Letter 16

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Anne was surprised to turn around to see Gilbert in the darkness of the underfloor cellar "You gave me a fright" she breathed. It was the first time he had see her hair in a braid since they were younger, instead of her typical two, her red hair was tucked into one with a cloth ribbon at the end. Anne on the other hand wished she was wearing something more appropriate to be seen in by Gilbert of all people. "Did you need anything?" she asked?

"Well, I was wondering. What you thought of your Christmas gift?" Gilbert asked placing his hands behind his back and walking around what appeared to be an organised cellar. 

"Oh, I loved it. I could not put it down for a single moment. And the pictures were wonderful, I would have never imagined the places looking as they did. I wonder now why Sebastian would choose to settle here instead of the beautiful Caribbean islands" Anne rubbled "It was a wonderful gift thank you" she added quickly. Gilbert had gifted her a book that described the journeys of early explorer's and even added some of the drawings of the places and animals they had seen. He had also given her an empty notebook bound in a red leather casing so that she might be able to keep all her stories in one place. "And the book, it is too wonderful for me to write a thing in it." she added to which he laughed.

"Well, you must use it as you may and when you need a new one we can get you as many as you require" despite being a simple gesture, it meant the world to Anne. It meant that Gilbert wanted her to continue her writing and that above all he supported it. "And what did you think of your gift?" Anne asked. 

Anne had gifted Gilbert, a new fountain pen and a letter-writing set. She had also included something that she had, had grand difficulty keeping to herself. She had spotted the old medicine lady from the Mi'kmaq village. With the help of translation, Anne has asked her more about the herbal medicine that she had been using and their uses. Anne had complied a list of the ingredients, their appliance and use. "It was more than I needed. I was wondering about the honey the Mi'kmaq healer used, but never knew how to find them" he smiled. "Thank you so much" he added.

"Well, it is just a start. The lady mentioned that there are still things in which she does not know. And said that it would take a lifetime for her to show me them all" 

"That's fascinating. I was talking to a doctor in Toronto who mentioned something of the sort" he added.

"Well, I wanted to give you something that could be useful to you" Anne smiled "I am done down here now" Anne added picking up her paper, pen and candle. They made their way up and decided to walk to Dianna's together. Gilbert seemed to need to talk business with Mr Berry. It seemed Dianna was more at easy now that Henry had left and they decided to talk outside so that she could speak freely. Dianna as expected was elegantly dressed, still, after tiding herself up, Anne was certain that their difference was still blindingly evident.

"Do you think you will be happy?"

"Perhaps once we leave Avonlea. My parents and Henry combined is too much for anyone" Dianna laughed. Her answers did not seem to be satisfying Anne and so she continued asking.

"What do you mean Dianna?" 

"I don't think I was ready to talk about weddings just yet is all. I was promised that I could complete my year at college before I marry, and that is still true. But I shall graduate and then marry within the same week" she added. Anne sympathised with her friend, as she was enjoying the idea of being married, but she could see the greatest difference was that of choice. She and Gilbert had talked about marriage and careers and had come to an agreement, but Dianna was not a part of that.

"Well, I shall be determined to see to it that our last months at Queens are spectacular before you are to be married. I shall have much to plan while I am away" Anne added thoughtfully.

"Away?" Dianna asked as she stopped walking. Anne clenched her teeth together, it was originally the plan to discuss her trip to Toronto, but not when her friend was feeling so besides herself. Now she had no choice.

"I have been invited to Toronto to visit the Global newspaper. Mathew and I sent in an article and they would like to publish it." Anne explained. 

"That is such wonderful news" Dianna smiled instantly, trying to push down her jealousy.

"Miss Stacy has agreed to accompany me" she added feeling bad for bringing this up. "I have one predicament of money of course. The trip is quite expensive and so I was trying to come up with ideas to work for it" she added.

"Well, you could come to teach mini May?" Dianna suggested, "she is to start school after the new year and Mama wants to see to it that she is at the top of her class" she added. It did not feel right to take money from her dearest friend and so Anne shook her head.

"That is not why I came Dianna," Anne added pointedly.

"Well, with wedding preparations we are in need of help as well. I think it could be wonderful for us to help each other" Dianna smiled "let's go in before we catch a cold, I think the tea should be ready" Anne followed Dianna in, and with Gilbert still discussing business she sat with Mrs Berry and Mini May for tea. "Mother, we had the most splendid idea" Dianna started before explaining the idea. Smartly, she explained it as her own idea and explained how Anne had experience teaching with Miss Stacy.

"And the Cuthberts could spare you a few days a week?" she asked.

"I am certain of it. I am more than happy to assist" Anne added. 

"And we will of course compensate you for your time. I am certain that whatever you can teach this one will help considerably" she added. Anne breathed a sigh of relief, I would hope so. As if right on time Gilbert and Mr Berry returned, Gilbert seemed to be folding up some paperwork and they both seemed pleased. It appeared they had both done all that they had wanted.

"So, when can we expect another wedding then?" Mr Berry asked settling down and taking a bite of a biscuit. Anne was glad that she had just swallowed her tea and looked towards Gilbert who appeared equally as shocked as she had. "I hear you are to travel to Toronto together?" he pushed.

"Well, Gilbert would like to focus on his education and medicine, and I have been offered a teaching position for a short period with Miss Stacy. Who is accompanying me to Toronto. So, still some time yet" Anne added quickly for the both of them.

"Toronto is it, how marvellous!" Mrs Berry pipped in, "say what calls you to the big city?" she asked curiously.

"Anne has written a work to be published in the Global, and they invited her. Miss Stacy had an aquatiance in Toronto, who shall be their host and guide. I have heard the museums, gallery and theatre are the best in the country" Gilbert added, sharing the talk he had heard before. 

"What a marvellous idea. I do enjoy the city myself" Mrs Berry added at the thought of all the fine things in Toronto.

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