Letter 33

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Dear Diana,

It is not amusing that when you think you will be do close to someone, is it that you seldom see them again. It seems that as soon as we returned to Toronto, he has been so consumed to his work.

You know I am not one to complain. But I find that I cannot discuss these matters with anyone else.

Anne wasnt even sure if she wanted to send the letter, but seeing the words in orint msfe them more real. It felt as if she saw more of Gilbert when they were writting letters to eachother, and it was difficult because she didnt wsnt to be the person who stood in his way. She promised that she would never do that. Picking up the page she slipped it away and looked out the bustling window. Today was not the ssy to be reflecting over her emotions, she was here to write an article about womens liberation. Her interviewee was late and the handful of minutes caused distuption to Annes churrning mind. " Are you from the Global?" A voice asked bringing Anne out of her daydream to focus on the dark haired woman with the velvet tead coat.

"I am, thank you for meeting me" Anne stood up and shook hands with the woman. Sitting back down Anne was glad she had worn one of her new dresses on the occation. It felt strange to meet people in person, but with the topic of the article it made sense for a womans point of view.

"I was not expecting a woman to meet me, it is a nice supprisd. I do apologise for my lateness" she added. Anne shook her head and poured a cup of tea.

"You are a busy woman. I completely understand" Anne added admiting the elegance of the woman. Rosalina Parkinson smiled at the young woman before her, how much talent she must possess to outcompete all the male writers. "My name is Anne Shirley Cuth.." pausing for a moment she cotrected herself "Blythe. I have afew questions for you if ypu dont mind" Rosalina smiled and nodded for her to proceed.

The interview proceeded effortlessley, and while the women spoke they foubd themselves so enrapured with each other. "I am so glad to not be talking to some two faced writer who would nt understand the issues at hand here. We do not want to be viewed as helpless victims, we need to be viewed as active leads in the story. If we are called perry names in the process, then it makes it all the more fun" she admitted. Anne laughed with her before puttibg down her pencil, Rosalina was shocked to see the young writer was married.

"You are a married woman I see?" She admitted shocked.

"Yes, a week ago actually. My husband is training to be a doctor" she added, her heart feeling conflicted.

"How impressive. It us just grand to see that husbands can be forwad enough to not worry about their wives working." She added mlre to herself. Anne wasn't sure how she should take such praise, butnut felt undeserving. When thw women left rhe tea shop, Anne had to rush back home to dress for the evening. They had been invited to a gala dinner at the Robbinsons and she was required to attend. Unsuprisibgly their shared apartmentnwas quiet when she arrived, so she went about dressing herself and doibg her hair. It was only once she fastned her final peice of the necklace did Gilbert return, looking exausted.

"You better sit down" Anne stated quickly before taking his heavy breaifvase and books from his hand. He all but nodded and sat down with a huff, his eyes looked grey and his cheeks flushed. Instinctively she placed a hand on his forehead with a fright.

"You are burning up Gilbert" she stated to herslef before rushing around to get the remidies they would need. Gilbert was undressed and in bed, with Anne dabbing around his body to bring his temprature down, nothing seemed to work and so she raced into the hallway and knocled on their neighbours door.

"Quickly, you need to fetxh a doctor!" The man fumpled and walked oit briskly leaving Anne tonreturn to the room. Her worries seemed in significant compared to seeing Gilbert sleepibg softly on their bed. It felt as if it took the doctor a decade and a half to arrive, and the old man began mumbling to himself as Anne tried to focus on boiling a soup. It felt so hard to focud on anuthing with Gilbert looking so sick.

"What is it doctor?" Anne asked as she watched the old man paxk his things.

"I fear that tonight will be difficult Mrs Blythe. If his symptoms reduce by tonight he shall recover, but the chances of such are very low" he admitted. 

"What can I do?" She asked quickly.

"Bring his temperature down, try get him to eat something" he nodded before walking out. She felt irritation spiral in her brain as she removed her necklace and jewlry and the dress she wore. The ouffy sleaves were not functional for what she needed to do. Slowly she patted his body down to beng his temperature down, his skin felt as if it had been set aflame.

When Gilberts eyes opened she insisted on getting some food ibto him, but he obly managed two spoonfuls of broth and a sip of water. Anne countied meeting his every need and teying every tick she had from her childhood. As the morning came a knock sounded on their door, she sliped into a robe and padded over towards it.

"Whats the matter?" Robert asked seeing Annes tiered and red face. He knew it must be urgent if they did not show up the evrning before.

"He got so sick. His temperature was so high and he fould barely speak" she added her voice stained. He walked in shocked to see the young man he had always considerted to be strong and capable, to be so frail and weakened. It was nice to get another perspective on the matter, as he concluded that Annes efforts had been effective. With a final bow he left her be, and kindly enough had sent back a servant with a selection of food for her and Gilbert. She didnt feel like eating much either.

Perching herself on the edge of the bed she spoke aloud for the first time that day. "Dear Gilbert. My Gilbert. One day we will have children, as many as we like. I am sure that any child will be the smartest and kindest person because they would have you as a father. And you being over protective will have to word of suitors like a worrior knight would bravely guard his castle. And we would grow old, and take walks in the morning and sit by the window in the rain. And in between we would dance" She didnt realise she was grying until she gasped for air and a heavy stream of tears landed on her lap. "We will dance and in the summer read books to each other. In the nights, we would make endless promises, share endless dreams Gil" she promised wiping her face. She reached out to wet the cloth again. He could not die, their story hadn't even started yet. He couldn't leave her in this cold world on her own.

The whole time she wipped her tears and rung the cloth, Gilbert watching through hazy eyes, his ears drinking up all she had to say. He wanted all those things and more with her. Reaching out with all his strength he found her knee and gave it a soft squeeze. Her eyes met his quickly and were relived tonsee him muster a smile.

Reaching over she touched his forehead again relived to feel it cooler. "Lets get you something to eat, you had a long night" she smiled through her tears and returned with some soup and a bun of bread. Relief met her as he ate and finished the soup and roll. At each bite, Gilberts mind chanted, for Anne. It made the act of eating easier to muster.

"Please eat something Anne" he stated for the first time. Her eyes mey his quickly again. Nodding she took his plate and stared at the other food that has come, her stomach had been filled with worry, how could she eat. Picking up a potato with a fork, she chanted. For Gilbert. As she swallowed more bites.

Between the words: Anne with an EWhere stories live. Discover now