Keeps you up at night

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(A week before 4x2)

It was 3 weeks since Robert and Andy decided to separate. Tough on both of them so the team decided to cheer them both up. Andy went out with Maya and Vic. Robert went out with Travis and Ben. Vic
Had arrived at Maya and Andy's place. "You guys ready?" "Almost!" Maya said. "Listen guys I really appreciate this but tonight I don't wanna talk about what happened with my mom, my dad, or what happened with Robert." "Alright but you won't even be thinking about any of that tonight." Maya said. "Yeah tonight it's gonna be nothing but fun." Meanwhile with Travis, Ben, and Robert they went out for some drinks "I just wanna thank you guys for taking my mind off some things." "It's no problem man, when me and Miranda separated the first time it was hard. I ran a lot but none of it helped. Miller and Gibson had my back help get me through it. So we're here to do the same." "Yeah, well I just came for the drinks." Travis said. Back with the Girls "So Maya how are things with Carina?" "Better than ever. She finally forgave me for sleeping with Jack. Now I'm working on winning her trust back." Maya said. "Whatever happened to your hot doctor lover Vic?" "Not lover anymore." "Still hot though." Maya said "yeah." "Wait do you guys see that?" Up ahead was a car accident. "We should go check it out. So they got out the car and found a car wrapped around a tree. "I'm gonna go check it out." Vic said she got on the drivers side of the car and said, "Hi, my names Vic I'm a firefighter. Are you guys okay." "Help! My wife and kid are back there and I've been calling them but haven't heard a response." Okay I'm gonna call someone to check on her. So maya and Andy went to the back and checked on the kid and wife. "Hey uh Travis can you send a aid car we were on the way out and we found a car wrapped around a tree the mom and daughter aren't awake." Maya said. "That's bad, we'll be there soon." "Okay don't worry we just sent an ambulance here everything's gonna be okay." Andy said "hey mommy how you doing?" Maya said. She started to move a little while Vic checked on the little girl. "Hey sweetie what's your name?" "My names- she started seizing "where's that damn ambulance?" Andy shouted a couple mins went by of them trying to control the seizing until finally the aid car pulled up "Hey uh Andy sorry I didn't know you'd be here." Robert said. "No it's fine we can work together can we?" Andy said "We did it before." "I thought you called Travis?" Vic said to Maya. "Yeah I did." "Me Travis and Ben were getting drinks." Robert explained. So they got the saw and cut the car door open pulled the girl that was seizing and pulled the mom out the. They got the dad out and drove to Grey-Sloan. They all got out and the residents admitted the patients. "Uh Robert could I speak to you for a second?" Andy said "sure." "What's up?" "I just wanted to know if you were okay I mean it's been 3 weeks since I saw you just wanted to know how were you doing?" "I'm fine, doing better. The house is pretty quiet. Where are you staying?" "I'm kinda just jumping house to house, I think Travis' tonight." "You know you can stay at the house Andy, it's your place too." "I don't know. It might be too much." "I think we both have enough self control to stay separated and live in the same place." Robert said. "You know what you have a point I'll come by later."

Later that night
*doorbell rings* "hey come on in." "I got the guest bed set up for me, and you can sleep in the master bedroom." "Robert, are you sure I don't wanna- "nonsense Andy I'm fine in there." "Are you sure?" "Yes." Robert got a cup of coffee and passed Andy one as he started sipping on his coffee Andy said, "Do remember the night at the bar?" "I remember it clearly I don't really think you remember." "Why were you there anyway? You don't usually go to bars." "Ripely. He wanted me to get out more. I miss him." "Yeah I can relate, I miss Ryan sometimes." "I think you and I are alike in that way." Robert said "In what way?" "Like we both lost our best friends and we both lost our parents. Well besides your mom." "As for as I'm concerned I don't have a mom." A couple mins went by of them talking and laughing until they finished there coffee. While Robert was washing the dishes Andy started plying some music. "You remember this song?" "Yeah, when we were salsa dancing." "Wanna try it again?" Andy said. Robert hesitated and then did it anyway they were dancing and Robert twirled her around and pulled Andy closed they both leaned in each lingering for a kiss, Robert kissed Andy and she kissed him back until Andy pulled away saying, " I knew this was a bad idea." "What?" "Coming here spending the night? I can't do that it's bringing back up to much memories!" "Andy, we separated for my sobriety trust me I'm fine and far away from thinking about doing that again." He grabbed Andy's hand and said "I'm fine baby, can we just finish dancing?" "You sure?" "Yeah look." Robert dance with Andy and dipped her around.

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