Chapter 1- The Prank

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It was three in the morning and the sky was still dark and the stars were still shining. James lay awake in his four poster bed staring at the red patterns on the top. He knew he wasn't the only one awake as well. He could hear Sirius's heavy breathing and Remus yawning. Peter was the only one who could sleep the night.

"Prongs?" James heard Sirius whisper.

"Yeah?" He replied.

"Moony?" Sirius whispered again.

"What now?" Remus snapped back. 

"Shhhhh! So is Peter still asleep?" Sirius asked.

"Yes," James and Remus replied. They both heard Sirius ruffling in his bed and then they heard him opening his curtains so both James and Remus followed. James looked at Sirius who was staring out the window. 

"Come on! It's still night time!" Sirius complained. James sniggered at that remark. How could he not know it was still night time? " Anyway I want to prank the Slytherins again,"

"There's a surprise," Remus muttered. James nodded in agreement. He wouldn't miss a chance to prank the Slytherins any day.

"Come on Moony! We don't need that negative energy," Sirius said calmly. James burst into laughter. Remus glared at Sirius but Sirius still kept his grin and Remus then gave in. James had always thought Remus had a soft spot for Sirius. 

"So what are we gonna do?" James asked. Remus shrugged and lay back down on his bed.

"Oooo Me! Ask me!" Sirius had his hand raised in the hair and he was bouncing on his bed. James looked at Remus who was holding back a laugh.

"Pads you got an idea?" James asked Sirius who was so happy he got asked.

"Yes I Do," He said and then began to mime opening a notebook and look at his notes. "So we could charm the portrait hole so when they walk through to go to breakfast their whole appearance changes to the person they hate the most!" James thought over the idea and he was surprised because it was actually a really good one. Sirius sat patiently staring at James.

" Yeah that's good!" Sirius jumped in his bed.

" Hear that Moony! We're doing my idea!" Sirius turned to tell the werewolf but he was already fast asleep. James caught Sirius staring at Remus as he was putting on his slippers. He clapped his hands and Sirius looked at James. "What do you want?"

"Stop staring at Moony and lets go!"

"Oh right sorry,"

James grabbed the map and cloak as Sirius put on his slippers. They tiptoed down to the common room and out of the portrait hole and put on the cloak. 

"You do know the spell Pads?" James asked Sirius as he scanned the map making sure their path was clear.

"Well I wouldn't suggest it if I didn't know the spell Prongs would I?"

"Yes you would,"

"Yeah true but I do know how to do the spell,"


The two made their way down to the dungeons and stopped outside the portrait hole. Sirius stepped out from under the cloak and stood in front of the door.  James stood there watching him. Sirius turned around with a mischievous grin on his face. He put his arms out like a zombie trying to find the cloak. James stuck his arm out and grabbed Sirius' wrist and dragged him back under the cloak.

"Ow! I was gonna find it myself," Sirius said. James covered his mouth and pointed at the map. It showed Professor McGonagall coming around the corner. James and Sirius flattened themselves against the wall and she walked past. Once she turned the corner, heading for her office, The two left in the opposite direction. 

"So um Pads..." James began. Sirius stopped humming and looked at James.


"Do you like moony?" 

"Yes but don't hate me. I will always love you Prongsie!"

James burst out laughing. "I love you too and I don't mind u and Moony I mean it's about time don't you think?"

"That's what I was saying"

The two changed their talk into quidditch and didn't stop until they got back to the portrait hole. They whispered the password and walked in laughing. The common room was pitch black so the struggled to find their way to the stairs. When they finally got back to the dormitory, they jumped into their beds and closed the curtains. The thought of seeing how their prank had planned out was keeping James awake but then Lily jumped into his mind and he slowing fell asleep. 

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