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Though the room was somewhat empty, it felt incredibly stuffy. Another meeting had been called, this time by Alpha Adam. It was unexpected, which led all parties that were required to be there, to be apprehensive about the affair. Vincent, Beta Fletcher, Gamma Jaxon were already waiting in the room when Seth and Orion arrived.

The two had undertaken separate forms of mentoring earlier that day. Vincent, his usual training, and Orion had decided to spend some more time with Spiraea and have her explain and immerse her in what pack life was like. It was a fantastic time, and Orion couldn't wait to tell Seth all about what she had seen and done with Spiraea.

Which is exactly what she did when they finally got to spend a couple hours with each other afterwards. They decided to watch a movie together whilst they ate lunch before they had to go back to mentoring with Vincent.

The movie was a lot of fun for both Orion and Seth. Orion was still learning about so many new things and found it peculiar to watch the little people in the box. Which of course prompted Seth to explain that they weren't on the tv, but was a moving picture of a story. Orion enjoyed it a lot and was mildly irritated that they didn't get to finish the movie.

The screens had been set up and they were waiting for a few more Alphas to join the conference. Orion stood next to Seth, sensing the tension in the air. It was almost tangible as it crackled between all those gathered. Something within her sunk, her stomach feeling as if it were doing backflips and not in a good way. Something was amiss, something was happening.

Seth could feel Orion's worry as it coiled inside her, he would be lying if he said he didn't feel the exact same way. His fingers reach out to hers, brushing them ever so gently, the small action lost in the large room.

Orion's heart skipped a beat; she knew Seth didn't like when others saw his affection, he reserved it only for moments that were private, and theirs alone. It warmed her heart that comforting her was important enough to him that he would push past his dislike of PDA. Her fingers threaded through his, squeezing gently in thanks, her thumb brushing soothing strokes on the back of his palm to extend her own comfort to him.

The last Alpha to join, Alpha Sebastian, arrived not too long after and the meeting was underway. It was not like the previous meeting that started off with pleasantries and catching up, Orion also noticed that Adam was not holding his baby daughter so she suspected that this was far more serious than the last time.

Adam's face looked stern and also rather tired, he had dark circles under his eyes and his beard had grown somewhat unkempt. Whatever was going on was definitely stressing him out, Seth surmised, he supposed that since he called a meeting that the thing stressing him out had to be Damien.

"The expansion in Willsden Brook was completed a few weeks ago, and my Delta on the ground has been keeping me up to date on her findings. There were no problems for the first couple weeks." Adam started off, his terse face only becoming more tense. His brows furrowed as he continued to speak. "However, I've just received an updated report that the influx of humans from Damien's pack has suddenly stopped. Considering the number of humans that Luna Spiraea and Marianne's accounts suggested there were, I am rather concerned. I tried to get in contact with Damien himself but there's been no response, I have a feeling Damien is no longer planning on being forthwith with us."

Killian stroked his chin in thought for a moment; it was like a light bulb had flickered in his brain. His tone was solemn as he spoke: "I think it's because he knows your pack is assisting mine. The supplies that both Renee and you sent last week were attacked, and considering the crates carry your insignias, it wouldn't have taken him long to figure it out."

Seth clenched his fist by his side, unable to shake the feeling that this was partly his fault. The feeling of Orion's thumb on the back of his hand, softly caressing his skin cut through the dark thoughts; he could not allow himself to fall into that deep hole. Not now. However he also knew that this was the moment that he had to make up for all the times he hadn't been able to do his duty in the past.

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