Chapter 9: The Angry Lady Dimitrescu

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After a while we finally returned to the house. We went up to the second floor and into the wine room.
I walked over to the pedestal and placed the wine we got onto it. The pedestal moved down and the wall moved to the side opening up a secret room.
"Yes!" I shout excited but was a bit disappointed since it was such a small room. Inside was a key, probably for the door downstairs.
As we're heading down the second sister appears.
"Shall I give you both the tour?"
"No thanks!" I grabbed Ethan and ran past her into the dining room.
"Ugh, so thirsty..."
"Sorry none for youuu" I yell again as I fumble with the key and use it to open the door which lead to the courtyard.
There was only one other door out here that was open so we walked into it. When we walked in we saw Dimitrescu going up to the second floor. We slowly follow her making sure to be quiet.
I hear a few things get broken as we get closer to the room she's in.
"What have you done to my daughter!?"
We walk past her quietly though, and go into a room that has four statues surrounding a pool of blood. There's an inscription on one of the walls.
"Women are blind to male advances, but shall take their chances to give their lord their bounty sown, so that soon the wine may flow."
After a bit Ethan and I figure out the puzzle and the bath drains of the blood, leaving only a hatch in the middle of the floor.
"What's with all the statue puzzles?"
"I don't know...but you have to admit it's a little cool"
"Ethan...not the time...but you right"
I smile a little and walk past him to the hatch that was now opened.
I jumped down and landed into a basement flooded with blood. Ethan jumped down after me.
"What the hell!?"
"Shh!" I motioned for him to be silent as I listened for which direction I heard the zombie vampires.
We ran out of the basement and were brought to an elevator.
Our once dirt covered clothes were now covered in thick, sticky blood.
"I cannot wait to shower once we're out of here and... burn these clothes" I grumbled out as I made my way to the elevator. I turned my head to Ethan as he began to speak but a shiny object caught my eye.
"Hold that thought" I lifted my gun to the object and shot it.
"What was that for!?"
"Look" I walk over to a gem that I shot down.
"You could have alerted people!?"
I just shrugged and walked to the elevator.
"You...are so lucky I love you"
"Oh yeah what are you gunna do hm?"
He paused for a second stumped.
"You got me there"
I giggled and pushed the button to go up. We explore the roof for a little when we hear a phone ring. Ethan and I made our way over to the noise and ducked down when we saw Dimitrescu answer the phone.
"Mother Miranda. I regret to inform you that Ethan and (Y/n) Winters, has escaped that fool Heisenberg. Because they are in my castle, and has already proven too much for my daughters to handle! When I find them—No, Mother Miranda. Yes, of course I understand the importance of the ceremony. I won't let you down."
She gently set the phone down and then picks up the dresser with the mirror and throw them across the room.
"To hell with the ceremony! Those mortals will pay for what they've done..." she spits out as she angrily rushes out of the room.
"We seemed to have really pissed her off" I whispered as I made my way to the door that lead into her room.
"You can say that again"
I look around and found her diary.
"Come here and listen to this...
We were all called by Mother Miranda to decide the fate of the child's parents.
Just thinking of that "family" meeting makes me shudder. To think I am treated like a sister to those miscreants!
Especially Heisenberg! That riffraff wouldn't know proper manners if they slapped him in the face!
I would have sliced him to ribbons if Mother hadn't stopped me.
Why... Why does she treat me the same as them!?
She gave me this castle. obedient daughters, everlasting life, did she not?
Am I not her favorite? Am I not special?
I need a drink."
"So what she just wants to be treated like a goddess?"
"I guess so" I gently laid the book down and saw Ethan pick up a key that was hanging on the wall. I looked away from him and saw a crib, Ethan must have noticed it too because he muttered out, "Rose, where are you?".
Ethan wrapped his arm around my waist to keep me close to him. When he was about to open the door Dimitrescu walked back in....well bent into the room.
"Oh, shit." Ethan and I say at the same time.
"There you are. All this for a child that isn't even here!" I step in front of Ethan.
"What the hell do—"
She grabbed me by the neck and as Ethan was about to shout at her she grabbed him too lifting us up into the air.
"You ungrateful, selfish wretch! You come into MY house—" she throws us into a wall.
"You lay your filthy hands on MY daughters—" she throws us again, this time to the floor.
"And now you even try to steal my property? How dare you both!?" This time she pushes us straight through the floor.
"Rest while you can, because I will hunt you, and I will break you!"
"Go ahead, do your worst!"
I whipped my head in Ethan direction.
"No! No! Dont say that shit Ethan! This was supposed to be an easy get in and out thing!"
"You and I both know it wasn't going to be like that"
"Well you don't have to go provoking her! She's fucking 9 feet tall and could crush us with one foot!"
"(Y/n), (Y/n) she won't even be able to touch us ok! Come on! You know we can do this we've felt with something like this before-"
"That's not the same Ethan! This is for our daughter this time and I would like to come out alive and not be killed after a few hours of trying to find her"
"I know! And we will come out alive"
"You better Mr. Winters because I will bring you back and kill you myself if you die on me out here"
"Don't worry I don't plan on dying at any point while we're here ok?" He grabbed my face and started to caress my cheek. I let out a little sigh and nodded my head saying ok.
'Guess it's time to explore more of this damn house'

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