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If you cant fly then run, if you cant run then walk, if you cant walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward
- Martin Luther King Jr.

When I woke up I was laying in the hospital. To be honest I really dont know why im here but what I do know is that my head really hurts and im just like what the hell happened. I seen Frankie and Ms. Lisa walk in and they had flowers in they hand.

"Hey honey, how you feeling?". Ms. Lisa asked me.

"Head hurts".

"I know I know just relax".

"Why am I in here?". They looked at each other and Frankie came closer to me.

"Do you remember anything?". I told her not really just me and her talking at the door. "Ok um Jay was pretty upset about us hugging and he hit you pretty hard which made you hit your head on the table in the hallway".

"He hit me?".

"Yeaa but I dont think he meant it, he was real upset about it the whole thing and drunk".

"Where is he?".

"We seen him down stairs in the parking lot. I can go get him of you want?". I nodded my head and she left. He hit me? That doesnt sound like him at all. The nurse came in and put something on the wall.

"Hi Ms. Wilson im nurse Handlin. You finally decided to get up I see. You ok?".

"Im fine".

"Ok now im going to ask you a few questions ok?". I nodded my head. "Alright whats your name".


"Good, ok now you been in here for 2 days so can you tell me what today is?".

"10th of Feburary".

"Last question do you know how old you are?".

"Yeaa 24".

"Well everything seems fine, are you her mother?".

"Something like that, you can talk to me".

"Ok well she's stable no signs of any cracks to her skull, no major injuries and the headaches should last for another week or two. So we're going to keep you for one more night ok? Make sure everything is fine and then she'll be good to go".

"Thanks". Ms. Lisa said to the nurse and she left. "You doing good honey. Cant believe that boy".

"Ms. Lisa .... Its fine when he comes can I talk to him alone?".

"Sure". Frankie came back with Jay and I could tell he been crying by the look on his face. Ms. Lisa and Frankie left and wen they did that Jay came up to me holding my hand.

"Baby. I am so so so so sorry, I promise you I didnt mean to hurt you. You know that. For a long time, a very long time I had a drinking problem and this whole situation with you and your ex just has me over the edge and I drove myself back to how I use to be".

"Im in here cause of you. Something bad couldve happened to me". I started crying because out of all people he's the reason why im in here, he was the last person in the world that I thought would hurt me in any way. Ive never been in this position before like I just dont know what to do.

"I know and thats something im going to have to live with for the rest of my life. I will stop drinking period I promise, and it upsets me that I let my past hurt you like this. Please I beg you please forgive me baby. This will never I mean never happen again, on god". He wiped my face and I just dont know what to do, how to feel. Like would I be stupid for taking him back? Or would I be crazy to just tell him to leave me alone and just disappear. This is all crazy to me.

Whats A Girl To Do (SERIES PT. 2)Where stories live. Discover now