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Sometimes, struggles are exactly what we need in our life. If we were to go through our life without any obsticles, we would be crippled. We would not be as strong as what we could have been. Give every opportunity a chance, leave no room for regrets.
- Junethea Crystal Centeno

"Des thats ugly gimme that". I put the dress back into my closet. It was hard to find something to wear and I just wanted to pull my hair out right now.

"I dont see whats wrong with it. Its cute to me, hmph somebody wanna look good for somebody".

"Let me stop you right there. One im stressing because I dont know where we going so I dont wanna go somewhere and be an outkast duh. And two you know I always go out looking good regardless so dont even try it. Now help me".

"Well did he give you any clue to wear yall going?".

"Um he said its a cool, chilled out space. Something bout a head clearer I think".

"Ok so all you gotta do is pick out something cute but simple. Ion know why we looking for dresses. Move". She pushed me to the side and literally discombobulated my whole closet. "Girl .. This ! Try this on".

"Des ion wanna wear this".

"You havent worn this yet, fresh outfit".

"How you know?".

"Cause the tags still on the dam thing! Now go try it on we aint got all night". I stomped my feet and put it on. I seriously didnt want to wear this but when I looked in the mirror it actually looked cute on me. "Say I love you cousin! Cause that shit is on point, and you need to put your hair up".

"Im not saying that". I took the tags off and went into the bathroom to put ny hair in an updo ball. I had so
much hair I swear sometimes I be wanting it cut it off and let it regrow. "Ok how I look now?".

"If you wasnt my cousin i'll date you".

"Thats real nasty. Come and do my makeup for me". She started to do it and there was a knock on the door.

"Kayden get the door!!". Des yelled to him. "Girl thats Jay. Teeth and nose check". I opened my mouth smiled, tilted my head up, good to go. Des finished up, I put my shoes on and got all my stuff taking one last look in the mirror before heading down stairs.

"Dam Lana you look .. Wow".

"Stop drooling". Des said and I hit her.

"Thanks. Aye you know where everything at and please do not let him stay up on the game cause I know you will".

"Cousin I got this. Done this plenty of times already. Now go". I gave her the look and walked out with Jay.


"So whats this mystery place we going to?". I asked him as he parked the car.

"Its a surprise, you gotta see for yourself". We got out the car and walked along the sidewalk. Of course he had fans who spotted him and wanted his autograph, really didn't bother me but I could tell it bothered him.

"You know its ok for people to come up to you. Im fine with it, why you so up tight? Relax".

"Its not that. I just wanna be able to go out and just chill like how you would if you were to go out. Cant breathe out in public but I cant be rude cause that'll be bad for my image".

"Well you said that this place will help you clear your head, hopefully it'll take your mind off it".

"You right. It will, this the place right here". It was a place called Sam's Palace. It was a music place, where people come up and just freely play music. As soon as you walk in you can feel all the tension and stress lift off your shoulders. It felt so good this was exactly what I needed with everything that has been going on in my life and me personally. We went up to the top balcony where it was just reserved for us which I thought was real sweet.

Whats A Girl To Do (SERIES PT. 2)Where stories live. Discover now