/n) move out of the way! He's going to kill you!"
"No he isn't! We made a truce Chris, so Lower. Your. Gun." I growled out.
'No one is going to hurt my sweet boy again....ok that was kind of weird....'
Chris looked at me for a second before sighing lowly and lowering his gun.
"Thank you" I breathed out.
"So how'd you get him to be on your side? Hmm?" Chris asked a bit impatiently.
"Why did you kill your fiancé? Hmm?" I asked back equally as sassy.
"That wasn't my fiancé...that was Miranda shape shifted into Mia."
I pondered for a second. I mean it would make sense especially since that note we read that Heisenberg wrote said Miranda could do that.
"Well how did you know it was her and not Mia?"
"Because...(Y/n)...I can tell who my fiancé is and isn't, I know how Mia acts normally and that wasn't it."
I nod a bit.
"Ok ok...and to answer your questions, this guy has been wanting to kill Miranda forever."
"That's an exaggeration-" Ethan starts but gets cut off by Heisenberg.
"No she's right...ever since that bitch turned me into this...well...let's just say I've had fantasies of this day."
"Oh I believe you...we were on a mission trying to kill her but she copied the look of a corpse and tricked us...but when we couldn't get in touch with the transportions vehicle you two and your daughter were in, I started to have my suspicions."
"Well this is perfect then! We've got the bolder puncher, the alpha, metal controlling, lycan, and the two who kicked all the other lords asses" I smile proudly.
"Oh and a whole army" Ethan ads on.
"Oh yeah how could I forget" I slap my hand onto my forehead.
"Yeah I sort of made an army to take down Miranda because I just really wanted her dead."
"Oh...well then let's get this show on the road...shall we" Chris motions to the exit and we all leave the factor with big smiles on our faces.
'Let's kill this son of a bitch'
Before we went any further Chris brought us to a new building.
Inside there were research papers with all of the Lords and their specialties.
'Looks like Heisenberg is the favourite...obviously'
We we walked a little more in we saw a jail cell with someone inside.
The person looked up and ran to the bars.
"Chris! (Y/n)! Ethan!"
"Mia!" We all yelled back.
"How'd- how'd you find me?"
I shrugged.
"Chris led us here."
"Who-who's that?" She started to coward away from the bars.
"Don't worry he's with us" Ethan says.
From the corner of my eye I could see Heisenberg smile slightly before going back to his resting face.
"Mia let me find the keys to get you-"
The door suddenly flew off the hinges.
"Or I could just do that" Heisenberg shrugs casually.
I giggle slightly and look back at Mia. She has a look of shock but shakes it off when she runs to Chris and hugs him.
"I'm so happy you're ok" he says as he squeezes her.
"Me too"
They share their moment before Ethan and I clear our throats.
"Uhh evil witch to kill?"
I state kind of impatient.
"Oh, right" Chris puts her down and we leave the room.
"Mia you need to go to the helicopters and stay there as we take down Miranda"
She nods and runs off in that direction.
"Heisenberg I have a question..."
"Yes love?"
"Since you're the alpha lycan does that mean you can have them help us attack Miranda? Or do you think she'll be in control of them?"
He stopped walking and thought for a bit.
"That's a good question...I'm not quite sure...I guess we'll just find out" he shrugs again.
"Yeah I guess so"
Fuck I don't really want to do this.

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