Chapter 8: The Cellar

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After a while of searching up stairs and not finding many doors that opened, we came up to a door that needed an eye. Luckily, I found a ring earlier that had the eye to this door. When I open the door a swarm of flies start to attack us, however they focus on me.
"What the hell!" I try to swat the flies away but they wouldn't leave me.
Some of them dug into my hands and crawl around before coming out again.
I start to scream because it freaked me out how these bugs were able to easily get under my skin. Ethan tries to help me but it didn't work because when he would swat a few off then would start to attack him.
"I haven't cut open a woman let alone a man in a while! Let me string you up, slice your jugular, and just watch.... Taken alive? Dead? Which would you prefer?"
"I'd prefer none bitch!" At this point I ignore the flies and pull out my shotgun and shot her to distract her. She flinched for a second which gave us enough time to run around her. As we were running I slipped and fell through a hole.
"(Y/n)! Are you ok? I'm coming down!"
Before I can say anything Ethan jumps down, almost landing on top of me.
"Jesus Ethan let me move out of the way before you come jumping down" I laugh a little as I got up slowly.
"Are your hands ok?"
"No...they kind of sting"
"Come here"
Ethan this time pulls me closer to him and heals my hands. I stare at him as he's focused on making my hands feel better. He had his tongue slightly sticking out and was gently holding my hands while pouring the first aid liquid on my hands.
I smile at him loosing my focus just thinking of how much I love the man standing before me.
Once he finished he smiles in satisfaction and looks up at me too.
"Thanks" I whispered.
"Of course my love"
We continue to smile at each other before he quickly kisses me and turns to look at the environment.
We're in what looks like an old cellar.
I spotted a paper and grabbed it quickly. This place gave me the chills so anything to distract me for a second was good enough for me. I started to read it with Ethan over my shoulder again reading it as well.
"June 9th, 1958
It was my first day working at the castle today. I was most shocked to see the other staff were all women!
The Mistress and her daughters were very adamant that they wouldn't bite.
It was quite peculiar.
June 23rd, 1958
It's been two weeks since I started working at the castle and I am a little... afraid.
Another maid, Adela, made a mistake and Miss Daniela slashed her face with a knife!
And at night...l can hear wailing, as if ghosts roam the halls. I want to go home...
July 8th, 1958
I don't know what to do.
The young ladies were complaining it was too hot and stuffy during dinner, so I opened the window just a crack.
"SHUT IT! SHUT IT NOW!" they all shrieked at me in unison.
I fear I may be taken down into the cellar, never to be seen of again. I don't know what to do. I don't know what to do."
"They yelled at her to shut the window...I may have an idea if we ever encounter the daughters again" I started to smirk at the thought of destroying these "vampires".
We continued roaming the cellar. Eventually we spot a hole in the wall and crawl through it. I was in the front. As I got closer to the end of the hole I saw Dimitrescu picking out a wine.
'It's probably blood'
When I stopped to wait for her to leave Ethan bumped into me.
"Why'd you stop" he whispered.
I turned and put my finger to my lips and moved to the side so he could see what was going on.
When she left the room we crawled out.
"Damn she's so tall she has to bend a whole 90 degrees to get through a door"
Ethan of course laughed at me but walked to the other door that was in the room.
The next room we walked in made me stare once again in awe. It was a small round room but the walls were covered in statues that were fighting, but they all were directed to one wall that had nothing on it but words that looked like they were written in blood and a lamp that was not lit. In the middle there was another simple hanging lamp. The words that were written on the wall said 'trust in the light'.
I thought for a second then realised it meant to push this lamp in the middle of the room, to the lamps that didn't have a fire in them. Once I figured out the puzzle and did it the door that the statues were all facing opened.
The next area was extremely dark. I grabbed Ethan's hand in fear. Ethan stopped moving, I assume because he realised my hands were sweating from my nervousness.
He took a moment to make sure I would be ok. Honestly, he was just being my perfect husband.
"You know, a wise woman once told me it may seem hard but look how far we've made it...(n/n) I know it may seem scary but we can do this! We have fought some scary things before and had to walk around a dark basement with giant goopies remember" he winked after saying goopies and laughed a little at the end.
I loosened up a bit think that he had a point and laughed quietly with him.
"Thank you E...for always knowing how to calm me. I'm really glad that I was lucky enough to end up with someone like you"
Ethan smiled at my words.
"Me too. I don't know what I would do if I wasn't spending my life with you right now"
'Probably be with Mia blegh...I mean...'
I squeezed his hand and inhaled deeply.
"Ok...I think I'm ready"
He nodded and led the way.
This area was definitely a torcher chamber. There were rusty cells and tools used to torcher others, there was also blood everywhere. In one of the cells Ethan picked up a paper.
This time I wrapped my arms around his waist and peaked my head to the side to read it. I could feel his heart beat speed up a little but ignored it.
"- Candidates -
Irina, Mihaela, Lois, Ingrid
- Rejects -
Dandora, Gretta, Nadine, Camelia, Bianca, Melina, Astrid, Lyudmila, Rosalinda, Lina, Stephana, Gabriella"
"What does that even mean?" I pondered.
"I have no clue" Ethan put the paper back down and we walked again.
I let go of Ethan's hand getting a feeling that we would run into something soon so I pulled out my handgun.
We found another note.
"Irina - Robust appetite.
Mihaela - Robust appetite.
Lois - Robust appetite.
Ingrid - Unstable. Overly alert at times."
"Maybe Dimitrescu turned people into vampires?" I shrugged.
Ethan stayed in thought before walking again.
Suddenly three zombie like vampires showed up.
'I knew this would happen'
I started to shoot one while Ethan shot another. When mine went down the last one started to slowly make its way towards me. I shot it in the head and got a satisfying explosion.
"Ugh yes! Is it bad that I missed blowing up creeps heads?"
Ethan slowly turned to me.
"I would say yes...but then that would make me a hypocrite" he smiled at the end.
I laughed a little and walked up to the now dead zombie vampires.
"Hmm just like the lycans"
"How so?"
"Look dumdum"
He looked down and said ohh as he noticed that they also drop items.
"That's so odd"
I nodded in agreement going mhm as I grabbed what they dropped.
We walk a little more and find a necklace.
"It looks like it's missing a few pieces...but maybe when we find the pieces it will be worth more!"
"You sound really excited about this" Ethan chuckled.
"Maybe I am", I crossed my arms, "so what?"
"Nothing... it's just cute" he laughed and walked past me when flies started to swarm us again.
'For fuck sake'
"What now" I groan.
"I can't believe Cassandra caused all this mess. A healthy man's blood...and a new perfectly kept maid. mmm, I can't wait."
Ethan and I start to run as we both reload our shotguns and hand guns for if in case.
"I need blood Ethan! Warm, wet, bright red blood. Where are you going, little one? And don't worry (Y/n) I won't leave you out dear!"
She pushes Ethan over which leads to Ethan knocking into me and pushing me over. I turn my head and see Ethan shoot her making her stumble off him. I stumble getting up and feel myself get pulled up and then pulled forward as I'm forced to run again.
We run into an old room that has two windows in it. I point them out to Ethan and he nods his head knowing what to do. He puts his handgun up and steps in front of me.
"Your bullets cannot harm-"
He shot the window and it exploded making a gust of wind shoot into the room.
She screams in pain before yelling at Ethan.
"Hey! Don't yell at my husband!"
"How are you so sure he'll stay yours" she cackles as she lunges at me.
I run to the side and pull out my handgun shooting the window that I was standing by but now had the daughter in front of it.
She screams again and looks at me with flames in her eyes.
'WHAT! Ethan breaks the first one but now I get the look! jeez woman'
She goes to attack me again but Ethan shoots her with the shotgun making her fall back a bit. I take this chance to start shooting her too with my shotgun. She continues trying to attack only me but in the end she looses.
She turns into stone and crumbled. In the rubble there was a crystal torso, then it clicked in my head.
"So this is what Duke meant."
"What do you mean?"
"He said there were things inside of the big guys that we could sell...this is what he meant! So all of the people that work for Miranda have these crystals in them...well not all because those lycans didn't have any but maybe some do" I started to ramble but Ethan cut me off.
"Ohhhh ok ok yeah I get it now"
I pick up the torso and walked into the next room. This room looked kind of like a butcher's room. The middle of the room had a tub full of blood. Ethan walked up to it and somehow found a bottle of wine in it.
"Ethan that looks like the bottle of wine that was described in the wine room on the second floor...maybe a secret room" I gave him a side glance with a smirk.
He chuckled a little.
"I know how much you just love secret rooms"
"Well only fireplace secret rooms, no thanks" I smile trying to keep my laugh inside.
He again chuckled and grabbed the paper that was by the tube.
"Another one was sent to the cellar. She had only spilled some soup...
Everyone knows what happens when you're sent to the cellar. You're never seen again. They drain your blood, your soul cursed to wander the halls.
I went looking for her, and when I found her, she was just skin and bones and gnawing on a rat carcass.
I suspect it'll be my turn next."
"These poor ladies...I wonder how many people she went through. I know it sounds dark but I remember Heisenberg saying that she always got everyone that they captured so it must have been quite a few."
"I wonder if those vampire zombies were former maids/servants of the castle"
"Well with how much they want to make me their maid I sure as hell hope that it doesn't happen...I don't want to turn into one of those and I still need to find our daughter"
"Well you don't even need to worry about that happening because I won't let them lay a finger on you. That daughter we just killed should be a warning to the others to back the fuck off"
I smiled at him.
'I can't wait to get out of here with my family together again'

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