Letter 37

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Returning to Avonlea for Christmas seemed to be exactly what Gilbert and Anne needed after the turbulent year they had both had, and to their surprise, Hannah agreed to accompany them on the journey, and Anne was certain that her friend would have a comfortable place to stay at the Blythe house. Considering that Jerry had taken in some of his younger siblings to also stay on at Green Gables, the house could not comfortably house one more person. Gilbert poured his time into reading medical journals, and Anne liked to let her dance over the page to find exciting words. "It is exactly as I remember it" Hannah spoke for the first time.

Breaking out of her mind, Anne smiled as they arrived on Prince Edward Island. "Things have a strange way of staying exactly the same and being completely different all at the same time." Charlottetown had the same buildings and old trees, the station still smelt like old tobacco smoke and sweat, almost as if the smells had merged into the red brick stone walls. But it wasn't the same, Aunt Jo had passed and while Cole still kept the house up and was able to maintain its staff with his inheritance and the sale of his artwork, the magic of the house seemed to have gone with her. Lost to the wind and carried to the land where she hoped her parents would be too. Even Green Gables seemed to be a husk in itself, with the passing of Mathew. 

At her words, Gilbert rubbed the back of her hand with his thumb, the three travellers seemed like an odd set, but they all were at heart the same. All had lost their families at too young an age, and all having to face the memories of the past that always flooded them as they would pull into Avonlea station. It was not lost on Anne, that both reasons why she was compelled to go to Toronto were sitting in the train next to her. "Hannah, let me help you with your luggage" Gilbert offered as the coachman started offloading the bags, Gilbert picked up the heavest ones and pulled them behind them as they went in search for Elijah in the wagon.

"I'll get that doctor" a familiar voice offered, making Gilbert sigh in relief. After taking a break from farm work he found his arms were not as strong as they used to be. "Elijah, this is Annes close friend Hannah, she will be staying with us" Gilbert introduced.

"Pleased to meet you miss" Elijah lifted his worn cap of of his head and gave a soft smile. He assisted the lady up on the step much to everyone's surprise. Elijah was not known to be a gentleman. Gilbert helped his wife up and they settled in for a soft ride to the stone home. "I bet you wont recognise Delphine, the girl got a set of lungs just like her mother alright" he started.

"Well I am glad, I am sure she has Mrs Lacriox busy then." Anne added with a soft smile. With the whole of Avonlea tending to the child every need, it was no surprise that little Dellie did not turn out to be more spoilt. Apart from her love to mutter to herself, which Anne found comfort noting, the girl was as kind and cheerful as could be. "And yourself, I hope you are finding a home here too Elijah" Anne added quickly. 

He cleared his throat and nodded "Yeah, its growing on me alright" he chucked.

"Well, Avonlea has a way of doing that to you. I didn't think I could belong anywhere or to anyone until I came here." she smiled, her eyes catching the lake of shinning waters in the horizon. Her heart let out a painful ache in memory of Mathew, but after a soft moment and a cold breeze, she couldn't help but smile. Even as it was covered in snow and ice, the lake looked beautiful and it seemed to gleam and giggle in the sunlight. She was glad that her memories were strong enough to make the sadness take a back seat. She observed Hannah in that moment and watched as her dark brown eyes darted around the place. Anne knew that look and pulled her coat tighter around herself. She was looking for signs of her family, of her parents. 

Anne wanted to pull her friend to her chest and whisper. I understand. I really do. But for some reason the words would not appear on her lips. As the stone house appeared before them Elijah broke the silence with a hault of the wagon "I hope you are all hungry, she hasn't stopped cooking since she got your letter". The half frozen travellers hurried into the house and out of the fading light and were welcomed with the sweet smell of a home cooked meal and warmth.

"Welcome home Mrs Blythe" Gilbert kissed her head as they removed their coasts and scarves, before disappearing to find Delphine. Hannah hadn't unraved her coats and stood awkwardly at the door. 

"Welcome home" Anne smiled. And for the first time Hannah smiled back, before removing her coat and taking Annes hand to walk inside. The room full of people was new for Hannah but, seeing everyone of different skincolours made her realise that she would be welcome here. A tear rolled down her check as she took the sight in. Gilbert on the floor ticking baby Delphine, Marillia and Mrs Lacroix bringing steaming posts of food in and Elijah and Sebastian teasing Gilbert without shame. Hannah met Annes gaze again, and took a step in.

"Thank you for having me, please call me  Ka'kwet"

This chapter almost made me cry to write. I did reading into the history of the indigenous peoples in Canada, and it made me realise how much of that history I did not know. I highly recommend going out of your way to read more about the schooling system that Ka'kwet was forced to go through. 

Also on a more personal note as POC writer, I really wanted this chapter to be about her taking back her identity and defining herself. What a beautiful charecter. 

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