The Disciplinary Committee

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CH. 8

The Disciplinary Committee

At night on the same day, Erwin went out to meet Mike at the Steak House bringing the blue substance Hange gave him earlier. He sat down on the same seat he was appointed to a week ago. He placed his hands on his black jacket pocket, firmly holding a small box. It was a box with the unfamiliar blue substance inside. He waited for the man to enter the room. Erwin took a sip of the glass of cold water that was served to him not long ago.

After a while Mike finally enters the room with his usual smile. Erwin's eyes lightened up, he felt relieved every time he saw his most trusted pal walk in the same room as him.

"Evening Erwin. I see you didn't order the syrup we had at our last meeting." Mike said as he took a seat in front of Erwin.

"Ah yes, who ordered that syrup before? Was it you? Because it almost tastes like wine." Erwin said, lifting an eyebrow.

"It's not wine Erwin, don't worry. But yes, it is a syrup that has a similar taste to it. Also how did you know what wine tastes like?" Mike asked this time he's the one lifting his eyebrow.

"Edward drinks wine a lot, sometimes he poured it onto the wrong glass when i was younger." Erwin said.

Erwin held his glass tight as the memory of Edward played on his head. He sharpened his gaze, looking at his own reflection that slowly changed into Edward's. His mind clouded with sudden rage. Realizing the state Erwin was in, Mike stood from his seat and knelled beside Erwin. He placed his hand on Erwin's shoulder then stares at him dearly.

"Erwin." He calls softly. Hearing his name, Erwin took a deep breath.

"Pardon me, i was- i am a little bit exhausted today." Erwin said, gaining back his consciousness as Mike sat back on his seat.

"Exhausted? Did something happen at school today?" Mike asked, changing the topic.

"Oh yes about that." Erwin reached out into his pocket, he placed the small box on the table.

Mike carefully took the box and started observing what's inside. Erwin then briefly explained what happened at school earlier that day.

"I think i can get someone to check this out." Mike said, his eyes still fixated on the substance.

"Ok is there anything i can provide you with to get this someone to check it out?"

"Hmm, I think booze will work. Maybe a booze that's a bit expensive."

"I'll send the money to you then, buy the booze you need to persuade her then keep the rest." Erwin said. He took out his phone and started transferring the amount of money enough for one expensive beer.

"But Erwin, how did you know that this substance is inside that vault?" Mike started staring back at Erwin.

"I'm no expert but I study a little bit about these things at college. Roughly, this looks similar to one of the most dangerous chemicals out there ever existed. It's not the type of substance you'll find in your ordinary school lab-"

"-Also wouldn't it be safer to get an important thing like this by yourself? I thought you're not the type who would trust someone else to do it for you.."

"Actually Mike, I never knew such a substance existed therefore i never told Hange specifically what type of substance she should get from the vault." Erwin answered, he gazed outside the restaurant as it started to rain.

"So she took one based on her gut, based on her curiosity. She is better at this kind of matter than me, it's the best approach for this plan to work." Erwin said, he stood up preparing himself to leave the Steak House.

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