Dancing With Your Ghost

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Truthfully speaking, I had never been grounded before. Not entirely because I've always been good, but because there was never someone to ground me. What was I going to do? Ground myself?

However, I had always envisioned being grounded as a terrible experience. Former classmates had sure portrayed it like that. Now that I was here though, I couldn't see what the big fuss was about.

Sure, it sucked not being able to go on my phone and text Ila. A simple Google search for any answers was also out of question for that matter. The requirement of keeping the laptop in the living room meant that I had to do most of my homework there which was sometimes a hassle but otherwise fine.

In conclusion, being grounded wasn't so bad. It was merely a bit of an inconvenience.

"I feel like four weeks was a bit much," Ila said at lunch one day, "I mean I know it was wrong but four weeks?"

I shrugged, "I don't know...maybe it's just me but I don't think being grounded is so bad. Maybe I just got it easy though."

Turns out, the restrictions I got were pretty similar to Ila's. No phone. No laptop. No going out after school with certain exceptions. Ila also got extra chores but I already did the chores she got so I didn't see why it was such a fuss.

I didn't say that aloud though and instead just nodded along, agreeing with Ila that four weeks was too long.

The three weeks were going by oddly fast and before I knew it, the third week was beginning. The final stretch is what I think they call it. Even though I didn't find being grounded as bad as most would, I was still glad that it would be over.

Part of me noticed that I had become rather reclusive during this time, keeping to myself at school and away from it. The other part decided to ignore it. I was just trying to be good. Being good would keep me out of trouble and staying out of trouble would keep me out of LA.

Or that's what my thought process was anyway, who knew how the world truly worked.

"Hey kid," Alex promptly plopped down in the chair next to mine at the round table I sat at in the break room, "How was school?"

I shrugged, "It was just like school...fine I guess."

"Is that the stupid assignment you were talking about before?" Alex peered over at my page.

The actual assignment was supposed to be written on a document of course but I decided to brainstorm all my ideas and write the points I wanted to include on paper.

I nodded, "Yeah, it is."

"How's that going?" Alex asked, "Have you picked a topic yet?"

I cracked a smile, "Actually, I have."

"Let me guess," Alex held up his hands, making me pause, "Apples."

Knowing that he was joking, I forced a laugh out, hoping that it didn't sound that way. I went along though and rolled my eyes, playfully shaking my head.

"I'm doing solipsism actually," I chewed my lip, "It's more interesting than I thought."

Alex leaned back in his chair, "What can I say, I'm just full of good ideas."

I sighed, "I shouldn't have told you that."




The view or theory that the self is all that can be known to exist.

According to the Oxford Dictionary anyway.

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