The Mystery

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CH. 16

The Mystery




Hange woke up from her deep sleep. She sat down on the edge of her bed then rubbed her eyes with her right hand. She continued to yawn as she started stretching her arms as far as she could. Then she smacked her lips while her hand wandered off to the drawer beside her bed, reaching onto her square shaped glasses.

She sat there for a while. Her brown orbs stared at the white curtains in front of her. Her ears tried hearing the sounds of birds chipping but she couldn't hear one. She turned and saw the digital clock on her drawer.

"Oh it's twelve already? Must've been tired yesterday hoaam~" She yawned while standing up to open the curtains in front of her.

"Eeek! Sunlight!" She hissed, closing the curtain again.

"Yeah that's better." She scratched her hair.

She stared at the sunlight that managed to find its way into her room though her curtain was stopping them. Her eyes relaxed and a small curve on the end of her lips formed as she remembered what day it was.

"Today's the day huh?" A slight blush formed on her cheek.

It was sunday, the day she and Erwin agreed to meet up just the two of them. Hange was excited. So excited in fact, she couldn't stop the rush of adrenaline in her chest. She even found herself blushing here and then yesterday when she met him and Levi to study together and last night she kept thinking of the event that would soon happen that day, she imagined starting by what kind of place Erwin would bring her to how he would look in basil green and white. Though Erwin did mention it was his intention to help her figure out the answer to her dilemma in which occupation would suit her, Hange could somehow feel Erwin's intention was more than just helping her figuring it out.

I mean if it's just that he wouldn't go far as asking me out right? She thought, her chest felt warm.

...Wait, maybe he just wanted to cheer me up? As a friend? She didn't understand why but she felt a little bit disappointed as she thought the last word that passed in her head.

She slapped her cheek to kill off her sad mood and hyped her back up. Hange smiled and turned to get ready for the meet up at 3 PM.

Her room was a complete mess. To other people such as Levi, they could get a heart attack just by looking at it but to Hange, her room was nothing but her personal happy place. "As long as I know where my things are then it's no problem" that's her motto. Books and papers were scattered on the white ceramic floor, stationary on her desk was placed in an unusual form as if it was an art piece, some of her clothes hanging on the edge of her wardrobe instead of being placed inside it, and there was her bed. Everything's a mess but she liked it.

She found her bag that she brought on yesterday's study group session with Erwin and Levi on the floor, opened with some of her books still inside.

"Hmm should I use this bag?" She took out the books and set them aside.

"And.. There!" She lifted up the empty bag.

".... but on second thought." She threw the bag to the floor again.

"Maybe something that's a lot more.. cute- pfft Levi would laugh at me if he heard me saying this." She shook her head, remembering how the raven haired boy looked at her when she asked him for clothing advice.

"I mea-mean it's normal for someone to want to lo-look good right? Gee what's up with his reaction that day.." Hange mumbled, taking out another bag from the hanger that had a cute yet elegant design.

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