| Deaths |

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{Tw}: death/Vomiting/Drowning/Mentions blood/

{Au warning}: None

{paring}: none

These are just some death scenes I wrote up a late night and decided to post them don't mind if their not edited or all that good I was bored and stuff a proper one shot will come out soon things just got out of control for a bit and I needed to figure stuff out.


[Death: bleeding out]

You stared at the river blinking slowly as you watched it's cool waves hit the sand soaking it before retreating you took a deep breath the smell of blood and smoke overwhelming you to the point where you started to cough you took note that blood had escaped you..you frowned and turned around and stared at the burning house all your animals had been slaughtered and your house well..it was in flames burning all your possessions everything and the person who did it was off to take over the server you were easily overpowered by him especially since you weren't expecting him..and all you wanted to do was live out here for the rest of your life..now you were losing your last life to him you were going to die with a sword through your chest you'd never see techno again. You'd never see Ranboo..or Niki..no one you'd die..alone what was going to happen? No one really knew what happened when you died ghostbur never really said anything about it..so what would happen to you? Would you simply..have nothing when you're gone? Or would you- you stopped and looked behind you hearing the loud shouts of..friends you smiled when they came running over the hill towards you and the river Ranboo was the first to be by your side before techno and Philza joined him. You couldn't really hear what they were saying, things were a bit blurry. You wished you could hear them but it seemed that wouldn't happen yet by their faces you could tell that they...all had different reactions to your soon to be death techno looked angry Ranboo looked devastated and Philza looked..confused? You closed your eyes smiling and relaxing you were fine dying like this..with friends you just wish you could make them less..upset but someone didn't seem to want to let you die not yet you opened your eyes you could hear the yelling it was so close yet it sounded as if someone was underwater screaming it was techno he looked furious and..sad you took a moment to examine his features before deciding maybe he would like to know you thought about it would that be so bad? you smiled, why not cause a little more chaos before you left? "Dream..did this" you spoke you weren't sure if anything actually came out but when you saw techno face shift from confused to pure hatred you knew that something was spoken and you closed your eyes happily accepting death.


[Death: Fall damage]

You took a deep breath smiling at the ground below. It was always nice to take a walk up here. The mountain range was beautiful and it made you feel so tall and untouchable you felt as if you were flying. It made you feel free to be up here.."y/n?" You looked behind you to see badboyhalo you looked up and you tensed...he looked a bit upset no...very upset. You got up quickly ready for a fight "Y/n...you- Ponk said you didn't want to join the egg..because it was childish." He stepped forward sounding disappointed? "Well yeah Bad! I'm not getting wrapped up in some stupid childish little game that this egg has got going on! Especially with you!" You snapped taking out your sword "it's not..stupid or childish! And it certainly isn't some game!" He growled, growing in size as he got angrier "shit.." you mumbled, backing away from the angry demon "Listen- bad I-..I won't join the egg but we can talk something out!" You yelled hoping he would listen. You were cornered by a demon who seemed very upset and you had nowhere to run other than off the mountain "no..no I'll teach you to call the egg a game!" He hissed, coming closer "b-bad don't do this!" You yelled once more backing up until..you were at the edge..you had no way of running you had to talk your way out of this "please bad..im sorry please!" He stopped and stared at you "y/n..." you sighed coming a bit closer to him "h-hey it's okay you got a bit angry that's all we're all good" you sighed as he started to shrink before suddenly you realized he wasn't shrinking..he was- "BAD!" You screamed as he picked you up holding you tightly in his hand "no..y/n..I'm sorry but I can't let you tarnish the name of the egg not in front of me" your eyes widened as he slowly outstretched his arm above the cliff side "b-bad.." you tried to grip onto his hand "pl-please dont bad!!" You screamed at him kicking and punching trying to get out of his grasp "maybe you'll think twice about being so rude.." he frowned before he dropped you letting you fall to your death at the moment everything seemed to slow down as you fell towards the hard earth below you you closed your eyes wondering why this had happened...had your words really caused this? Did Karma finally catch up? You frowned at the thought, keeping your eyes closed tight you accepted this death, it was okay..you'd be okay, you were sure this would end quickly and you'd wake up again at home..


[Death: drowning]

You tripped as you tried to run and you were forcefully thrown off the tower into the deep depths below you hit the water with a painful and loud splash and plunged deep into the dark waters sinking you tensed as you sunk the pressure becoming a bit uncomfortable and the pain from you hitting the water didn't help either so you did your best to muster up some strength and try and swim upwards..but...but how did- how did one do that? How do you swim? Panic flooded you- you couldn't swim you started to try and push yourself upwards in the water but failed miserably you looked like a fish out of water for sure but you weren't going to die like this!! You screamed as you tried to swim up, you were sinking the air leaving you as they rose up in bubbles towards the surface and you struggled to keep yourself from taking a breath..but you couldn't for long as you sunk lower your body forced you to breathe the water entered your lungs and it burned it was like someone burning your lungs..and you couldn't get out of this death trap you couldn't fight your way out of it..you couldn't talk your way out of it..or even run you were forced to endure this and you did you closed your eyes you guessed this was it you let yourself go you couldn't hold onto your life not anymore everything slowly turned blurry and dark you let your eyes close.


[Death: poisoning]

You sorted through your basket of goodies smiling when you noticed all the wonderful varieties of mushrooms from George. he was always such a good gift giver you smiled bringing the mushrooms over to the sink and washing them one - a very special looking mushroom - caught your attention it had beautiful purples on it and a bit of blue swirling around the top of it you had never seen such a thing before..but was it poisonous?..no George was always careful with his mushrooms and what he sent you! You shouldn't be worried you chuckled and put them into a small bowl before sorting through the bigger basket for other things.

Before long it was lunch and you were bored as hell but also...hungry as hell you got up leaving your book behind to go venture into the kitchen for lunch and when you got there you decided you'd have some roasted mushrooms with a good sandwich as well you nodded to yourself quickly getting to work on your soon to be wonderful meal

When you finally finished making the mushrooms and sandwich you happily ran off to your study again to eat and read you had used that weird looking yet beautiful mushroom with the others and it turned a pink when cooked..which worried you dearly but you convinced yourself that George wouldn't send a poisonous mushroom to you it must just taste- super! Uh..super good! You sighed you needed to stop worrying so much over such small things you took a bite of your sandwich and ate the strange mushroom with no worry whatsoever but it only lasted for a few seconds before pain shot through you and then tiredness you tried to stand only to fall to the floor from your seat everything hurt so much you then felt vomit coming up you tried to get up to run to the bathroom but you Couldn't...everything seemed numb you teared up throwing up your sandwich trying to cover your nose before the stench hit you then your nose started to bleed what was happening!? You screamed for help, you didn't know how to stop this everything was going wrong all so suddenly why!? You crawled through your own vomit and tried to get up to open your studies door but it seemed like you had no control over anything you gasped when a tight feeling appeared around your chest and then- you couldn't breathe you tried once again to get the door open before collapsing on the floor trying to breathe but- no avail you laid there slowly suffocating and you closed your eyes hoping to wake up from this Dream this..sick sick dream



aHhh thank you so much for the almost Fricken 30k READS-  bruhhh not to mention the votes and nice comments ^^ thank you all so much and you have no idea how much this means to me! I hope you all have a good day! And if not I hope it gets better.

• 𝒯𝒽𝒶𝓉'𝓈 𝒶𝓁𝓁 𝒻𝑜𝓇 𝓃𝑜𝓌 •

•𝐵𝓎𝑒 𝓃𝑜𝓌 𝓁𝒾𝓉𝓉𝓁𝑒 𝒷𝓊𝓉𝓉𝑒𝓇𝒻𝓁𝒾𝑒𝓈! •

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