Letter 17

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Anne never imagined travelling so far away, and yet. There she was, standing in the centre of Toronto. "What do you think?" Gilbert asked, knowing that everything seemed completely foreign to Anne.

"Isn't it wonderful" she breathed and watched the many people going about their daily business "Isn't it wonderful that we live in a world where places like this exist?"  she added with a smile. Miss Stacy seemed to be breathing it in as well. Gilbert could see the carriage that would take him to the other side of town. 

"Unfortunately I really must be going. But I will see you tomorrow evening" Gilbert added smiling sadly. Miss Stacy and Anne wished him well and watched him get taken away. Somehow the idea of Gilbert leaving them seemed to be an idea and not a reality, the act of it caught her by surprise. His departure spurred the excited ladies towards their host's home which was a block away. The tall buildings and fashionably dressed women made Anne's heart sing, so many bright colours and flamboyant dressing. Everyone seemed to be individually fashioned, and so Anne did not feel out of place at all.

They were to stay in a beautiful red-bricked townhome, and Miss Stacy was swept by her feet by a very dark-haired woman "I was wondering when you would arrive Muriel, and you must be Anne. Please do come in out of the cold" Emily Oak beckoned, her energy pulled them in and made them feel at home as they stepped in. The home was beautifully decorated, even the entry room was riddled with beautiful trinkets. This was a world away from Green Gables.

They found themselves tucked into the sittingroom, with its walls decorated with medical books from the floor to the ground. "How is your research going Emily?" Miss Stacy asked.

"Gruellingly slow unfortunately. It seems that old men do not care to listen to little women" she joked with a shrug of the shoulders "But with some advantageous friendships, I should be able to get some of my ideas tested at last" she piped in. Anne suddenly found herself at a loss of words, surrounded by such educated women. "And what about yourselve's and finding yourself in the big city. It has taken me many an attempt to lure Muriel to the city, Anne you must share your ways" she leaned forward and widened her eyes in emphasis.

With a nervous laugh Anne answered politely "An Article I wrote from our school newspaper, well my former school, has been accepted to be published in the Global, and Miss Stacy was kind enough to accompany me" Anne ended with excitement.

"And what, pray I ask, has interested such a grand paper?" dusting the crums of the buisciut off her lap she leaned back in listening.

"The residential schools that indigenous children are sent to. They are keeping a dear friend of mine locked inside one in Charlottetown and so I wrote about my experience in their village as well as travelling with her parents to visit the school." she explained. 

"Golly, what a tale, I shall be sure to pick up a copy once it is released, did you not mention that another of your students had found themselves here as well?" she asked, "A Gilbert... mm what was his name again?" she pushed.

"Blythe" Anne added instinctively before Miss Stacy could speak. Blushing and taking a quick sip of her tea, she allowed Miss Stacy to continue.

"Yes, Gilbert Blythe, he has told me he is doing well at the university and has even been invited to meet some distinguished doctors as he describes" she laughed.

"Golly, yes. I thought that might have been him. I had attended Robert Walker's gathering before Christmas, and there was just that name. Quite well versed in innovative medicine for his age might I say" Emily added. "Now I am glad to have extended an invitation for dinner tomorrow night. How exciting" she added. "Now what else shall keep you ladies entertained whilst you are here?" Emily asked towards her dear friend.

"I think we shall soak in some culture and museums. I have heard the new museum of Canadian art is magnificent" Miss Stacy added. To which her friend laughed happily to. It was obvious that she would spend her time in museums and wandering around the city. "Then the meeting in the newspaper in two days".

"You look too happy to be returning to this hell-hole" Earnest mentioned as Gilbert strode into his shared room. He had been a world away from the antics of his roommate, that he had almost-half forgotten the type of person he was.

"And hello to you too Earnest" Gilbert laughed back, setting his things on his unmade bed. Knowing how busy intended to be, he set about unpacking and making himself at home "how was your holiday?" Gilbert asked as he neatly restacked books on his little table.

"How do you think it went? I had to endure weeks of my family boasting about different women I ought to be marrying. And they apparently want grandchildren as I graduate" he paused for emphasis "I graduate in 4 months" he sighed dramatically. "It is physically impossible." Gilbert could see the conundrum he was in but paid it little attention. At least thoughts of creating a family with Anne did not fill him with existential dread as it appeared to have done for his friend. "You still did not answer my question Blythe" he pointed laying on his bed again, in the same position that Gilbert had found him in.

"Well, my...." he paused "the lady I am courting is in Toronto for the week" he explained feeling awkward. It was very strange introducing Anne like that, they had always ever been friends and then not friends, but it never required the need to place labels on what they were. Earnest was shocked to hear Gilbert, the studious one mention courting, shocked to the point that he sat up instantly.

"Well, may God save you both" he shook his head and flopped back down in shock. On walking to the eating hall, Gilbert was surprised to spot a collection of letters in his mailbox. Anne was the one who would correspond with him, but after being in Avonlea for so long, it seemed unlikely. Flicking through them, he spotted return addresses for Toronto and  sighed in relief.

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