Chapter 41

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"Ariana!!" I hear him repeatedly call my name.

Ryder starts jogging over to my yard and in less than a minute, he's on my porch. Panting and sweating.

"Can- we - talk?" He asks, trying to regain his breath.

I look over at Derek. His expression is so unreadable and his lips are formed into a thin line. His brows are furrowed and he looks a bit pissed. Why would he be pissed? Okay, maybe he's not even mad..

I turn my attention back to Ryder, who seemed a bit more recovered.

Ryder's eyes meet mine and I feel my stomach burst with butterflies. No, better yet, it let out the whole zoo.

I feel like my breathing has stopped and I feel so lost into his brown eyes. Like I'm literally melting.

Okay, stop. Focus.

My subconscious is actually right for a change.

"What?" I asked forgetting his reason being here.

"I asked could we talk." He stated and sent a glare to Derek. Definitely a death glare.

I looked over at Derek and he was doing the same thing. What's up with these two? Who stuck a stick up their asses?

I clear my head from the options of why their mad.

"I don't think that would be a good idea." I state.

"Listen- please just hear me out. Okay I know-" he was cut off by Derek's deep voice.

"She clearly said she didn't want to, so why don't you just back off, for once. It'll do you some good." He smirked and I don't think I have ever seen Derek this way. He looks so devilish. Scary. Even.

"Who are you? Her bodyguard?" Ryder said and raised his eyebrows in amusement. He let out a chuckle and shook his head.

"You should leave. Now." Derek said in a firm voice. His eyes were no longer a bright blue joyful color. They turned dark, and he looked fucking scary.

"And what if I don't." Ryder stepped up to him and their noses were nearly touching. Except, Ryder was a bit taller than Derek. Their eyes were locked into each other. It seemed like they were challenging each other on who would throw the first punch.

And if I didn't know anything about the current situation. It looked like they were about to kiss.

I try my hardest not to laugh at the image of them both embraced into each others arms. Oh my gosh. That would be hilarious. Just imagine Ryder grabbing Derek's collar and he roughly kisses him. Omfg.

I couldn't hold it any longer. I had to laugh. It was just too damn funny.

I'm literally doubled over laughing my ass off. I probably look like a retarded seal, clapping my hands. Whilst laughing but no sound comes out. Only a few hiccups.

They both stop glaring at each other. Giving me a confused expression. They both look totally confused as to why I'm laughing in this situation. But I just couldn't help it.

The image that I imagined was just hilarious. I can imagine it now, both getting married. Ryder with a tux and Derek.. He would wear a dress. Omfg, that would be hilarious as well. Imagine his hairy legs out. Trying to walk into 4-5 inch heels down the aisle.

This makes me laugh even more.

My hand is clutching my stomach and I feel like I'm losing my breath. I stop for a minute to catch my breath. Once I did, I saw Ryder's and Derek's eyes staring at me, like I've literally lost my mind.

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