What now?

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Grey Sloan
9 am

"Andrea are you ready?" Pruitt asked. "Ready as I'll ever be." Andy said. he took her to Mayas house she went inside put on a black dress and some black shoes she fixed her hair, put on some makeup and walked out. When the funeral ended Andy wanted nothing more but to bury her head in work but she couldn't return till a month. So she asked Sullivan could she stay on desk duty. She needed something to keep her occupied. Meanwhile: *phone rings* "Hello?" "Robert? It's me Pruitt." "I'm worried about Andy. She might tell you she's fine but she isn't at the funeral I saw the look on her face. The same look on her face she had when her mother died numb. She went numb didn't eat,sleep or anything and the one person that could bring her back from that just died. So please keep an eye out for her." "Thanks Captain Herrera I'll keep an eye out and try to help her."

Station 19

*phone rings* "Robert I swear to God if you don't pick a Captain for station 19 I'll come down there and Captain it my damn self." "Actually I have someone in mind." "Who? Herrera?" "No, uhm Lieutenant Bishop." "Well alright have her stop by headquarters for her bugles and new uniform." "Yes chief will do that." "Bishop, my office!" Robert shouted "yes sir?" "I'm recommending you for captain of station 19. Unless you have any objections." "No sir. I won't let you down sir." As maya leaves Sullivan's office she runs into Andy "what just happened?" Andy asked. "Andy, you should talk to Sullivan." The next shift Dixon comes in and announces Maya as the new captain. Andy walks away aggravated. Sullivan sits next to her and says, "Andy there was a lot to consider in this decision. You only get one shot at the job. one shot to impress, one shot to improve, I thought you should take some time to process your grief." "Process my grief? Robert I'm fine." "Andy, you and I both know you're more than capable for this job." "Than why can't I have it?" "*sighs* Its a lot more complicated than that. I gave the job to Bishop because she's the most fit person for it right now. One day you will be captain of 19, just not today." Andy rolls her eyes and walks away.

Deans boathouse
9:35 pm

"Andy could we talk?" Vic asks. "Sure." They walk out to the deck and Vic closes the door "Uhm I know about you and Sullivan." "What- What are you talking about?" "When you were in the hospital Sullivan looked like he was feeling exactly what I was feeling when Ripley was in the hospital. I put two and two together and I won't tell anyone. So if you need someone to talk to about I'm your girl." "Thanks Vic." They hug and Andy reaches for the knife and starts to cut up the veggies all angry like "Sullivan has the nerve to give my job to bishop because I'm grieving?like that excuses anything. It doesn't. If anyone's earned that job it was me. I was promised the job I earned the job and just like that, poof it's not mine." "Yeah I'm just gonna take that from you." Vic slowly grabs the knife from Andy. "*sighs* well other than that I'm fine. So what's going on with you and Jackson." "Everything's great so far. You know we're still kinda in the honeymoon part of the relationship." "Yeah." Andy and Vic talked some more till eventually Andy decided to go home but didn't really have a home to go to she didn't wanna go home to Robert and she sure as hell didn't wanna see Maya so she called Jack. "Hey jack I was wondering if I could crash at your place?Just for the night." "Uhm Yea sure Andy you know my doors always open for you."

Roberts house
Roberts POV

Hmm I wonders where's Andy. Well I knew she'd be mad but maybe she's at her and Maya place. No she wouldn't be there considering Maya now has the job I promised her. God I wish Pruitt would just tell her the truth instead of me covering for him. Maybe I should text her. "Hey uhm just checking on you are you okay?" Nah delete maybe " hey where are you?" Nope okay uhm "hey your dad told me to check on you, How are you?" "I'm fine just sleeping at a friends." Maybe she's sleeping at Dean's or Vic's well at least I know she's safe. "By the way I think Vic knows about us. She saw me going stir crazy while I was in the hospital." I should probably just let her know in case Vic does know. "Oh ok thanks for the heads up." A couple minutes later Roberts starts to feel a rush of pain all of a sudden "damnit! Where's my prescription?" He grabs the bottle and takes 2 pills, drinks some water. he was unable to make it up the stairs so he just slept on the couch.

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