Apartment building

547 17 1

Station 19
1 shift later
Roberts POV
6:35 Am

I walked out of Andy's bunk figured she'd need space from me I've decided I'm done with the drugs. I'm not an addict I just needed to use the drugs to get through there morning. I need something stronger than what Dr.Korascick gave me. I should talk to Dr. Shepherd instead. I drove to the hospital to check up on Rigo. I need to report what happened. Andy told me Jack was sleeping with Vasquez's wife and Vasquez didn't listen to Gibeson after told him to stand down. Dr. Bailey said Rigo made it out of surgery okay. My appointment with Dr. shepherd isn't until 10am so I went back to the station to get some paper work done. I saw Bishop doing line up and saw Andy go into the turnout room, I think I should check on her. "Herrera, I wanted to know how you're doing?" "The blizzard was a really emotional night for all of us, it was my first time delivering a baby and you know my dad. I'm gonna go get some chores done." "Andy, I'm sorry about before. You sure you okay to work today?" "I'm good Chief." I think I'll tell her about my appointment later when she's not mad at me.

Andy's POV
9 Am
The last thing I wanted my Dad to do was go back to work. And here he is helping Warren with the PRT. I hate he kept this from me, and I hate how Robert knew and didn't tell me. *sighs* just calm down. I want to forgive him but I can't help but think why would he keep this from me. He kept his leg from me, he kept his injury from me. What else is he hiding. How am I supposed to trust him when all these new things keep popping up. God I need to talk to someone about this. Maybe I should go find Vic. Andy searched the house for Vic, she finally found her polishing the engine. "Hey Vic, how's it going?" "Hey Herrera Yea it's good. Besides the fact my landlord kicked me out and I kinda been just living at Jackson's without him knowing and it's not like he'll notice his place is huge." "So, you're good right?" Vic laughs and sighs. "Is that bad?" "Yea, kinda. But I'm in no place to give relationship advice so." "Oh yea you and Sullivan, how is that by the way." "We'll it was going great until I found out he knew about my dads cancer and just decided not to tell me. And the whole reason I'm not captain is because my Dad asked him to pick someone else. Oh crap, really?" "Yeah. I just don't know what to do about it." "Well isn't it really your Dads fault and not Sullivan's?" " Yeah, but I'm not gonna waste any more time being mad at my dad. I just wanna enjoy whatever time he has left." "Wow, well we're a mess. I've got just the thing." "What?" "We're gonna throw a party. Maybe not at the house boat because Dean just had a baby." "Well I moved out of Mayas and asked Jack if I could stay with him. I think we could throw it there." "Yeah, ok and we could invite all of 19." Ladder 19, Engine 19, aid car 19 PRT 19 assistance at 46338 landy lane!

They arrived on the scene there was a collapsed apartment building. Captain of station 45 filled Bishop I'm saying they were able to drill a entrance in to find the people that were inside. "Herrera, Hughes get in there and do a primary sweep!" Bishop yelled "Montgomery, Gibson set up a triage center and treat the Vics. Smith, Finch you're on search and rescue. Let's move 19!" Meanwhile with Montgomery and Jack: "Hey I'm Lieutenant Jack Gibson, what's your name?" "Natalie." "Hi Natalie can you tell me what happened?" "Me and my friends Janice and Katie we're watching a movie when we heard the building rumbling so I told them let's leave but they didn't believe me. By the time I got outside the building collapsed. I don't know if there okay." Natalie said breaking down. Captain there's some kids in there, names Janice and Katie they were in the building when it collapsed." "So were half the people in that building Gibson. We're all doing the best we can on finding them." "Yeah, well your best isn't enough." Jack finished up and was going to get up when Travis stopped him. "Jack, is there someone inside you know?"  "Yea Marsha." "Marsh who?" "A women I saved her on Christians eve last year, we've been hanging out after shift and I called on the way here but I don't know if she was home at the time. And we just, we need to go inside and help all those people." "No Jack, we need to stay out here and treat all the people that were injured." About 45 minutes went by everyone was treated when Jack got up and asked, " You got everything covered?" "Yeah, why?" Jack took off. "Jack? Jack? Jack!" Travis calmed out but it was no use he was already in the building. "Captain Jack ran into the building." "What do you mean he ran into the building? You let him run into the building!" Maya yelled "I didn't let him he just took off!" "Gibson get out and return to Triage." "No can do captain." Jack said searching the building. "Gibson get out now or I will have your ass benched." "Then I guess I'm benched." Jack said moving rubble.

10:48 Am

Back with Sullivan, "So I think we need to get you down to AA meeting." Amelia told him. "An AA meeting, why? I'm not an addict." "Robert, you just told me you've been using just to get through the morning." "Yeah but I- "Robert you might need this you could be putting danger to you, your job, and your co-workers." "Alright, I guess I have time." Robert stood up when he got a alarm "Oh shit 5-alarm fire. I'm sorry I really have to get going." "Ok here.(she hands him a card that has the time frames for the next meeting) I'm expecting you to come to the next one as your doctor I'm advising you." "I'll be there. Thanks Dr. Shepherd." He said as he existed the room. When he arrived at the scene Bishop filled him in and he took over incident commands. "Alright, Herrera, Hughes what's your status?" "Okay Chief we got two teenage girls there legs are pinned under some large rubble.We need more people to lift it or something to break it." Vic said. Robert was going to send more in when Maya rapped him and said, "Sir it would be a hazardous risk to send more firefighters in. We could try giving them there Ax's and a drill." "Thanks Bishop, Montgomery you and Gibson go in there and give Herrera and Hughes the equipment and tools they need." "Uhm Sir, Gibson ran inside." "You let him run inside with no backup no proper gear?" "Sir I tried to stop him but he just took off." "Okay, Bishop and and Montgomery go inside bring Gibson out and give the tools to Hughes and Herrera." "Yes, Captain." Bishop said. And soon her and Montgomery had went inside.

Inside the building
A couple hours later
Bishops POV

See I know I'm supposed to have other things on my mind but I can't help but wonder what Andy's hiding from me and why would she move in with with Jack? She could die inside this building and I'll never know her secret. And she'll never know about Carina and God I really wanna tell her about Carina. "You good, Captain?" "Yeah, you know what I'm fine.  Expect for the fact I miss my best friend and I can't tell her about this amazing women I'm seeing because she won't speak for me if it's not work related." "It's okay." "No it's not okay Trav she could die right now and I'll never know what she's hiding from me." "Okay why don't you tell me and I'll tell you the craziness happening in my life." "Okay, so I met this OB at Joes bar. And she's perfect Travis she's literally so perfect I don't know what I did to deserve her but I got her." "Wow, congrats, I'm really happy for you captain." "Thanks, so what's going on with you?" "I slept with this guy and he's gay but he's in the closet, and turns out he's got girlfriend and he cheats on her with other guys, plus turns out her works in the department so I'm stuck seeing his face constantly." "We'll thanks for not telling me his name and outing him. All you can really do for him is wait till he's ready to to come out. You don't wanna force him to come out." "Thanks captain, I really needed to here that. There were walking a bit more when they say Vic. "Guys? We're over here!" Andy called out. "Have you guys seen Gibson?" Montgomery asked. "Wait Jack's in here?" Andy said. "Yeah, he ran in here." "Well can you guys help us with this" (pointing to the large piece of rubble on the girls legs.) Vic asked. "yeah sure." About 16 minutes later they finally got the rubble off Travis and Maya went back to searching for Jack when they heard screaming "No! It's not fair!" Jack screamed as some rubble went flying. "Jack? Jack? Talk to me. What happened?" Maya said "she's been crushed she's not moving! Help me move her!" Maya helped and Travis checked her pulse. "Jack there are a million reasons why she's not moving. We need to get her and you out of her right now." Maya told him "No! It's not fair!" He said again kicking some rubble. Travis picked her up and took her out. Maya escorted Jack out. They hooked her up to some things and the aid car took her away Robert went to Jack and said "Gibson you pull that shit again you'll be benched for weeks." Maya walked up to him and said, "I'm benching you anyway that shit you did in there, you need to talk to someone. A therapist you're benched until you're cleared." "What? You know what that's not fair." Jack said. "You're lucky I don't have you're ass fired. First Rigo then your insubordination, now this." "I don't believe this." Jack said storming off. Soon Andy and Vic came with the two girls. Vic went back inside when the building rubbled again closing off the entrance they drilled leaving Vic on the other side. "Hughes? Hughes what's your status?" Robert said into the radio. There was silence on the radio for a minute. "I need a APB our on a missing firefighter!" Robert yelled.

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