Letter 4

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"A letter for you miss" the maid handed Anne letter before she served breakfast. Ever since she grew up at Green Gables and at the orphanage, she was always an early riser. Perhaps it was habit or perhaps it was the wonderous idea of waking up with the day and the trees that Anne liked the most.

Anne gasped in surprise and broke open the letter. It was from Gilbert, but she had only sent her letter not too days ago. Even now, reading the words 'dearest Anne' made her her sing. In fact the letter was so beautifully written that she almost forgot it to be dressed to her. Winter holidays seemed like a lifetime away so she was certain that she had better find other amusements to please her time in the meanwhile. As it were Saturday, Diana's suitor would be visiting. Anne suggested that they receive him at Aunt -Jo's home. All parties including Diana's strict parents seemed excited by the idea as Anne and Diana informed them that their own accommodation would be loud with all the other potential suitors for the other ladies.

Dressing in their finest attire the ladies made their way to the beautifully dressed home. Aunt Josephine and Cole had arranged for tea in the greenhouse which housed beautiful trees and flowers. "I have ever so much to talk to you about" Anne whispered to Aunt Jo as they took their seats. Aunt Jo clasped her hands in delight.

Their guest Henry Millard was a fine looking gentleman and on first glances Anne could not fault the young gentleman. In fact he brought a copy of his favourite book, it being in French, did not pose a threat for Dianna. His strong accent seemed rather charming Anne thought.

"Pleased to meet you all" he smiled. Aunt Jo invited him to sit whilst introducing the rest of their party. "What a beautiful room. Many of these flowers are from India non?" He asked. Dianna and Anne looked over at the older woman expectantly.

"Yes they are, what a fine eye. If you enjoy botany so much, I must ask Dianna to take you around the grounds. I am curious what else you are able to recognise" Aunt Jo suggested politely.

"Anne would you like to join us?" Dianna asked giving Anne the eye.

"No thank you, I was just about to have a look at Coles new artwork. But we shall meet back for tea" Anne added. Dianna needed to give this her best shot and she had to get some much needed advice from Aunt Jo before replying to Gilberts letter.

Cole, Aunt Josephine and Anne went to tour the collection of artwork. "So Anne what is on your mind. Has your suitor responded at last?" She asked.

"He has and he has written the most beautiful of letters. In fact beautiful is not a word that encapsulates how every word was perfection" Anne gasped excitedly holding her hands to her chest.

"Gilbert writing beautiful letters? I doubt it" Cole scoffed playfully, to which e received a stern look from Aunt Josephine and Anne.

"I just find that well, I am very expressive myself in my writing and I just fear that with him being so far and for so long, it will be very uncomfortable" Anne added reluctantly. Bring around Blythe made her even more conscious about herself and her describable 'strange' manors of being. But with the high regard of affections she had towards him, the last thing she wanted for it to be, was strange.

"Well, it will be at first. But you both have the powers to determine the nature of the relationship that you chose to create together. But seeming that you have already taken the first steps towards expressing yourselves I trust that it soon will become more than you imagined it to be". Aunt Josephine's words sank into Anne's mind as they walk slowly down the hall, she wished that it would be as true as she had said. As they reached Coles artwork the conversation focused on how well his artistry had come along. He of course was critical but Anne promised that she had never saw anything more extraordinary.

"My strength is coming back s well. So I am trying to get back my drawing. It is however taking longer than expected" he added with a smile. Being here with Aunt Josephine seemed to be exactly where Cole had needed to be the whole time. And Anne was proud of it.

The tea went undoubtedly well, with Dianna even expressing an invitation for him to visit the boarding house to discuss the book he had gifted her. On watching him go, Anne was keen to observe Dianna's expression, which seemed genuinely filled with joy.

"He seemed nice" Cole added collecting the cups to place back on the tray. On his way back he stole a small piece of toffee from the dish. The small candy gave Anne an excellent idea.

"Aunt Josephine, would it be terribly improper of me to ask if I could take some sweets with me?" She asked hopefully.

"Of course child. I was just about to ask for the cool to pack you both some snacks. Studying must be very tedious work indeed" smiling at that, boxes were filed with the leftover sweets and placed carefully into a satchel.

"Thank you ever so much for today Aunt Josephine" Dianna and Anne mummed as they left her house. They had planned to walk but the old woman would not hear of it and sent them in her carriage.

"We had better hide these in our room or they will be gone before breakfast" Anne joked looking out the window. She had learnt recently that she tended to be overly curious at other peoples affairs, as so was working on controlling herself. But she was painfully curious to hear about what had happened with the mysterious gentleman.

"He seemed ever so nice Anne" Dianna smiled.

"Oh?" Anne grinned back waiting. But Dianna didn't say another word. They returned home and directly to their books. Anne went directly for a paper and ink pen to write Gilbert a reply.

Dear Gilbert Blythe,

Do you ever wonder if our parents are looking down on us? I do not remember mine but I like to think that they are. As i mentioned, I finally found a book of there's and keeping it here with me now reaffirms to me that once upon a time ago, they loved me and were proud to have me as theirs.

It was that haunting thought you see that made me think of myself with such little regard. Because of that thought perhaps and growing up in an orphanage and taking care of families that i never really saw myself as more than anything. Which is why books, reading and my imagination have been so dear to me, because I could think and dream of more and better.

And so, I must confess that this is the first real time that I have had to write about myself. And try to find the words to which i feel. Because after Green Gables and meeting you, I have come to reacquaint myself with the girl, that I hope my parents admired. So I wanted to be completely and utterly honest with you Gilbert.

It is unfortunate that i shall have to return to Avonlea without you, but it appears that our holiday is slightly longer than your own. I have offered to assist Miss Stacy in teaching during that time, and so I hope I will be a good enough teacher. Please let me know when you are to arrive so that I can meet you at the train station. I will of course check on Sebastian, but from what Marilla shares, he is doing very well with his mother and the help from Mary's son.

I have enclosed a few small toffies, which i hope can travel to you safely. Stay well till we meet again.

Your, Anne

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