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"Is something wrong?" Callie asked the moment she entered the break room. She pulled out the chair next to mine and sat down, immediately giving me her full attention. 

"Everything's fine," I had just woken up from a short nap and my muscles were sore from sleeping in a sitting position, leaned over on the table. 

   Callie raised an eyebrow, "Then why did Grey tell me to check on you when she brought me on for a consult?"

   I shrugged, "I don't know."

   Callie wasn't convinced. Who would be? I wasn't credible in the slightest. I could tell that she wanted to keep pressuring me to say something else but she didn't. 

Thank goodness for that, I wouldn't have lasted under that. 

"When can we go?" I asked and leaned my head against my hand propped up by my elbow.

"We can leave now, once Arizona comes," Callie promised, "Why?"

   I chewed my bottom lip, "Can we stop off at a few places?"

"Sure," Callie nodded, "I don't think Arizona will mind."

"What won't I mind?"

   We both turned our attention to the door to see Arizona standing there, a tired smile on her face. 

"Summer wanted to stop by some places before we head home," Callie told her, "I was telling her that you probably won't mind."

"Of course not," Arizona said, "Oh, what did you want to tell me, Summer?"

   I furrowed my eyebrows, "What?"

"Meredith stopped me on my way here to tell me that you had something you wanted to say to me," Arizona said and at that moment, I felt an incredible annoyance towards Meredith Grey.

   I shrugged, "I don't know what she's talking about."

"Okay...maybe it'll come to you later," Arizona nodded slowly, "Now, how about we get out of here?"

   I quickly agreed, eager for any chance to change the topic. I waited patiently for Arizona and Callie to gather their items before following them out of the building and to the car.

"So where did you want to stop by?" Callie asked as we got into the vehicle. 

   I cleared my throat and buckled the seatbelt before answering. 

"Can you stop at a toy store?"

   There was a moment of silence as both of them glanced at me, clearly confused. I pretended not to notice though as I turned my eyes out the side window. 

"Yeah..." Callie finally snapped back into it and started the engine, "We can do that." 


"Do you want us to come with you?" Arizona asked when Callie pulled in front of a toy store with a colourful display window. 

"If you want to..." I shrugged, "It's okay if you want to wait in the car though."

   I watched as Callie and Arizona exchanged glances and I fiddled with my seatbelt, adjusting the straps but not unbuckling it. 

"No, we'll come," Arizona said and I nodded, slightly disappointed with her answer. 

   It wasn't that I didn't want them to come...but I didn't want them to come. I wasn't going to say anything out loud though, not when I was using their money for this.

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