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"Amelia please open the door" Sav pleaded from outside my bedroom door in our apartment. 

I had been laying on my bed ever since I came home with the taxi, just curled up into a ball while letting tears stream down my cheeks silently. I had absolutely no desire to talk to anyone right now. I just wanted to disappear into darkness and just never return. 

How could I have let this happen? I was stupid. I should have just told Lando what Nick had done to me before, and then maybe he could have protected me or at least letting me explain what happened. But instead I chose to say nothing... and that was the dumbest thing I have ever done. 

And to make things worse, every time I closed my eyes I could feel and see Nick all over me again and again and again and it made me wanna throw up. 

"Please open the door, you don't have to tell me what happened, just please open the door" Sav was still standing outside my room. 

I knew I had to come out from my room eventually, and I suppose it was better that I told her what happened than if she would hear some rumor or something like that. After collecting all my remaining energy I finally stood up and opened the door looking at Sav, who had a worried look on her face. 

"I'm sorry" was all I mumbled to her. 

"It's okay, I just wanna be here for you. You're my best friend, Amelia, and something bad clearly happened. So, when you're ready... you can tell me" she said grabbing my hands and gently stroking them. 

Something inside me broke and got replaced by something a little less colder than before. It was like this heavy burden was still laying on my shoulders, but hearing Sav saying that to me took of just a tiny bit of the pressure. 

And then I broke down... again. God I really am a mess right now. I sobbed and just fell into her arms before we both slowly sat down on the floor. She was stroking my back gently trying to calm me down. 

"I'll- tell you" I said between sobs. 

I took a deep breath and sat up more straight looking at her. She gave me a reassuring smile before I began. 

"Lando broke up with me" I said when Sav looked at me with wide eyes. 

"What?! That asshole... why would he do that?" she asked with anger and concern in her voice. 

"He saw Nick kissing me and-"

"YOU KISSED NICK?!" She almost yelled startling me. 

"Not like that! He- *I took a deep breath* he forced me and- and I- I tried getting away, but I couldn't and- and Lando saw and- and now he thinks that I cheated on him" I could no longer control my emotions and tears continued to stream down my cheeks. 

At first Sav didn't say anything. In fact there was a silence for at least 60 seconds before she had tears in her eyes as well. 

"Oh my God... I'm so sorry" she practically whispered. 

And then a silence filled the room again before I took a deep breath. 

"I'm gonna go to bed" I said. 

We both stood up from the floor again. 

"Wait" Sav said before I went into my room. I looked at her. 

"It's gonna be okay. We'll figure it out, and I'm here for you. Always" she said with a little smile. 

"Thanks" I said giving her a tiny smile back before I closed the door to my room and tossed myself onto the bed where I quickly fell asleep. 


Around two weeks later...

f1_gossip BREAKING NEWS!!! Possible break up between F1 driver Lando Norris and (former) girlfriend Amelia Grayson as both delete their pictures together from Instagram

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f1_gossip BREAKING NEWS!!! Possible break up between F1 driver Lando Norris and (former) girlfriend Amelia Grayson as both delete their pictures together from Instagram... 

A huge party was thrown a few weeks ago where both were present, but no pictures or videos were taken together, and fans notice that neither of them have been spotted together for over a week. It seems as they have split paths when suddenly all photos, public messages and videos were deleted from both their accounts 10 days ago. 

Neither Lando or Amelia has responded to the rumors

Comment what you think 👇👇

username what happened?
--> username I think they broke up

username TEA!!!

username @landonorris @ameliagrayson !!!
-->username you really tagged them I-

When I saw the post I felt so sick. For like two weeks I had been trying to take my mind of everything by constantly working or studying or just doing a bunch of things. I had tried calling and texting Lando for the first couple of days, but he hasn't responded, so I gave up. 

I was most of all just embarrassed by what had happened, and though I wanted to talk to Lando, to see him again, I knew it wouldn't matter because he obviously didn't wanna see me. I had gotten a few calls from Max and Charles and Charlotte and the others, but I just didn't know what to tell them or what to say, so I had kinda been ignoring them. 

Everyone except Daniel. He called me a few days after the party asking why Lando had seemed off. I told him that we broke up, but I didn't wanna tell him the rest over the phone. So the day after we met before he had to leave for some F1 stuff and talked for like 3 hours. I told him everything and it was pretty hard, but he was a great listener and he helped me a lot. He and Sav were now the only people who actually knew what had happened. 

I also asked Daniel to not tell anyone else especially Lando, and he promised. I was already missing Lando and everyone else, but I just couldn't face them right now. 

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