Letter 5

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After being invited to his professors' event, Gilbert would have never considered that it would be like this. Away with formalities, students and established academics, even artists huddled together in small groups debating "Ahh Blythe, come here son, there is someone I want you to meet" he beckoned, knowing no one else, Gilbert gladly followed suit.

He was led towards a dark-haired man who stood chatting and sipping at his cigar. "Robert, meet Gilbert Blythe, a very interesting student of mine. Wrote a paper on the use of herbal medicines to accelerate healing and reduce infections" he explained, it seemed that the professor knew more about Gilbert's assignment then he did. The man seemed impressed and extinguished the cigar.

"Very interesting indeed, there is a great movement towards reconnecting with herbal medicine in France you know, I just finished my research there. Indeed, if nature can provide the basic tools that can be enhanced by medicine, then by-golly why not" the man was very passionate about his topic and as was Gilbert.

"Indeed, it was in fact native people who pointed it out to me. But unfortunately, I find that attitudes towards indigenous peoples a great hurdle in understanding more about herbal medicines. For people who live on the land, they do appear to be exceptionally healthy" Gilbert added.

"Yes yes," the professor grouched, "which is why if you want to get anything done, one must go to France or Europe. I find attitudes to be exceptionally tolerable, especially if one is able to speak the native language, are you fluent in French sir?" he asked.

"Unfortunately, not but in consideration, I had better learn shan't I?" Gilbert joked, bringing the audience around the group into laughter.

The man nodded in satisfaction to Gilbert's nature, he could ultimately tell that he was a hardworking and pleasant minded young man, who seemingly had broad horizons. "Say, if you come by my office for luncheon, I would be more then glad to share my latest research with you, I would be most interested in getting a fresh mind to provide their perspective" Robert added. "And please call me Robert, everyone dose" he added.

"Pleasure to meet you, Robert. Did you spend a lot of time in France sir?" he asked again. Robert's life seemed to be exactly one that Gilbert aspired to follow. In fact, it seemed reassuring that the prospect of France was still plausible even without going to the Sarblond. The conversation continued on a pair of armchairs, with each man sipping at a glass of wine and snacking on a variety of cheeses and biscuits. It was discovered that Robert Walker originated from southern England, where his family moved to Canada just before he attended the University of Toronto. Robert then married a woman and is now the father of five children, reminding Gilbert of his once large family. He paused to remember them, staring at the red liquid in his cup. Fortunately, he broke out of his trance when he was introduced to many more medical professionals. As the evening broke to a close, Robert passed Gilbert a messily written note, inviting him to lunch on Saturday and his address.

The streets of Toronto were again met with silence as Gilbert made his way to the university dorm, it was moments like this with the flickering lights and calm sky, could he clear his mind and submerge himself into a series of memories that he would otherwise not have time for. Fortunately, his mind flickered to happy thoughts of Anne's first letter. But I do believe that once our paths cross again, we will meet again in the sweet air of Avonlea. That he hoped became fact sooner rather than later, but there was no way of him visiting and returning in time for classes again. And so, here he was stuck between wanting to stay here amongst the genius and unfamiliarity of Toronto life and wanting to go back to his childhood home.

Gilbert returned back to the dorm just before midnight and passed his letterbox to check if he had received another letter. And sitting there in the darkness two cream-coloured envelopes sat. The first one, he could tell was most likely Sebastian from the handwriting, and to his delight, the second had been from Anne. The only light came from the lights in the hallway, and so before reaching his room he tore open Anne's letter;

Do you ever wonder if our parents are looking down at us?

Yes Anne, all the time he thought. It was difficult sometimes to have regular conversations with people when the topics of family, parents and siblings often came up. But the last thing Gilbert ever wanted was to feel pity. He didn't want anyone to ever pitty him, not after the wonderous childhood he had had with his family when they were alive. All of the laughter, the games and the affection engrained into memory. He didn't want to tarnish that memory ever. But Anne's position was special, because being alone with no parents, he did not feel alone because he had Anne, and she understood that difficulty more than anyone. The thought of that provided Gilbert with a sense of weightlessness that he had never experienced before.

Reading the letter further he leaned further on the wall, what she was saying, he had imagined that she had never told any of that with anyone. In fact, the strong personality she shared on the outside seemed to be ripped into shreds and thrown away. But the letter made him smile as well. This was the Anne he had come to know and all the time before she was protecting herself. But somehow in the letters, it was as if they were children again. As if they had thrown a blanket over themselves in protection and spent the night upon nights in secretive whispers. Gilbert desperately wanted to reply, and so sneaking into his room, he collected his papers and envelope and managed to find a candle and sit on a clean table in the mess hall.

Dearest Anne,

Thank you for being so honest with me. In fact, your letter came at exactly the right moment, when I needed to remember who I was doing all of this for. You asked if I ever wonder if our parents are looking down at us? And I believe that is exactly true.

I think that in everything that we do, they are beside us providing us with reassurance when we are scared and hope when we need it most. I wanted to be a doctor because I could not bear to see more people get taken by illnesses and feel helpless to not knowing what I could do to stop it. And perhaps you are the only person in the world who knows this about me because like you, I try my hardest to stay strong and calm on the outside. In fact, after you came – or might I say fell – into my life, I have had a sense of hope, because our childhood was riddled with misfortune, and yet we both managed to find the beauty and make it to greener pastures.

And so, as I like to think of it, our paths have already crossed multiple times, forming a spider's web of hope and memories and promises for brighter futures. So, please for me, think more highly of yourself because from my eyes, you are an exceptionally beautiful, witty, smart, considerate and passionate person (with the most wonderous red hair). And that, I might add to be quite bold, have the pleasure of forming strong attachments to.

Life in Toronto is brightened by your package of toffees and letters, and I am at least happy to add that I have settled into the routines of studying and attending classes. One of my professors even invited me to attend a gathering at his house. I was introduced to many medical professionals, whom, after hearing about my assignments and their work have sent further invitations. And so, I hope dear Anne that our letters will be filled with the achievements of us both. Unfortunately, in saying that I will have to add that this might be the last letter I will be able to send until I arrive in Avonlea, as exams are fast approaching.

See you soon and stay safe Anne,

Yours always, GB.

P.S, I have booked tickets to arrive at 6 pm on Wednesday, November 23rd

Gilbert returned to his room to get what seemed like a blink worth of sleep, and attended breakfast with his new friends, all who were teasing him about returning so late the night before. He didn't mind them and slipped away to send his replies to Anne and Sebastian.

I've been working on the next couple of chapters, and they are a lot of fun! Can not wait to update! -rsc

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