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"who are you how did you enter here ?" Zack shouted getting up back from the bed .
" Stay away from the girl " the guy in all black shouted with his very sexy and raspy voice.
" How do you know her and who are you?" Zack shouted walking towards the guy but he pointed his gun towards Zack.
" You get up from there " the guy shouted on me pointing his gun and I quickly get off my bed
" Come here " he ordered and I started to walk towards him but Zack stopped me pulling my hand back
"Come back he is here to kill you " Zack said looking at me
" Come here I'm not gonna tell you again " the guy shouted but Zack kept standing there holding my wrist tightly .
" Aisha you're going to be alright my fighters will be here soon " Zack said
" They are all dead " the guy replied immediately without wasting no time .
" You motherfu - " Zack spoke but he was unable to complete his words as he got shot directly to his head. Zack's grip become loose and his body fell down in front of me. Seeing someone killed in front of me made me scream but that guy rushed towards me and tied my hands at my back.
" Who are you what are you doing to me " I cried but he ignored me and dragged me out of the pent house that I saw for the first time it was not that huge but it was beautiful.
" Leave me " I shouted but he dragged me out of the house
" Shawn you should hurry up they'll be here soon " a man shouted to him and then I realize his name is Shawn
" Man take care of yourself , see you soon " Shawn said and started to walk towards the car with me . He opened the car door and pushed me on the front seat next to the driver's seat and closed the door behind me .
I started kicking the door but he ignored it and adjusted himself on the driver's seat.
Now I was more scared about who this Shawn guy is. I was okay with Zack cuz I knew he will not kill me but this guy Shawn looks like he'll kill me if I did any mistake.
" I fucking want to get out of this car " I shouted and he ignored again . He was giving no fucks but I can feel how angry he is the way he is holding the stairing wheel .
" You idiot can't you hear me " I screamed in his ear but he covered my eyes with a harsh piece of cloth so that I can't see where he is taking me .
I kept on trying to untie my hands ,I was frustrated . It has been 2 hours in the car and I was wondering where he is taking me , I was silent the whole time scared that he'll hurt me but now it was getting over my head .
" You know what you're really a mother fucker , no no you are a sister fucker " I shouted and he stopped the car.
" Your sister should be treated the same as you are treating me " I shouted again
" Shut up " he spoke calmly
"Ahhh stop it and tell me who the fuck are you " I shouted frustrated
" shut up yourself or I know how to shut this small mouth of yours my way" he spoke in anger
" I'm not going to shut up do whatever you wanna do " I shouted back
" You're gone now " he said and I hear a sound of opening and closing of the door then he opened my door and gripped my upper arm harshly dragging me to somewhere.
" Good evening sir " I heard people saying as he was dragging me with no sympathy, he opened a door again this one sounded more like a door of a room , he closed the door behind him and started to untie my hands and cloth over my eyes .
My hands were free and i saw his beautiful face close to me as the cloth from my eyes fell down. He went back and stand in front of me .
" Now say what you were saying before " he said rolling his sleeves up to his arms but I was lost looking at his face , his hazel brown eyes were looking at me for an answer but I forgot what to say .
"Speak " he shouted making me jump I don't want him to think that I'm scared of him so I spoke " Don't you dare keep me in this cage or my dad will show you the worse "
He laughed on my words .
" Do you even know what all could have happen with you tonight " he questioned
" Whatever it was, it was better than this shit " I shouted
" Now I think I should have left you there getting fucked by Zack " he spat
" You didn't help me I would have run out of there myself " I said
" Ohh so that's why you were screaming under Zack for help " he replied . Now he was getting into my nerves so I decided to stop arguing with him .
" Go and change your father will not like you in this dress " he said and I wonder how he knows about my dad now
" How do you know my father ?" I questioned
" We can talk about it tomorrow go and get some sleep now " he said and walked out of the room.
I was also feeling sleepy so I slipped in some decent clothes and placed myself on the soft bed .

My bodyguard Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now