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We sat inside the car and I started driving and then I heard Aisha trying to speak as her mouth was covered with a cloth. I parked the car to the side of the road and removed the cloth from her mouth.
" Open my hands " she spoke and I untie her hands. Her wrists were all red and filled with scratches, her face all red with bruises.
She hugged me immediately after her hands were free.
" I was scared , but I knew you'll come to save me " she cried into my chest and I hugged her.
" what he did to you ?" I questioned still in anger observing every bruise on her face.
" He slapped me and he has beaten me with his leather hunter " she cried again sobbing very badly and I hit the mirror of the car with my hand.
" Aisha he's dead now and I'm sorry that someone touched you when I'm still alive" I replied cupping her face and kissed her forehead.
" Let's go home first , okay baby " I said and she examined her face.
" Stop crying now and don't look at yourself in the mirror like that, they'll go away " I said. I was behaving as if nothing happened because I wanted Aisha to be normal and I didn't want her to take stress for anything that happened but deep inside I was angry I know that Dom is dead but I still wanted to kill him. I want to kill him 100 times after what he did to Aisha , how can he even touch her , I can't resist the fact that someone touched my girl , he has beaten her with leather hunter I can feel how painful it was and he even slapped her , I can see the marks of his finger print on Aisha's cheek they are dark red. I regretted the day I slapped Aisha even when I didn't slap her that hard , I cried inside my room after slapping her and that bastard , he slapped her with all his force when she didn't even have anything to do with him ,he did this to her just because she is a daughter of his opponent gang leader. This is not what a man does and he's not even a man he's a coward who tried to disrespect Ray by kidnapping his daughter. I want to slap Dom as hard as he slapped Aisha I want to beat him with hunter the way he did to Aisha. His brother Zack kidnapped Aisha first to rape her and now Dom kidnapped Aisha they both are cowards. I can't just imagine what all he did to Aisha and my girl is brave to face all of this , she is braver than both of these coward brothers.
I saw the fear in her eyes when Dom warned me that he'll tear her dress in front of everyone , she didn't said anything about it to me but I know how she felt. How disgusting that man was.
" Shawn we're home " a sweet voice spoke pulling me out of my thoughts.
" Yes baby " I smiled towards Aisha. I opened her car door and we walked inside the house.
" Ahh " Aisha screamed as I placed my hand on her back.
" What happen ?" I questioned removing my hand from her back as we walked inside our room.
" It's because of the leather hunter " she said crying in pain.
" Remove it " i said helping her to remove her dress. She removed her dress and bra and her whole back was filled with bruises. I can feel in how much pain she is.
" It's nothing you'll be fine " I reassured her with a smile and she smiled back.
I took the medicines and cotton to clean her wounds. I got a phone called from my dad and I quickly picked up the call.
" Yes dad " I spoke.
" Shawn actually I'm in hospital rn with our families " he replied.
" Why ? Are you okay ?" I asked worriedly.
" Yes son I'm fine but Ray got shot so we took him to the hospital immediately " he replied and I looked towards Aisha who was busy examining her cuts.
" Don't tell it you Aisha " my dad said
" Okay , take care I'll come and see you in a while " I replied.
" Is everything alright?" Aisha questioned me
" Everything is alright " I said hugging her from back softly.
I gently placed her on the bed and kissed her lips .
" You stay here I'll be back in a while " I said but she grabbed my hand.
" Where are you going ?" She questioned
" Baby I've something to do " I replied politely.
" Is it important than me ?" She questioned
" Nothing is important than you my love " I kissed her forehead .
" But please let me go " I spoke
" I'll be waiting for you " she smiled and kissed my lips.
I grabbed the keys of my car and told my guards that I'll be back soon and to take care of Aisha.
I entered the hospital where both of our families  were .
" How is he ?" I questioned my dad , walking inside the waiting room.
"Better now , but don't tell anything to Aisha she'll be panicked" my dad said and I nodded .
" Shawn honey are you alright " my mom asked hugging me and I smiled with a nod.
" Where's Aliyah ?" I questioned
" There " my mom said pointing her. I walked towards Aliyah and took a seat beside her .
" How's Aisha ?" She questioned
" She's fine now just some bruises but no need to worry they'll fade away" I replied and she smiled. I saw Jordan standing there so I told Aliyah to call him.
" Jo come here " Aliyah shouted to him and he walked towards us .
" Hi Shawn " he said bringing his hand forward.
" Hi " I shook hands with him and he smiled.
" Promise me Jordan you won't leave my sister even if the worse happened " I said
" I promise you I'll not leave her " he replied confidently.
" And you won't hurt her or raise your hand at her " i said and Aliyah looked at me surprised.
" I'll never hurt her or raise my hand at her " he gently smiled and I nodded. I am ashamed for everything bad that I did to Aisha . I'll be mad if someone did the same to my sister , now I realise how bad I did.
" I should go now Aisha would be waiting " i said hugging my dad and walked out.

My bodyguard Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now